"What should I do now? I heard that when Ming He was born, there would be turmoil in the ancient land of the corpse. At that time, a large number of corpses would run out. Unless they enter the fairy city, they will definitely be attacked."

Fairy Yunxia was a little panicked. She listened to the discussions around her. It seemed that when Styx was born a few times before, some people were attacked by corpses outside Xiancheng.Some corpses are so powerful that even the Great Emperor can't resist them.

And if you don't enter the ancient fairy city, you can't get on the ghost ship. This is the worst. Li Linger still needs to go to the ancient land of the corpse to replenish the life essence, and Fairy Yuehua is likely to be inside.

"good chance!"

The old woman in the Purple Spirit Mountain showed a look of surprise, realizing that it was a good time to make friends with Zhang Tian. She was about to go forward and invite Zhang Tian and others to go in together, but found that Zhang Tian had already walked towards the gate with a few girls. .

"This, this person came from the small world, and there should be no access token. Does he want to..."

The old woman seemed to have thought of some possibility, she couldn't help showing a horrified expression and stopped.

At this time, Zhang Tian had already brought Yu Xin and the others to the gate that was shining with fairy light.

"Who are you, if you don't have a pass token, don't stop here!"

Seeing that Zhang Tian and the others were unremarkable, the children of the Lu family who were guarding the city immediately became angry and waved their hands like chasing flies, which caused protests from the surrounding area.

The emperor of the Lu family glanced down coldly, and said arrogantly: "This is the rule set by my Lu family. If you don't have a pass, just stay outside the city. If you have the ability, you can blast this fairy door. broken."

Now that their faces have been torn apart, the people of the Lu family don't care anymore. Anyway, the immortals and gods are now hidden. With the immortal emperor's array left behind by the ancient immortal city, even the Yaochi immortal territory is difficult to enter, let alone the immortal paper.

"Go away."

Zhang Tian opened his mouth coldly, and an invincible domineering aura that suppressed nine heavens and ten places suddenly erupted from his body. Bone burst.

His footsteps didn't stop at all. In front of the immortal gate, a palm was raised and patted heavily.

Suddenly, the palm gang turned into a big hand that covered the sky, and countless Taoist gods shone in the palm, manifesting terrifying Dharma features such as Buddha, Immortal Emperor, Divine Court, Giant Dragon, Hell, etc., and blasted the immortal with the divine might that looked down upon the heavens and the earth. Door.


A loud bang exploded, and the Immortal Array Light Gate, which was built by the arrogant Immortal Emperor himself, burst with a bang! , , .

Chapter 542 Hanging and beating a group of immortal emperors


Looking at the immortal gate that was broken into countless spiritual qi dissipated, everyone was dumbfounded. Even the spiritual body of Yaochi Palace Master showed a moving color, his eyes were fixed on Zhang Tian, ​​and the brilliance in his beautiful eyes flickered.

At this time, Zhang Tian's aura had completely changed. Originally, he was dressed in white like a pure and elegant sword fairy.But now it is like a divine mountain, and its mighty abyss is like a prison. Although it is just standing at will, it exudes the boundless terror of hell, which is overwhelming and suffocating!

Emperor Leiyun of the Nine Heavens Immortal Territory narrowed his eyes slightly, and quietly poked out a wisp of the emperor's soul, wanting to explore Zhang Tian's reality, but before he got close, he was cut off without a trace.

Emperor Leiyun groaned, and almost failed to stabilize his body. His eyes were full of horror when he looked at Zhang Tian again. At that moment, he had the feeling of ants peeping into the abyss, as if Zhang Tian was being terrified Surrounded by the power, it can slay the gods.

"This person is terrifying!"

The Great Emperor Leiyun made a secret judgment in his heart, and secretly glanced at Palace Master Yaochi, but saw that the other party's face was also very ugly, and he seemed to have suffered a dull loss.

"Bold! Who are you?"

The dazzling Lu Family Emperor was furious before, and volleyed angrily at Zhang Tian. I didn't expect that someone would dare to smash the Immortal Emperor's formation, and it was so smashed. This is a blatant slap in the face, hitting him Immortal Emperor. The face of the ancient Lu family!

"Because you are also worthy of being superior?"

Zhang Tian's tone was a little cold. He wanted to teach these stupid juniors a lesson for Immortal Emperor Jiao Heng. With his voice, his might turned into a blue sky, and he shot straight into the sky. The hand of God appeared again, but this time he only raised a finger, like a divine peak. Fall from the sky.


With a loud bang, the emperor of the Lu family was blasted into the dust by the finger of God. A large hole was exposed in the emperor's body. The emperor's bones were broken, and the emperor's blood was flowing. .

"You, you actually killed the third uncle?"

Some disciples of the Lu family screamed, their eyes filled with fear, and they kept retreating. This was a big shock. Although the Lu family was not a top ancient clan, it was definitely the undisputed overlord in Tiangu Xiancheng. , the shock brought can be imagined.

"I didn't kill him, just a little punishment."

Zhang Tian said indifferently, and then directly brought Yu Xin and others into the city.

"How courageous, I really think that my Lu family is easy to bully. As soon as the immortal order paper comes out, even the immortal king will suppress it!"

The other two Lu family emperors shouted at Zhang Tian's back, but they didn't dare to do it directly, but brought out the big killer 'Xianling Paper'.If you let them know that they are threatening the owner who made it with fairy paper, they don't know how they will be scared.

At this moment, Palace Master Yaochi suddenly said: "That person didn't lie, you should take a closer look and then talk about it."

All the experts from the Immortal Territory were stunned when they heard the words, and they all stared at the Lu Family Emperor Venerable in a pool of blood, and couldn't help but take a breath.

I saw that the emperor pattern on this person was all erased, the fire that ignited was extinguished, the essence in the blood was evaporated, the sea of ​​​​dantian dried up, the dignified monk, and the breath was even worse than that of a martial artist in the body forging realm.

But he did not die, not only not dead, but also very good, just need to nurse for a while to be alive and kicking, but he is no longer a great emperor, not even a warrior, just a mortal.

One finger to all!

This word flashed in the minds of many powerful people. According to legend, there was a special way of realizing the immortal way in ancient times, called 'huafan'.

Many amazing emperors who have been sublimated to the greatest extent could not enter the fairyland because of some fetters, so they washed away their lead, starting from mortals, going through various states of life, going through hundreds of reincarnations, practicing in the red dust, realizing their own body, and finally ascending to immortality.

It's just that this kind of immortal is not a true immortal, but a red dust immortal. It is stronger than a true immortal, and the powerful can even be comparable to the immortal king.

However, from ancient times to the present, there are very few people who can become mortal beings. First, many great emperors simply cannot wash away the lead, and even if they do, most of them sink in the mortal reincarnation, unable to stick to the Tao in their hearts.

The appearance of the Lu Family Emperor Zun today is clearly that he has been washed away and turned into a complete mortal. This is a kind of deprivation, but it is also a kind of gift.

"Where did this person come from? One finger transforms the mortal dust. This magical power is unheard of, but it is somewhat similar to the top Taoist method "The Immortal Guiding the Way" of the Zixiao Shrine, except that it is the transcendence of human beings, but he is helping people. Where."

Emperor Leiyun touched his chin, and his eyes were filled with doubts. As the ancestor of the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm, he had access to many secret tomes, and his vision was much wider than that of ordinary emperors, but he still felt that he could not see through Zhang Tian.

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