"This person killed the team of Shengtian Sect just a few days ago, slaughtered Shengtian Daozi and Wasteland Holy Emperor, and even the Shengtian Great Emperor who climbed out of the ancient coffin was suppressed."

There are Xianyu powerhouses who have come all the way and broke the news. They are witnesses to Zhang Tian's glory with their own eyes.

This revelation immediately caused the entire city gate to be shocked. The faces of the two emperors of the Lu family were blue and white for a while, and they were extremely wonderful.

"It is easy to ascend to an immortal, but it is difficult to transform into a mortal. This person cannot be provoked." The Yaochi Palace Master left these words at the end, and led the team into the Tiangu Immortal City.

Even the dignified Yaochi Palace Master said so, which made everyone feel that Zhang Tianshen was unfathomable. Seeing that there was nothing to watch, they all followed into the city, and continued to talk about it along the way.

The two emperors of the Lu family glanced at each other, and both saw the helplessness in the other's eyes. It is impossible to use immortal paper, and it is impossible in this life.

The immortal decree is far more meaningful to the Lu family than a great emperor. Originally only five were left, and two were used one after another. Now there are only three left, each of which is a life-saving talisman. Even when the Lu family was destroyed, how dare you waste it so easily.

After all, Zhang Tian didn't kill the ancestor of the Lu family. Compared with the fate of the Holy Heaven Sect, it was really only a small punishment.

Therefore, although he was unwilling in every possible way, the Lu Family Emperor Venerable could only choose to endure the grievances before he could not beat him. , , .

Chapter 543 The Invincible King After Death

On the other hand, Zhang Tian had already brought Yuxin, Yunxia, ​​and Li Linger into the Tiangu Xiancheng, and wandered in this long-standing city.

What shocked Yuxin and the three was that Tiangu Xiancheng was countless times larger than the outside world, with complex streets and crowds woven through, almost comparable to most of the East Wasteland, and the prosperous level was unknown to thousands of streets in the East Wasteland.

The peddlers on both sides of the road made them even more shocked, and they could even see someone selling the corpse of the immortal emperor, various emperor-level magical powers, and the clamor was endless.

The so-called relying on the mountain to eat the mountain, and the sea to eat the sea, within tens of thousands of miles around the ancient immortal city, there is only one ancient corpse land, and the nearby warriors naturally revolve around this restricted area to make a living.

The ancient land of the corpse is very large, which is recognized by the world. Some people even say that it is as vast as a thousand worlds. Although hundreds of millions of years have passed, it has not overflowed in the slightest.

This largest cemetery in the nine mountains and seas is not only the burial place of those high above the true immortals and emperors, but also many bottom warriors will try their luck to break through the ancient corpse when their life is about to end. It might be possible to create a future, and there are not no such examples.

Therefore, there are many people buried in the ancient land of the corpse, including the strong and the weak, and they are often rich. For example, some people at the level of the ancestors of the immortal realm will take out a burial item or even take off a shoe. Its value is also worthy of a royal treasure.

This gave birth to a profession - tomb robbers.

There are roughly four kinds of fates for people who enter the ancient land of the corpse. The first is that the true spirit is assimilated by the corpse in the ancient land of the corpse, and becomes the lowest-level corpse.

The second is that the true spirit is integrated into the soil of the ancient corpse, with a wonderful power to ensure that the true spirit does not dissipate, but the main body is still in a state of confusion, only a very weak intelligence, it is considered a living dead, called a corpse.

Both of them are considered to be burial failures, and they don't even have a place to live. They can only wander in the ancient corpse like a lonely ghost, hunting and killing those strangers who have trespassed.

As for the third type, it is a very lucky person who found one of the few feng shui treasures in the ancient corpse, and was buried together with the coffin.This feng shui treasure land has mysterious power, which can continuously nurture true spirit and increase longevity. It can be regarded as a resurrection from the dead.

This kind of burial person, in exchange for the treasure owner, means the owner of the feng shui treasure land. Some old treasure owners have even increased their lifespan by thousands of years, which is stronger than in the outside world.

However, the spiritual energy in the feng shui treasure land is limited. Once it is exhausted, the entombers face two choices. One is to seize other feng shui treasure land and continue to be the treasure owner, and the other is to kill the ancient corpse and become a new human being .

