"This is Bi Fang? The relic of the ancient beast Bi Fang! Was it surrendered?"

Mu Qiluo, Yan Ruge and others were shocked and paled in shock. They had long received a report from the imperial court that there were peerless beasts in the southern prefectures, and there were even relics of ancient beasts, especially Bifang beasts were the most terrifying. They were also worried that they would meet in the middle, but they did not expect to be suppressed.The whole novel network www.qbxswxs.com

The ruthless man narrowed his eyes and looked at the beast of Bi Fang. The ancient scriptures said: There is a bird, its shape is like a crane, with one foot, red and green, and white beak. It is called Bi Fang. At this place, fire must come to the world. In ancient times, it was the divine bird of Emperor Xuanyuan's chariot, and he fought with Emperor Xuanyuan, and was a powerful beast of slaughter.

Unexpectedly, such a fierce relic was actually surrendered, and she was a little surprised to be willing to be a human mount.

Just as the ruthless man and his party were looking at Bi Fang's left seed, the man standing on the head of the fierce beast was also looking down and said solemnly: "The visitor is the Marquis of Nanling? Since I see this king, why don't you bow down?"

This life is like thunder, rolling down the road, and it rang in the ears of the [-] Nanling soldiers, like listening to the sound of the sky.

The ruthless man's expression remained unchanged, and he said indifferently: "This marquis is also rude when he sees the emperor. Which king of the road are you, can you overtake the emperor?"

"Ha ha……"

The man in black didn't get angry, but laughed instead, and fell straight down from the sky like a giant eagle. He landed with a bang, and said loudly: "As expected of the champion of the martial arts test, the top arrogant of the human race in the Tianwu Ranking, he is really daring, no wonder I will be appreciated by my father. Let me introduce myself, this king is from the Empress of the East Palace, Zhou Xuan, the third prince of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty, has been trusted by his father and given the title of King Lanling, I wonder if the Marquis of Nanling knows?”

"King Lanling?"

Hearing these three words, Mu Qiluo, Yan Ruge, and even Nalan Ruoxue who had been living in Beihai all changed their faces.

The ruthless man said in a low voice, "This marquis has never cared about government affairs, and I have never heard of the third prince, Prince Lanling." She was telling the truth, and she seldom cared about things other than martial arts.

Lanling King Zhou Xuan's face sank, and he said with a sneer, "Don't care about the government? How did this king hear that the Marquis of Nanling and my seventh brother were fighting hotly, and even brought down the old bastard for him? It doesn't seem like he doesn't care about the government. However, with the background of the Marquis of Nanling, it is enough to be a concubine of the seventh prince, but if you want to rely on the old seven to fly to the branches and become a phoenix, I am afraid that you are betting on the wrong person."

As soon as these words came out, the aura of the ruthless man suddenly changed, as if a cloud-piercing sword was unsheathed, the violent sword intent shot straight into the sky, and those eyes swept towards Zhou Xuan like a divine sword, "Third prince, be careful. ."

In the next moment, the momentum of Mu Qiluo and Yan Ruge pressed down like a mountain torrent and ocean waves, like a deep abyss like a prison, and was extremely terrifying.

Zhou Xuan was a little moved, but he didn't expect such a strong reaction, his eagle-like eyes flashed, he withdrew his aura, and sneered, "You are very good, there are beasts 'goblin' in Nanling, I hope you I can overcome him. This time this king is in a hurry to return to the capital and has no time to get along with you. When we meet again next time, this king will let you know that only I, Zhou Xuan, are qualified to become the future emperor of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty. , he Zhou Hong is far from unworthy!"

The ruthless man's brows furrowed even deeper, if he hadn't been worried that the fluctuations in the aura emanating from Zhou Xuan's body were too terrifying, he would have to fight for it.

"Haha, there will be a period later."

Zhou Xuan looked mad, his black battle clothes danced wildly in the wind, and flew into the sky again, wanting to return to Bi Fang's head.

At this moment, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and a huge ancient hand protruded from the clouds, and around it evolved terrifying visions such as divine dragons, roaring vermillion birds, and white tigers fighting against the sky. , , .

Chapter 548 Zhang Tian Deterring King Lanling


A thunderous noise exploded on the ground, like five huge divine pillars falling from the sky, directly crushing the Bi Fang left seed into a pool of blood.

Zhou Xuan's body was suspended in the air, and was affected by the palm wind swung by Huanggu's big hand. He immediately vomited blood and flew out, slamming into a valley stone wall.


There was another shock, and the entire valley was annihilated into dust, and a large hole dozens of feet deep appeared out of thin air.

"Cough cough..."

In the endless wind and smoke, Zhou Xuan, the king of Lanling, burst out of the sky, but he no longer had the majesty and majesty he had before.

When he saw the corpse of Bi Fang's fierce beast that had turned into a pool of blood, he couldn't help but take a deep breath because of Zhou Xuan's domineering. This was truly a terrifying power.

He personally fought against the beast Bi Fang, and he knew very well how fierce this beast was. Even a half-step god emperor could not easily subdue it. People smashed to death with a palm across the void, and they were smashed into slag.

