"This is fairy paper!"

All the Immortal Domain powerhouses shook, looking at the four white sheets of paper and trembling.An ancient proverb goes: "The immortal orders paper, God bestows it, once you think about it, the Tao becomes empty."

Immortal decree paper, full name Immortal Emperor decree paper, can carry the power of Immortal Emperor and possess the unpredictable power of ghosts and gods.

In ancient times and ancient times, the Emperor Quanxian sat on one side, but let all nations pay homage. As soon as the immortal decree paper came out, no one in the world would dare to obey, because this paper had divine might, like the presence of an immortal emperor in person.

There was a time when the sea of ​​Canglan in Beizhou flooded, submerging the land of the four regions, and it was difficult to be a fairy king. An ancient envoy flew to tell Emperor Yu Tian, ​​and asked for a piece of fairy paper with the word 'Dinghai' engraved on it, and sent it to Canglan. In an instant, the sea turned into a divine pillar that reached the sky and descended into the sea to stop the disaster of the sea.

This is the power of Xianling Paper!

However, the Immortal Order Paper is not a real Immortal Emperor Treasure, at most it is a one-time Immortal Emperor Treasure. After writing the content, it must be used as soon as possible, otherwise the power of the Immortal Emperor on it will be lost and eventually turned into waste paper.Moreover, the power of the Immortal Order Paper is also different, which mainly depends on the strength of the Immortal Emperor.

The reason why the Lu family has been able to sit in the Tiangu Xiancheng for tens of millions of years is because this Xiancheng was established by the arrogant Immortal Emperor, who has great kindness to the Nether Continent, and no one dares to risk the world to expel the Lu family.The second is because the Lu family has nine immortal decree papers and nine blank immortal decree papers!First Literature Network www.cnd1wx.com

The difficulty of making blank immortal decree paper is hundreds of times higher than ordinary immortal decree paper. There are not many copies of Shanhai, but Immortal Emperor Jiaoheng has passed down nine!

This is a very terrifying background. As long as you write the words of killing and killing on the blank immortal paper, you can immediately transform the power of the immortal emperor and sweep the eight wastes and sixties.

With such a treasured inheritance, who would dare to provoke it?It can be said that as long as there is one blank immortal order paper left, no force will dare to attack Tiangu Xiancheng.

"Since there is no external force, can your Lu family dare to tear off the four immortal papers given by the Emperor Burial?"

Palace Master Yaochi spoke again, shocking everyone, this immortal decree was actually given by Emperor Burial?

"The immortal decree paper given by the Emperor Burial? Haha, that is a rare treasure, and this emperor should also watch it."

A heroic voice resounded through the sky, and then there was a roar in the void, the huge abyss split open, dozens of rainbows were present, and a dozen chariots were behind them, escorting a purple-patterned golden coffin, crushing the void and arriving. .

This is a very domineering pomp. The fog is rolling and the clouds cover the sky. Although it is in the air, there are bursts of thunderous sounds, as if thousands of troops and horses are coming out of the ancient battlefield.

On the chariot in the center, there were four serious men in golden armor, holding a banner of the ancient times, with the word 'Nine Heavens' written on them, and they roared with the wind, their mighty mighty sky.

"It's the team of Jiuxiao Xianyu! The leader of the team is Emperor Leiyun."

"Jiuxiao Xianyu actually brought a purple-patterned golden coffin. This force is very particular about the dignity of coffins. Those who can use this kind of coffin must be a terrifying figure who overwhelmed the world before his death. Could it be the Jiuxiao God Emperor? "

Many Immortal Domain powerhouses were shocked. This Immortal Domain power is also extremely tyrannical. The invincible emperor who has surpassed the nine great mountains and seas is not much worse than Yaochi Immortal Domain.


The eighteen chariots stopped at the same time, and the Great Emperor Leiyun jumped out. He first bowed to Palace Master Yaochi: "I have seen Palace Master Yaochi." Then he nodded at the old emperor of the Wang family, and then he turned his attention. When they arrived at the three emperors of the Lu family, they looked contemptuous.

"Nine papers are passed on from the burial day, and one stone is erected in the arrogant underworld. This sentence is known to all senior figures, so what can you hide? In those days, the burial emperor gave nine blank immortal order papers to let the arrogant Immortal Emperor build a fairy town. The corpse is ancient, and Immortal Emperor Jiao Heng completed it with only four immortal decrees. This is his ability. How esteemed is the Emperor Buried, do you still want to return the remaining five immortal decrees?"

Emperor Leiyun's merciless scolding finally solved all the mysteries. For a time, everyone looked at the Emperor Lu Jia's eyes and became very contemptuous. The merits of the ancient land actually told this huge lie that has been circulating for tens of millions of years.

Zhang Tian was stunned for a moment, even he didn't know there were these twists and turns, and he felt funny for a while. No matter the achievements in suppressing the ancient land of the corpse, or the nine blank immortal papers, they were nothing but floating clouds to him. The descendants of the arrogant Immortal Emperor made such painstaking calculations.

