
Seeing this scene, Rao was conceited by the arrogance of the Yaochi powerhouses, and they all took a breath. I saw that everyone's desk was engraved with the source seal of the Taoist method, neat and tidy, what is this? The control of terror, at least the spiritual body of the Yaochi Palace Master is absolutely impossible.

"This person seems to be the young man who smashed the Immortal Emperor Sect with a palm in front of the city gate this morning. The two breaths are very similar, and the voice is also very similar."

A girl sitting at the bottom spoke softly. She is a contemporary Tianjiao of Yaochi Xianyu.

"It turned out to be that person, he really is bold, thinking that our Yaochi Immortal Territory is a waste like the Lu family who can bully at will! If this revenge is not repaid, what will the face of Yaochi Immortal Territory be?"

Some elders of Yaochi scolded angrily, and immediately got a chorus of echoes. This is really annoying. In a dignified and immortal realm, people have snatched all the dishes under their noses, but they can only watch it, and have a relationship with Xianyu. what a difference.

Palace Master Yaochi barely calmed down and was about to say something when he suddenly found a small porcelain bottle on the desk in front of him, and he couldn't help but take it over to investigate.

"Gorgeous Jade Liquid?"

With just a little swept away by the soul, the Yaochi Palace Master was stunned. This turned out to be a whole bottle of nectar and jade liquid. As a first-class immortal domain of the nine mountains and seas, the Yaochi immortal domain has its own immortal jade ore vein, but the output Very limited, this small bottle of nectar and jade liquid is comparable to the amount of mining in Yaochi Xianyu for a hundred years, so she had to be moved. 137 Novel Network www.137xs.com

"This man has a big hand."

The shadow of Zhang Tianfeng's light cloud appeared in the mind of the Yaochi Palace Master, and she became more and more curious about him, but the anger in her heart was more than half gone. She believed that this person did not deliberately make trouble, otherwise she would leave a bottle of nectar and jade liquid to compensate. , which is a thousand times more precious than a delicious meal.

Thinking of this, the Yaochi Palace Master calmly put away the nectar and jade liquid, and said solemnly: "Everyone, be quiet, this time, the first priority is to bury the ancestors. Just another meal."

When they heard the words of the Yaochi Palace Master, everyone could only keep silent. The elders and venerables were extremely embarrassed. Instead, a few female disciples of the junior generation were whispering, with vivid expressions, and the young girl's heart was full of love. Immortal-like invincible things have always been the most longed for.

The Yaochi Palace Master shook his head, his heart flashed, and he took out another cup of immortal brew. When he was about to drink, his face suddenly stiffened.

She remembered one thing. Although the feast had not yet started, the glass of immortal brew in her hand had been moved before, leaving her lips imprinted, and the temperature of her lips and tongue still remained in the immortal brew. .

Thinking of this, the Yaochi Palace Master couldn't help Xiafei's cheeks. She had a pure heart and few desires and insisted on self-love. Now her personal things have been taken away. I don't know what it will be used for. Zhang Tian's shadow could not stop appearing.

On the other side, in the small shop in Anyun District, Zhang Tian waved his hand, and all the tables in the small shop were filled with delicious food in an instant.

The banquet in the Immortal Realm of Yaochi is quite extraordinary, only the exquisite dinner plate is a good treasure, which can perfectly preserve the spiritual energy and temperature contained in the food, and maintain the best taste.

"Wow, big brother can become immortal, it's amazing."

Xiao Tingting clapped her hands very excitedly, smelling the fragrance of the food, and she was greedy.

"Eat whatever you want, you can eat something like this every day from now on."

Zhang Tian took a sip of the Immortal Brew from the Yaochi Palace Master and said with a light smile.

"Really, Ting'er is so happy, thank you big brother."

Xiao Tingting was very happy, hugged Zhang Tian's neck and kissed him on the left cheek, and then ran to those dining tables.

"This, this is spiritual food."

The old man Jiang lifted a lid of the meal, and he was shocked.

