Zhang Tian chuckled: "Jao Heng spreads nine pieces of paper, and a stone is erected in the underworld. This ancient immortal city was built by Immortal Emperor Jiao Heng with a piece of meteorite from the sky, standing on the ninth mountain, sea and Mingzhou."

There was one more thing he didn't say. At the beginning, this immortal city was actually built by Immortal Emperor Jiao Heng, and the purpose was naturally to suppress the strange forbidden area of ​​life in the ancient land of the corpse.

Now that I have revisited my hometown, I can't help but feel a lot of emotions. , , .

Chapter 539: The First Burial Emperor of All Time!

"The arrogance spreads nine pieces of paper, and a stone stands in the underworld. The city established by the Immortal Emperor is indeed extraordinary, as majestic as the ancient sacred mountain, this trip is worthwhile!"

Many warriors who rushed to the city at the same time exclaimed in amazement. Obviously, even as the natives of the ninth mountain and sea, such a majestic giant city is rare, and they all talk about it delicately.

"Hmph, what kind of arrogance spreads nine pieces of paper, and a stone stands in the underworld. But it's all ignorant people spreading the truth. This kind of nonsense is used to show off, and I'm not afraid of laughing and being generous?"

Wang Tengfei, the second son of the Wang family of the longevity family, suddenly made a cold mocking sound, which made the arrogant immortals around him feel quite embarrassed.

One of them Tian Jiao said: "Immortal Emperor Jiao Heng is one of the strongest immortal emperors of the human race, and his biography has been circulated in all immortal regions. Now this ancient immortal city is standing here, can this ancient saying be true? "

Wang Tengfei raised his neck slightly and said smugly: "What you are preaching is just a misunderstanding by the world. The real saying of this ancient proverb is 'the heaven is buried with nine pieces of paper, and the arrogance of the underworld is a stone'. Stop it!"

"Nine papers are passed down from the burial day, and a stone is erected in the arrogance of the earth? Does the word 'burial day' refer to the emperor of the burial?"

There was Tianjiao screaming, the word 'Tiantiandi' came out, and in an instant, the eyes of the whole audience were attracted, including those civilian warriors on the ground.

The nine great mountains and seas have a long history. They have been hundreds of millions of years since ancient times. I don’t know how many outstanding people in the world have emerged. Even if they are as stunning as the arrogant immortal emperor, there are many people who don’t know much about the invincible things that can cross the nine great mountains and seas in their heydays.

But when it comes to the Emperor Burying, it is absolutely unknown to everyone. Even an old man selling charcoal on the street can tell many brilliant achievements of the Emperor Burying. shake.

Therefore, when Wang Tengfei seemed to mention the 'God Burying Emperor', everyone showed interest, including some senior figures and veiled delicate fairies.

Being watched by everyone, Wang Tengfei was proud of himself, holding one hand behind his back, and said proudly: "It is referring to the Emperor Buried! The world only knows that Immortal Emperor Arrogant Heng used the power of Emperor Tongtian to take meteorites from outside the sky and chisel into immortal towns to crush the ancient corpse and prevent the He made great achievements for the Ninth Mountains and Seas because of the suffering of Mingzhou being ravaged by the corpses that came out of the ancient corpse. But few people know that this immortal city was actually built by the Emperor Buried under the orders of the Immortal Emperor Jiao Heng, even if there were Merit, that is also the merit of the Burial Emperor."

"Is there such a thing?"

Many celestial talents in the immortal realm are surprised. They have read ancient books and know that when there was no Tiangu Xiancheng tens of millions of years ago, there were frequent disasters in the ancient land of the corpse. All of them turned into corpses, and they would come out every once in a while to wreak havoc on the Nether Continent, making this continent extremely dangerous and impossible for ordinary people to survive.

Later, Immortal Emperor Jiao Heng founded Tiangu Xiancheng, which seems to have suppressed the lifeline of the ancient corpse. Since then, no corpse will run out to make trouble. This is a great achievement, which has benefited a large continent and has made many people grateful to this day. However, Wang Tengfei said that the real hero behind the scenes was the Emperor Burying Heaven, which was surprising.

"Who dares to utter nonsense in front of Tiangu Xiancheng!"

Just when Wang Tengfei was complacent, the immortal city in front of him suddenly burst into immortal light, and the vast imperial power descended like a galaxy, rolling in all directions. Boom to Wang Tengfei. 17 Biquge www.17sctxs.com

"The three emperors calm down, Fei'er is still young, please forgive me for the offense."

The old man who led the Wang family took a step forward and blocked Wang Tengfei in front of him. He slightly cupped his hands. He didn't see any unnecessary movements, and the momentum gathered by the three middle-aged people disappeared.

"Who are these people? Very angry." Many onlookers were puzzled.

"They are the masters of the ancient city, proud of the immortal emperor's legacy, the famous Lu family of the ancient immortal emperor, and their ancestors were slandered, so naturally they couldn't be more angry."

There are local people who understand the depths and point out the identities of the three middle-aged people, but the tone is weird, obviously not very friendly to this ancient Immortal Emperor Lu family.

