When the old man saw that the bowls and chopsticks were delivered, he turned around and walked towards the back kitchen, planning to prepare food for Zhang Tian and others.

"Old man Jiang, serve two more sauce elbows!"

The guests at the table on the left greeted them all. They were all young people who looked like servants, laughing and cursing without the slightest etiquette.

The wrinkles on the old man's face deepened. He nodded and said, "Several lords, today's sauce elbows are sold out."

"What? It's sold out? What a shabby store that doesn't even have a sauced elbow. Brothers, let's go to the Cuixiang Lou next door and eat!"

One of the young men shouted, and the other five stood up, threw the half-eaten chicken bones into the oily dish, and kicked the chair over.

"Wait, wait, you haven't given the money yet."

Little Loli gathered up her courage to stop in front of those people, her face flushed red.

"Give me money? What kind of money do I give? The uncles are not enjoying their food, and they still want money? It's already good that I didn't beat you up, so get out of here."

One of the youths grinned angrily, exposing two muscular arms, deliberately gestured to frighten the little loli.

"Why are you like this, you eat free food every day, and my grandfather and I are almost out of food. You are bad people."

Little Loli's eyes widened, she was about to cry, she grabbed the corner of a young man's clothes and didn't let go.

"Stinky girl, you can't find death, let me go quickly!"

A young man was angry, swearing and pulling at Little Loli's horn braid with one hand.


Yu Xin finally couldn't stand it anymore, she was very distressed for Little Loli, the moment the words fell, two chopsticks flew out like lightning, one hit the young man's wrist and the other hit the young man's heart, directly blowing him away went out and knocked over a table.

"Bold, who dares to beat us Anyun Six Tigers in Anyun District?"

The other five youths were furious, with red eyes and thick necks, and all looked at Yu Xin.

"Several masters calm down, the little old man will accompany you when he treats the guests. Today's meal is considered a little old man."

The old shopkeeper hurriedly came forward to persuade, as if he was afraid of hurting Yuxin.

"It's up to you? We An Yun Liuhu will still pay you for the wine? Brothers, smash this broken shop..."

A young man with a tiger's head and a leopard's eyes shouted loudly. Before he could finish speaking, he flew out backwards, his mouth was slapped crookedly, and a large mouthful of blood was smashed out of the store. 139 Reading Network www.139ds.com

But it was Zhang Tian who took action, and with just a flick of his hand, An Yun and the six tigers all vomited blood and flew backwards, becoming a mountain of meat outside the store, and uttering a shrill howl like a slaughtering pig.

"Aiya, Little Immortal Master, you've made a big accident now, so let's go quickly. This An Yun Liuhu is the servant of the eldest master of Changning Mansion. If you mess with them, no matter how strong they are, they will die."

The old man was not only unhappy when he saw this scene, but showed a very frightened expression.It turns out that this Changning mansion is a branch of the ancient Lu family of the Immortal Emperor. This ancient clan has branched and scattered over tens of millions of years. It is scattered in various urban areas as masters. The Changning mansion is dominated by Anyun District. Control life and death to seize power.

"Grandpa, Sister Lu hasn't been here for a few days. Are we going to ignore us? Are we going to die? Why do they keep bullying us?"

The little loli suddenly flashed long eyelashes, and a few pearly tears fell, and then they formed a line, soaking the entire collar, and wiping the corners of her eyes with the sleeves with several layers of patches.

Yu Xin was so distressed, she hurriedly stepped forward to hug the little loli, and said softly, "Don't cry, little sister, with my father here, no one will dare to bully you again."

After speaking, Yu Xin pointed to Zhang Tian who was sitting on the chair.

Little Loli peeked at Zhang Tian with her big red eyes, and cried aggrievedly again, and said, "I'm not doing it for myself, Grandpa is not in good health and can't get enough to eat. They make trouble here every day. , bully us, how can we live?"

Fairy Yunxia looked at the old and young dressed in extremely shabby clothes, and listened to the crying, her heart was also pantothenic, and hurriedly took out a jade box from the storage ring and handed it to the old man: "Storekeeper, you can take these spirit stones. , find a clean place to live a good life."

This jade box contains fifty imperial grade spirit stones, which is not a small amount even in the ninth mountain and sea, and it is difficult for ordinary great sages to take them out.Yunxia is a master of alchemy and the master of Xiaozhufeng, which is why she has such savings.

"Oh, there are so many spirit stones, the little old man dare not accept them."

The old man refused again and again, and it could be seen that although he was poor, he was very literate and ambitious.

Little Loli obviously had never seen such a spirit stone before, so she looked dumbfounded, then her eyes darkened, she bit her little hand and said, "It's useless to give us the spirit stone, those bad guys took it away the next day, they're broken. , has been staring at me and my grandfather. Sister Lu stopped us before, but now even Sister Lu doesn't care about us. "

Yunxia realized that something was amiss, and said softly, "The store owner, is there any secret here? Come on, Senior Zhang is very strong, and there is no problem that he can't solve."

Yunxia pointed at Zhang Tian, ​​and her repeated suppression of the Great Emperor had made her feel almost worshipping Zhang Tian.

The old man looked at Zhang Tian and hesitated.

Little Loli ran over and grabbed Zhang Tian's leg, looking up with her tear-stained face, and asked, "Big brother, can you really help us?"

Those eyes were full of pure anticipation, which reminded Zhang Tian of the scene when he just met the ruthless man, his heart softened slightly, and he gently smoothed the tears in the corner of Xiao Loli's eyes, and said, "Those people will not bully you again. ."

This sentence is very light, very light, and it is easy for people to ignore it, but it is directly imprinted in this void.

If those quasi-immortal emperors and peerless immortal kings who were in the nine heavens heard it, they would definitely be shocked, and since then they would retreat, because only they could understand the weight contained in Zhang Tian's words.

This dilapidated small shop, because of these words, will become a peerless iron wall that is invincible and stable. Even if the peerless fairy king wants to exert power here, it will be suppressed in an instant!

Little Loli is very spiritual, and seems to really feel something, her eyes are a little less confused and timid like a deer, she leaned her cheek on Zhang Tian's palm, and said softly: "Tinger believes in big brother, you can definitely do it. To protect Tinger and grandpa."

When the old man Jiang saw this scene, his heart was touched, and a look of firmness flashed in his eyes, and he said slowly: "Master Immortal is above, the little old man has a treasure to give, I hope Master Immortal saves my grandparents and grandchildren from the sea of ​​misery.", , .

Chapter 545 The Gods Who Can't Kill the Emperor

The old man Jiang said very solemnly, and then turned around and walked into the inner hall.

I saw that this box was neither gold nor jade, with some strange bird and beast patterns engraved on the surface, which seemed very mysterious. Yuxin and Yunxia curiously poked out their souls to check, but found that they couldn’t go deep into it at all, as if there were some restrictions on the surface of the box. Block the exploration of divine soul power.

Putting the big box on the table, the old man Jiang's expression became even more solemn, the wrinkles on his face were engraved with wind and frost, he stroked the box, and said slowly: "This is left by an ancestor of my Jiang family. It is a family heirloom that is invaluable, and it is said that it can be used to find the ancestral veins. For tens of thousands of years, even if the family has been defeated again and again, I have never thought of using this treasure."

After speaking, the old man Jiang slowly opened the box, revealing a golden jade block, which was like amber, crystal clear, and looked more like a baby's embryo inside. Huge heavy feeling.

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