Thinking of the arrogant Immortal Emperor's generation of heroes who were loyal to him, but whose reputation was destroyed by the hands of these despicable descendants, his eyes couldn't help but turn cold. , , .

Chapter 541 Smashing the Immortal Emperor Sect with a single palm!

The three emperors of the Lu family felt embarrassed, and now they really have no face.

They know better than anyone else about this mess of their own.

In fact, going back to the source, the arrogant Immortal Emperor also has a great responsibility for this matter.

In those days, the Emperor Buried the Heaven did give the Nine Paths Immortal Order Paper, and asked Immortal Emperor Jiao Heng to suppress the ancient corpse. Instead, he wanted to fight against the ancient world with his own strength.

In order to achieve this goal, Immortal Emperor Jiao Heng first ventured to the outer world to retrieve a huge Chaos Stone, and then personally went into the depths of the ancient corpse to negotiate with the Supreme One.As a result, the negotiation failed, and a war broke out. Although it was successfully killed, the source was injured, and there was not much lifespan.

This incident was cited by the arrogant Immortal Emperor as a great humiliation in his life. He forcibly sealed the injury with forbidden magical powers, and honestly established the ancient immortal city. He also took out four immortal papers given by the Emperor Burial as the foundation to build an immortal emperor. The high-level banning immortal formation suppressed the lifeline of the ancient corpse.

After doing all this, Immortal Emperor Jiao Heng left the remaining five immortal decrees to his descendants, and hurriedly entered the ancient land of the corpse, and never came out again.

This made the descendants of Immortal Emperor Jiaoheng who were waiting outside all dumbfounded. Immortal Emperor Jiaoheng was still very young at that time, and it was not long before he became a quasi-immortal emperor. He had not yet begun to seriously develop his family strength. Zunzhen fairy town scene.

This made the descendants of Immortal Emperor Jiao Heng very uneasy, because Immortal Emperor Jiao Heng was strong all his life and provoked many enemies. Naturally, no one dared to offend him when he was alive, but it would be different when he died.There will be enemies from the past, and there will be wicked people who covet the treasures of the Immortal Emperor. It is not something that the Lu family can resist.

So the ancestors of the Lu family at that time came up with a stupid trick, that is to spread the ancient saying of "arrogance spreads nine pieces of paper, and a stone is built in the underworld", and all the achievements of suppressing the ancient corpse are attributed to the arrogant Immortal Emperor, and faintly pointed out Although Immortal Emperor Jiao Heng was not there, he left behind nine blank Immortal Order papers.

As a result, the people of Mingzhou are grateful for their virtues, and every family has built a merit shrine to worship the arrogant Immortal Emperor. They are willing to let the Lu family be the master of the ancient fairy city. Those enemies also dare not come to seek revenge because they are afraid of the power of the blank fairy paper.

Since then, the Lu family has been the master of Tiangu Xiancheng for tens of millions of years, and future generations can enjoy the legacy of this lie with peace of mind.

As for the truth about the establishment of Tiangu Xiancheng, only a few superpowers such as Yaochi Xianyu and Jiuxiao Xianyu knew about it.

Zhang Tian's experience is so rich, he quickly thought through all this, and he couldn't help sighing that the descendants of the Lu family were ignorant.

In fact, as long as the descendants of the Lu family told Heavenly Court the whole story, not only would the five Immortal Order papers not be taken back, but they would be rewarded and sheltered by Heavenly Court.

In fact, for the Lu family to be able to sit firmly in the position of the lord of the ancient fairy city, the acquiescence of the heavenly court is indispensable. Otherwise, such an important place would not be occupied by an ancient clan.

But the descendants of the Lu family don't think so. They have been careful to defend this lie for thousands of years, and now it has been stabbed to the bottom, and the anger can be imagined.

I saw one of the three Lu family emperors fly up into the sky, and said loudly: "Go out of the ghost, rebirth. The road to the sky is now, and the divine stone is opened. Entering the coffin in the sky will become eternity; if the corpse is opened, the sky will change. A million years. The reincarnation of Styx is about to be born, and the ancient fairy city is already overcrowded, and the city will be closed from today, and those who do not have a pass order will not be allowed to enter the city!"


As soon as the voice of the Lu Family Emperor Venerable fell, the magic circle in front of the gate of Tiangu Xiancheng suddenly became immortal, and a white light wall formed in front of the open gate.

Tiangu Xiancheng is a giant city that is tens of millions of years old. It has condensed the laws of space, and there is no shortage of places. Originally, the Lu family made such a move just to show their existence and deduct a city gate tax, but now they have to use this to establish a city gate tax. Wei, let your anger out. 22 Literature Network www.22wenxuew.com

Of course, this anger is not dared to vent on the major immortal domains, and the access tokens were sent to the major immortal domains early, and only those ordinary forces suffered.

Sure enough, as soon as this order came out, it immediately caused a wave of mourning and public resentment.Especially after some Xianyu teams swaggered through Xianmen with their peer tokens, the warriors of ordinary forces were even more indignant.

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