Chan Yurou looked at Zhang Tian who was walking in front, and said softly, I don't know how I remembered the previous bet with Zi Yan. Although Zi Yan didn't have a formal fight with Hunyuan Xiaopeng Wang, he was repelled anyway, according to the agreement She needs to be Zhang Tian's concubine.

Thinking of this, she was angry and embarrassed at the same time, her complex mood was all on her face, her eyebrows were tightly knitted, and she was pitiful, making many of the heavenly arrogances of the Immortal Realm who were secretly peeking at it dumbfounded.

The old woman in Ziling Sacred Mountain looked hesitant, and after thinking for a long time, she shook her head and said, "This person is in the limelight right now, and you don't know anyone, so rashly approaching and making friends will make him underestimate our Ziling Sacred Mountain, or Just wait. The road to Tiangu Xiancheng is far away, and it will take half a month for the Nether Ship to appear. There will be many things happening in the middle, and there will always be suitable opportunities."


Cicada Yurou replied with a bit of candor.

On the other side, on the huge ancient coffin pulled by the Quasi-Ling Emperor, the team of the Lingling Immortal Palace, the young cultivator who had found Li Linger before whispered, "Old Ancestor, did you just let her go?"

A grim expression flashed on the face of Ku Ling's ancestor, and he said in a negative way: "I didn't expect this person to be able to kill even the Emperor Shengtian, but I underestimated him, but so what, entered the ancient land of the dead , is the home of my Lingling Immortal Palace, and it will not be easy to kill him at that time? The true spirit of the Invincible Great Emperor must belong to this Emperor!"

At this moment, Zhang Tian suddenly turned his head and glanced, as if it was just a casual glance, but Ku Ling's ancestor was struck by lightning, and his whole body trembled with fear.

It was too terrifying. He seemed to see the terrifying scene of endless corpse mountains and seas of blood in Zhang Tian's eyes. This was the powerful divine soul characteristic of the Juling lineage, and it was definitely not an illusion.

He was horrified and looked at Zhang Tian's back with suspicion. Judging from the flashing picture just now, Zhang Tian must have experienced countless terrifying battles that he could not imagine.

Who is this person? , , .

Chapter 538 Order the city established by the arrogant Immortal Emperor

Two flowers bloom, one branch each.

Zhang Tian set foot on the road to Tiangu Xiancheng, and the ruthless people in the world of Shengyuan also ushered in the day of expedition.

"Report to the Marquis of Nanling, the [-] Nanling army has been assembled on the south bank of the Qinghe River."

In the mansion of the Marquis of Blood, Mu Qiluo, Yan Ruge, and Nalan Ruoxue wore armors of different colors and stood in front of the ruthless man with heroic spirit. After confirming that ruthless people are the main ones, he put aside all his previous achievements and became a subordinate with a correct attitude.

The ruthless man nodded slightly and said: "There are three generals, but before I set off, I still have something to say. This morning, another batch of reports was sent from the Ministry of War. The situation in the Nanling area has deteriorated rapidly. The Great Demon Dao Zongmen took advantage of the situation, and the ancient beasts were raging, and most of the surrounding states and counties were devoured."

Mu Qiluo and the others changed their expressions slightly. If it was a ferocious beast that survived in ancient times, it would be too terrifying, and its strength would be unimaginable. If it could not be eliminated in time, it would be a disaster for the common people.The Nanling area is already desolate, and if it goes on like this, it will really become a dead place in the airspace.

The ruthless man continued: "In this case, the Nanling Army formed by the [-] newly formed troops may not be able to do anything, so I decided to send someone to the secret realm of Kui Niu in Beihai, where there are [-] Kui Niu soldiers. If the brave and elite soldiers can get their help, it will be easier to pacify Nanling."

As soon as the voice fell, Zi Yan immediately rushed to say: "I'll go, let me go, I'll ride the little dragon over, and I'll be there soon."

The last time she wanted to follow Zhang Tian to the ancient land of the corpse, she was depressed, how could she let this good opportunity go.

The ruthless man thought for a while, then nodded and said, "The third sister should be careful along the way, don't be too playful."

She knows very well that with Zi Yan's current combat power and the Frost Sacred Dragon, no force on the entire North Sea coast will be able to keep her, so she is free to be willful.

Mu Qiluo exclaimed: "The Marquis of Nanling still has such a secret force, that's a good thing, the Kui Niu tribe is a natural warrior, and if you put it on the battlefield, you can be one hundred, [-] Kui Niu warriors. It is equivalent to an army of two million, and pacifying Nanling should be between hands."