Both of these are extremely dangerous. The treasure owner of any Feng Shui treasure land was an invincible and invincible object in the world. How could it be so easy to capture? As for killing it, it would be even more difficult.Therefore, there are often strong people who have obtained thousands of years of lifespan, but they can't take it out, and in the end, everything is empty.

As for the fourth type, it is to be buried in a dragon cave that is more advanced than Feng Shui treasures. This type of burial is called the Dragon Lord. Numerous followers and subordinates were buried along with them, continuing to dominate the ups and downs in the ancient land of corpses.

Many elders and powerhouses are saying that above the dragon cave, there is a more advanced burial place, and even people can immediately obtain the good fortune of rebirth.But the location of the burial place is so deep that even the peerless Immortal King can't guarantee that he can kill it, so most of the world's understanding is limited to the Dragon Lord.

The four types of burials are the earth corpse, the celestial corpse, the treasure lord, and the dragon lord. Although there are also powerful and boundless earth corpses, the overall strength is progressive.

The tomb robbers who roamed around the Tiangu Xiancheng were also divided into three, six, nine, and nine. The weakest tomb robbers only dared to fight the autumn wind on the periphery, hunted some low-level corpses, and obtained their treasures.The more powerful tomb robbers formed a team to kill the ancient corpse and excavate the coffin of the treasurer. U9 eBook www.u9txt.com

There are even some top-level tomb robbers, who bring all kinds of killing weapons to the dragon cave.

Most of these treasures obtained from the dead are black goods, and they cannot be traded in other continents. They can only be sold at very cheap prices in Tiangu Xiancheng, so they have also attracted a large number of Taobao speculators.Various black market transactions are the only industry that supports the prosperity of this fairy city.

Yu Xin kept her promise to Zi Yan in mind and bought a lot of strange things. Fairy Yunxia also relaxed her mind because of Zhang Tian's strength, and went shopping with Yu Xin, perfectly showing the nature of a woman.

Just stop and go like this, the scene in front of me gradually changed from prosperity to depression, the high towers and pavilions lining the streets disappeared, and replaced by low and dilapidated wooden houses, which were no different from the civilian towns of Donghuang.

When walking to a dilapidated store, Zhang Tian suddenly stopped and looked inside the store, because it was late and there were almost no customers in the store.

"Go to this store and sit down."

Zhang Tian casually pointed and stepped inside.He was a little interested. An ordinary shop had the breath of a peerless Immortal King, and it was an Immortal King that he was quite familiar with.In addition, there is another treasure that also makes him very concerned.

Although Yuxin's three daughters were a little surprised, they were not coddled, and they all followed in obediently.

The inside of the shop was very dark, with seven or eight broken tables. Only the leftmost table was seated with six big men in short coats, drinking and punching.

The shopkeeper was an old man with gray hair and dark skin. The years left traces on his face. He was wearing a ragged cotton jacket full of patches, and he was hunched over his waist to clean. They were led to the table on the far right and sat down.

After sitting down, Yunxia looked around for a week and said with emotion: "It seems that even in the ninth mountain and sea, there are still very poor and difficult people."

Yu Xin said softly: "Old man, we walked for a day. If you have anything to eat, just come up."

"Hey, a few guest officers wait a moment."

The old shopkeeper coughed and shouted from behind the curtain, "Ting'er, get four sets of tableware."

"Come on, grandpa."

There was a crisp sound from behind the door curtain, and after a while, a five- or six-year-old girl walked out, with two sky braids on her hair, carved in pink and jade, with a beautiful face, but the clothes she was wearing were worn and patched. , layer by layer, can not see the original style.

Holding four sets of bowls and chopsticks in her hands, she walked very hard, which made her even more lovable.

When she walked to the center, Little Loli paused slightly, her beautiful big eyes quickly glanced at the roast chicken and beef on the table on the left, secretly swallowed her saliva, and it seemed very difficult to look away and move her footsteps. , put the tableware and chopsticks on the table in front of Zhang Tian. , , .

Chapter 544 The Quasi-immortal Emperor Should Retreat

"Big brother and three beautiful sisters, please wait a moment, the food will come in a while."

The little loli said in a clear voice, like big beads and small beads falling on a jade plate. Although she is not young, her words are very clear, her eyes are bright and white, and her eyes are as pure as blue lake water, without a trace of impurities.

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