Thinking to the depths, Zhou Xuan couldn't help but be afraid for a while, knowing that this was a warning, that man had shown mercy to his men, or he could have been killed ten times by the power of this palm alone.The thought that he had just walked through the gate of hell made his forehead sweat even more, and his heart was filled with sorrow.

"Spare your life, get out."

Zhang Tian's voice rolled down from the sky, as if the gods spoke, and all the gods of the earth surrendered.Leaving Zhou Xuan's life, just to prepare a whetstone for the ruthless.

Zhou Xuan's face was ugly. He always prided himself on being extraordinary, but today he knew that there were heavens beyond the sky, and Zhang Tian's divine might was so strong that he had a sense of humility.This kind of feeling is very annoying, as if people can crush him to death with a single finger, and the power of life and death is in the hands of others.

"Your Excellency should be Senior Zhang Tian, ​​thank you for your kindness for not killing, and Zhou Xuan will have a reward in the future."

Zhou Xuan opened his mouth. Although he has not been in Shengdu for a long time, he obviously has great influence. He knows everything that happened in Shengdu, and guessed Zhang Tian's identity at once.

After saying these words, Zhou Xuan gave Ruren a cold look, and galloped away with his severely injured body.This time, it can be regarded as losing his wife and losing his troops. He originally planned to use his power to win over a ruthless person, but it not only backfired, but also lost a powerful ancient ruthless beast.

The ruthless man looked at the back of Zhou Xuan's departure, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, and then he looked at the sky and said, "Thank you for your help, Dad, but have you found the whereabouts of my master?"

Zhang Tiandao: "In a few days, we will officially leave for the ancient land of the corpse. You don't have to worry, there will be absolutely no problem."

The ruthless man nodded slightly, she also had [-]% confidence in Zhang Tian, ​​so she stopped talking.

The army continued to move forward. After the change of Zhou Xuan and Bi Fang's beasts, the atmosphere in the army was obviously a little heavier, and only the sound of Sasha's footsteps was heard.

The ruthless man was not affected much, she was already accustomed to fighting at higher levels. Although Zhou Xuan's aura was strong, she was still fearless and firmly believed that it was only a matter of time before she surpassed him.

"Looking at your expressions just now, it seems that you have a good understanding of this Zhou Xuan. Could it be that he is really famous, but I didn't know that the Holy Ancestor Dynasty had such a powerful prince."

The ruthless man said with some doubts, she could sense that Zhou Xuan was indeed very strong, even higher than Li Changfeng, the God of Swords. Among the people she knew, the person closest to Zhou Xuan's aura was the one who had been killed by Zhang Tian. ice King.

How powerful is the Ice Emperor, who has a perfect holy body, is called the Supreme Sage, and has a prestige throughout the continent. He used his own power to suppress the Eastern Pole land and intimidate the major ancient sects in the Eastern Wilderness. Zhou Xuanneng is comparable to him, and he is also the Queen of the Eastern Palace. She hadn't heard of the third prince before, which was a bit strange.

Mu Qiluo whispered: "The third prince, Zhou Xuan, is really not well-known in the mainland, and few people even take the initiative to mention it in the imperial court. Even I only know that he became famous outside the wilderness, and all his military exploits are bloody. The one who came out of the fight is in no way inferior to any king with a different surname, and he is a real domineering figure. This time he was recalled to Beijing for unknown reasons, and I am afraid that the court will also have a big change. "

Yan Ruge said: "I said before that the seventh prince is nothing but a tiger without a tiger in the mountains, and the monkey is the hegemon. Because of his incompetence, he was promoted by the emperor as a facade to stabilize the hearts of his subjects. The emperor's dynasty really existed. Several powerful princes were deliberately suppressed by the emperor, who fought in the wilderness all year round and often could not return to Beijing for decades. If any of these people come back, they can suppress the seventh prince in an instant."

The ruthless man listened all the way, and said: "There is another thing that is very strange. The emperor's dynasty implements the system of three queens and five noble concubines. Among them, the eighth prince's mother, Xianfei, is the holy girl of the Holy Land of Fluctuation, and the seventh prince's mother, Huanggui, is the holy place of Ziwei. The Saintess, these two holy places are almost the top holy places in the continent, and their strength is unfathomable, so what are the backgrounds of the three queens above them?”

In fact, she had this doubt a long time ago, but this matter had nothing to do with her, so she didn't gossip. Today, when she met the prince Zhou Xuan, who was born by the Queen of the East Palace, she couldn't help but ask.

Mu Qiluo said: "These three queens, like those powerful princes, have some taboos, and there seems to be a huge secret behind them, including the seemingly undisputed Queen of the West Palace is not simple. I only know, Zhou Xuan's ability to cultivate a perfect holy body did not rely on the power of the royal family, but the matriarchal power behind the Empress of the East Palace. According to my speculation, the backgrounds of these empresses may be truly shattered, compared to the Holy Land of Crape Myrtle and the Holy Land of Fluctuating Light. Even stronger."

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