Wang Tengfei was young and vigorous, how could he swallow his anger in front of all the eyes, he stood up in a flash, and said loudly: "You Lu family have tens of millions of deceived the world, you can do it yourself, others can't tell? Such virtue is also worthy of being called the Immortal Emperor. The ancients are truly despised."

One of the Lu family emperors said angrily: "Little bunny, even the ancient immortal emperors dare to slander, do you really think that the six emperors of your royal family are invincible in the world?"

Wang Tengfei said: "Slander? Arrogance spreads nine pieces of paper, and a stone stands in the underworld. This ancient proverb has been circulated in the ninth mountains and seas for tens of millions of years, and has earned your Lu family fame. Have you ever explained it? Or do you dare to swear to heaven, Wasn't the ancient immortal city built by the arrogant immortal emperor on the order of the burial emperor?"

Wang Tengfei's imposing manner was like a rainbow, and he was so aggressive that the three Lu family emperors were speechless. Anyone with a discerning eye would know who was telling the truth and who was lying.

After a long silence, a sallow-faced emperor in the Lu family said in a sullen voice: "You are also taking this out of context. Back then, the Emperor Buried Heaven did mention to his ancestors the establishment of an immortal town to suppress the ancient corpse, and he gave nine immortal order papers as Suppression. But the patriarch did not use these nine immortal order papers, but used the supreme supernatural power to transport the Chaos Stone outside the sky as a suppressor. So in essence, this immortal city has nothing to do with the Emperor Burying Heaven, saying that the arrogant Immortal Emperor suppressed the sky It's not an exaggeration to kill the ancient land."

Zhang Tian frowned slightly, and before he could react, a cold female voice suddenly rang out in the void:

"Enough! Cover up, you Lu family, as the legacy of the arrogant Immortal Emperor, have this little moral bearing!"

Although this voice was a female voice, it was extremely majestic, with a domineering arrogance that rebuked Fang Qiu.


The void made a sound as if it was boiling, and a huge passage spread out, but a team from the fairyland came from the sky, as if it was descending from the fairyland, accompanied by bursts of fairy sounds, lingering in the sky, and a plain girl wearing a palace costume Sprinkle the spirit flowers, the style is extremely.

When they saw the graceful and luxurious woman in palace costume at the head, all the senior figures in the audience changed their faces, and said in unison, "I have seen the palace master of Yaochi."

This woman is the spiritual body of the master of the Yaochi Palace. She is among the emperors of the immortal realm. She is still calm and calm, looking at the three emperors of the Lu family, and said coldly: "Emperor Buried is the first immortal emperor of all ages, brilliant. His achievements are countless, not worse than the suppression of the ancient corpse, but this is not an excuse for you to slander. If you dare to say such absurd words, this palace master will be the first to forgive you!" , . . .

Chapter 540 Emperor Yu Tian suppressed the sea of ​​​​canglan


Everyone felt the unpleasantness in the words of the master of Yaochi Palace. It can be said that he was reprimanding the three Lu family emperors. This made many people feel shocked. The emperor is already a peak powerhouse in today's nine mountains and seas. Invincible, who dares to be so violent and oppressive?

Those experts in the Immortal Realm did not show any surprised expressions. Although the Lu family belonged to the Immortal Emperor's legacy, they were trapped in this remote and barren corner and had long since declined, so they were able to show their power in the Nether Continent.

The Yaochi Immortal Territory is the top power that can be counted by the entire nine mountains and seas, and it is also one of the superpowers that is most qualified to carry the ninth mountain and sea destiny and become the future ninth mountain and sea master.This generation has even produced the peerless emperor Wu Shi, and the future will be brilliant, how can it be compared with the Lu family.

However, such a blunt rebuke is still a bit too much. After all, it is in the Lu family's territory. From this, it can be seen that the anger of the Yaochi Palace Master does not allow others to steal the merits of the Emperor Burial.

Some old monsters who have lived for tens of thousands of years know that Yaochi was actually a part of the fairyland back then. It was separated for some unknown reasons, but it is still one of the forces most closely related to the ancient heaven, and it has only been accepted so far. One of the immortal forces bestowed by the heavenly court.

Although it is only polite to report to the ancient heaven, more immortal forces have long since disobeyed this superficial etiquette.

The three Lu family emperors were blushing, shocked and angry at the words of the Yaochi Palace Master, and one of them couldn't help but said: "Yaochi Palace Master, we all know your relationship with Heavenly Court, but Tiangu Xiancheng is the ancestor of my family. Established with one hand, without the slightest external force, do you want to reverse black and white?"

"A good one without the slightest external force!"

Yaochi Palace Master said coldly, with a flick of his sleeve, a mighty force descended from the sky, as if the Milky Way had descended into the world, sweeping the entire heavenly ancient immortal art, triggering countless large arrays of autonomous reactions, and countless immortal lights rising and rumbling.

Vaguely visible, at the four corners of the immortal city, there is a piece of white paper two feet long and half a foot wide, with some mysterious characters engraved on the surface. Only a flash of inspiration stopped the turmoil in the entire immortal city.

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