"Great, I'll go now!"

Zi Yan was afraid that the ruthless man would return, and she moved to the sky above Hou's mansion in a flash.


A huge dragon roar shook the sky and the earth, and the aftermath spread around at a hurricane-like speed. The entire holy city was shocked, and the souls vacated one after another. I wanted to see which demon saint came to the holy capital. It was so full of terror. blood.

It didn't take long for a huge shadow to roar from a distance, countless frosts rose from the ground, and the cold current seemed to freeze the void.

Those spirits that came out, after touching the power of frost, groaned and shrank back, they were already frozen hard, and even when they returned to the body, they felt a biting chill, their faces turned blue, and they secretly said that they were unlucky. .

"Xiaolong, let's go to Beihai!"

Zi Yan turned into a golden rainbow and flew up, bringing out a long golden river, as if a golden dragon passed by and stood on the back of the frost holy dragon.

Seeing this scene, many old monsters who planned to come out and teach the Frost Holy Dragon were startled, and they hurriedly shrank back, secretly thinking that they were lucky.No one in the entire Holy City knew that this was Zhang Tian's favorite little daughter. She was arrogant and self-willed, known as the little witch, and getting into trouble with her would be a disaster.Jing Aishu Novel

Even the Marquis of Wuhou Mansion had a wry smile on their faces, sitting in the hall and letting the little witch ride the Frost Sacred Dragon to fly at a low altitude, making the ice on the ground three inches high.

What can they do? They are also very helpless. Didn't see that the director of the Imperial City Sili Supervisor didn't even dare to open the banning formation, so they could only pray that this little ancestor would leave soon.

Zi Yan rode the Frost Sacred Dragon around the Holy City for three full laps, and finally got tired of playing. With a whimper in the sky, the Frost Sacred Dragon swung its tail with a dragon's tail. No trace.

At the same time, the ruthless man also left the Holy Capital accompanied by Yan Ruge and others, and went all the way to Qinghe, but he didn't think that the Seventh Prince had already waited there with a luxurious frame.

Seeing the arrival of the ruthless man, the seventh prince immediately took the initiative to greet him, and said warmly, "I heard that the Marquis of Nanling intends to leave the camp today, this prince specially came to send them off, and also sent [-] sets of black gold armor and [-] bright silver guns. , I also hope that the Marquis of Nanling will not refuse."

But it was the seventh prince who saw that the ruthless man was indifferent to the virtuous concubine's head that he had given him, and knew that he had done something bad and rushed to remedy it.

Nalan, who followed the Ruthless Man, couldn't help taking a deep breath. She had worked in Lingbao Pavilion for many years and knew the prices of these armors very well.With the approval of the Beihai Alliance, she had already allocated a batch of advanced equipment to the [-] Nanling Army, but all the equipment added together was not worth as much as the [-] sets of Xuanjin armor.

It must be known that this mysterious golden armor is woven from real gold thread, and it can be formed after being tempered by the refiner with ground fire day and night for nine, nine and eighty-one days. Not to mention [-] bright silver guns.I'm afraid that just these two things will be able to hollow out most of the seventh prince's fortune.

The ruthless man's eyes lit up, and he didn't bother to care what the seventh prince's intentions were, and nodded cheerfully: "Then thank the seventh prince for his kindness."

The seventh prince seemed to be relieved, and said cheerfully: "The Marquis of Nanling is polite, the border is urgent, and this prince will not waste your time, so I wish the Marquis of Nanling to win the banner and drive away the bandits!"

The ruthless man clenched his fists slightly, raised his hand and waved, and the army of [-] people moved in response, the flag rolled up the blue dragon, and rolled towards Nanling.

Time flew by like an arrow. After a few days, Zhang Tian and the others finally arrived under the Heavenly Ancient Immortal City. They saw that the city was towering in the sky, covered with powerful formations, as if a sacred mountain was standing there, suppressing the Quartet.In comparison, the giant city on Shengyuan Continent is not worth mentioning at all like ants.

"Okay, what a majestic city, it's breathtaking."

Yunxia couldn't help sighing, and Yuxin and Li Linger also showed shocking expressions.

Zhang Tian smiled slightly, and said calmly: "It is indeed a good city, although it is less than one-tenth of the previous year, but no matter what, it is also a city built by the Immortal Emperor, and it cannot be eroded by tens of millions of years. question."

"Immortal Emperor? Which Immortal Emperor?"

Yu Xin and others looked surprised, and even the young brothers and sisters of Yingwu looked over curiously, apparently not knowing the secret.

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