Normal grains and miscellaneous grains have a lot of impurities, which are highly poisonous for monks who have the Tao, and are not conducive to cultivation. Therefore, many people prefer to eat and drink dew rather than eat as much as possible after they reach the legendary realm.

But there is a kind of food, which is not only harmless, but can greatly enhance the cultivation base. So immediate, but it will not produce resistance, and subtle effects are extremely beneficial to cultivation. Only those ancient tribes with long traditions have such pomp.

And the spiritual food of Yaochi Xianyu is even more rare, and it is much more spiritual than the Lujia spiritual food that old man Jiang knows.

"It's so delicious, so delicious. Ting'er has never eaten such a delicious dish before. After eating it, her body will be warm. It must not be a dream."

Xiao Tingting's mouth was stuffed very bulging, and her face was full of happiness.

Zhang Tian smiled lightly, raised his hand and patted the wooden box containing the Jiang family heirloom, a strange color flashed in his eyes, this is not just a piece of divine source. , , .

Chapter 547 Fighting with Emperor Xuanyuan

After dinner, the grandparents of the Jiang family were busy again, making room for Zhang Tian and others on the second floor, with happy smiles on their faces. This will be the moment when they can really feel at ease in recent years. are very cherished.

There were only two rooms on the second floor. Yunxia and Li Linger slept in one, while Zhang Tian and Yu Xin slept together.

In the room, Zhang Tianqing looked at the Divine Origin Block for a while, revealing a look of satisfaction. He was not the type of Virgin Mary. He had seen countless misfortunes over the past tens of millions of years, and he was not easily moved.In addition to being curious about the bloodline of the Immortal King on Jiang's grandparents, another important reason for entering this small shop is this divine source.

However, before he really fulfilled his promise to the Jiang family grandson and grandson, he would not use this piece of divine source. After a few glances, he put away the divine source and turned to focus on the situation of the ruthless man.

The sun and the moon rotate, and when the light of the lunar star shines on the ninth mountain and sea, the Shengyuan continent is being shrouded by the sun star.

At this time, after several days of trekking, the Ruthless Man and his party also reached the Qiongzhou boundary, only a few hundred miles away from the Nanling area.

This journey was not peaceful, and it could even be said to be magnificent, suppressing more than a dozen princely rebels in a row.

However, even the Corpse Demon Sect only dared to control some small princes or local governors in the inland area.

The ruthless man simply divided the [-] Nanling Army into six guards, and took turns to fight. The right was to train the troops. Although the losses increased a lot, the morale of the whole army was improved, and almost everyone was in the hands. Stained with blood, there is the momentum of a veteran of the battlefield.

"Marquis of Nanling, after Qiongzhou is a real chaotic battlefield. I heard that there are several powerful ancient beasts raging. We must remind the sergeants to prepare for battle. The next thing is the real test."

In the Chinese army team, Mu Qiluo cautiously made suggestions.

The ruthless man nodded slightly and instructed, "Send orders to the three armies and be vigilant."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a sudden rumbling vibration from the earth, which became more and more intense, as if there were thousands of troops galloping, and there was a vague beast roar, which was overwhelming.

In the middle of the army, Mu Qiluo, Yan Ruge, Nalan Ruoxue and others all changed their faces, subconsciously using the spiritual power in their dantian to prepare for the battle.

The ruthless man's eyes were solemn, he scattered his powerful consciousness, and immediately retracted it, saying: "The other party is flying the flag of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty. It should be a friendly army. First, order the former army to stand by and don't act rashly."

After a while, a sandstorm of several hundred zhang spread out in front, and the roar of the beast became louder and louder. Finally, a fearful beast with a height of [-] zhang rushed out, baring its mouth and fangs, as if a sacred mountain was rushing towards the face, making many soldiers With fearful expressions on their faces, they hurriedly backed away.

The most shocking thing is that on the huge head of the Bi Fang vicious beast, there is a man standing there, dressed in black, full of vigor, like a divine mountain swept across the sky, and the Tianshan Mountains are broken. of invincibility.

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