"The Holy Ancestor Dynasty can stand in the center of the continent for millions of years, and it is not as simple as it seems on the surface."

The ruthless man sighed with emotion, the world is like this, ordinary people can only see the tip of the iceberg, and only when they become stronger can they see more things.

Yan Ruge said with a light smile: "The Marquis of Nanling doesn't have to worry too much, I think that Prince Lanling is strong, but he is only an ant in front of Senior Zhang, and even if the forces behind him surface, he will not be able to cause any trouble. "

Mu Qiluo also agreed: "The most important thing right now is to pacify Nanling. If what Zhou Xuan said is true, things will be troublesome. That beast is also an ancient relic. Although it is not as good as Bi Fang, it has poisonous plague. There are bones everywhere, and the threat to the people is still higher than Bi Fang, and it must be suppressed as soon as possible."

The ruthless man nodded slightly, and said with a solemn expression: "Call the three armies, speed up, and make sure to rush to Nanling as quickly as possible!"

At the same time, Zhang Tian, ​​who was in Tiangu Xiancheng, slowly opened his eyes, and his deep eyes looked at the outside world through the layers of the void, and he already noticed that there were many chills in the void gathering towards the shop. , , .

Chapter 549 Zhang Tian was pulled by his collar

The southeast corner, the southwest corner, the northwest corner... One after another, Jinghong walked through the void, using the night to hide his figure, and even tried his best to suppress his breath to the extreme, but how could he hide from Zhang Tian's perception.


Zhang Tian snorted coldly, the vast Diwei swept across the ten directions, and an invisible sound wave escaped, like a giant sword that swept across the world, swept out of the small shop and swept around.

"Boom bang bang..."

In the black void, more than a dozen silhouettes stopped directly, as if time had been frozen, and then burst with a bang, turning into a rain of blood and dissipating.

"What? You said that all the people sent by the old man are dead? Hmph, this old Jiang family really found a big backer. But if you dare to provoke my Lu family, even the emperor will kneel, I want to see Who ate the bear's heart and leopard dared to swim in this muddy water!"

In Changning Mansion, the Great Elder sat on the Taishi chair with a gloomy expression on his face.The Tiangu Xiancheng is too big, comparable to most of the Eastern Wilderness. The matter of Zhang Tian's great display of power at the city gate is far from being spread here, otherwise the elder would have to be frightened.

At this moment, a person who looked like a family member in Tsing Yi suddenly rushed in and said in a panic: "Elder, the big thing is bad, Miss Six took advantage of the unpreparedness of the guards and used a space treasure to escape, and now she is nowhere to be found. ."


The first elder was really angry at this time, and a black wind blew out from his palm, directly knocking the young family out, standing up in awe, and said gloomily: "Damn Lu Xueyan, you have repeatedly ruined the old man's good deeds, if it is not because she is the daughter of the palace master. For her sake, how can the old man tolerate her!"

The Changning mansion has a great business, and it is not monolithic. There has always been a very sharp contradiction between the branch line headed by the great elder and the main line headed by the palace master.As the palace lord's daughter, although Lu Xueyan was born from a concubine, but because of her amazing talent, she had a high status in the palace, and even the elders would not dare to really attack her.

In the past two years, the first elder had had many opportunities to force Old Man Jiang to hand over the divine source, but each time he had to give up halfway because Lu Xueyan threatened to report it to the ancestral family.

After all, the source of the gods is a supreme treasure, enough to make the peerless great emperor move. Once the ancestors of the ancestral family know that there is nothing else to do with him.

"A'Fu, that girl Lu Xueyan has always been lawless. She escaped this time. I don't know what will happen. What do you think will happen next?"

The first elder sat back on the chair again and asked a shady-looking middle-aged man below the steps.

The middle-aged man thought for a moment, then clasped his fists and said, "Old man Jiang now has a competent helper, it will be difficult for us to take action against him in a short period of time. In addition, Miss Six is ​​making trouble, I am afraid that there will be no chance to get the source of the gods. Yi Lao Nuzhijian, instead of letting Miss Six report this matter to the ancestral family, we might as well take the initiative to report it, at least we can get the reward of the ancestral family, so that the bamboo basket will not be empty."

The first elder showed a hesitant expression on his face. He has lived for a long time, and his life span is short. If he can't go further, he will soon face a limit. So let go.

The middle-aged man understood the feelings of the first elder very well, and said again: "Sixth Miss fled this time, she must hold grudges, maybe she has already rushed to the ancestral home to report the news, and the first elder has to make a decision earlier."

Hearing this sentence, the gully on the elder's face trembled, and finally he made up his mind and said, "You are right, if you keep breaking it, you will be disturbed by it. The old man will report the matter to the emperor of the family. Ancestor, when you get the reward, you won't spare this stinky girl Lu Xueyan lightly!"

The next day, the sky was just bright, and the mighty purple energy swayed from the extreme east, like a purple Milky Way, across the ancient fairy city.Love You eBook www.antxt.com

There was a loud knock on the door of Old Man Jiang's shop.

"Uncle Jiang, open the door, it's me!"

There was a hurried female voice outside the door.

At this time, several people in the store were eating breakfast. This breakfast was naturally delivered by Zhang Tian from another fairyland force. When Emperor Wei arrived, let the big force in the ninth mountain and sea obediently prepare it. Good meals let out.

Zhang Tian was so excited, he simply ordered the best home accessories and redecorated the shop.Although it looks like a dilapidated shop from the outside, it has a new look inside, comparable to a royal family.

Hearing this voice, Xiao Tingting's eyes suddenly lit up, and she said cheerfully, "This is Sister Lu's voice, Sister Lu is here."

After finishing speaking, the little girl threw her short legs, jumped off the chair, rushed away, and greeted a young girl who looked young, with bright eyes and white teeth, graceful and graceful, wearing a simple white dress. The skirt highlights her slender figure, and her jet-black hair flutters, looking very smart.

"Sister Lu, you're finally here. Tinger misses you so much that she thought you didn't care about Tinger and grandpa."

Xiao Tingting relied on this girl very much, so she jumped on it directly.

"How can my sister ignore Xiao Tingting, tell you, this time my sister can give you..."

Lu Xueyan picked up Xiao Tingting and was about to share her joy with her when she was suddenly stunned by the decoration of the shop. She saw that this small shop was still half dilapidated. Qin Xiang turned her mouth and nose in bursts, which made her index finger move a lot after she hadn't eaten in a few days.

The old man Jiang got up and said, "Introduce Miss Lu, this is Master Zhang Xian. He relied on his protection a few days ago to drive away An Yun Liuhu and protect Ting'er."

"Master Zhang?"

Suspicion flashed in Lu Xueyan's eyes, looked Zhang Tian up and down, and frowned: "Uncle Jiang, don't be deceived by others. Now the people of this world are sinister, and even people of blood can't be trusted."

Xiao Tingting said quickly: "Big brother is not a bad person. She saved Tinger and made a lot of delicious food for Tinger and grandpa. Sister Lu, don't speak ill of big brother."

Lu Xueyan didn't want to be entangled in this topic, so she went straight to the front and said, "Uncle Jiang, give it back to your family heirloom. Give it to me. This time, many immortal forces have come to Tiangu Xiancheng, and each of them is no worse than Lu Xiancheng. Family, I have already informed them about Shenyuan, and let them bid openly and honestly, so that the Lu family will not dare to take it by force, maybe it will make the old man's wish come true."

The old man Jiang looked at Zhang Tian, ​​wondering: "Thank you Miss Lu for your kindness, but the little old man has already given the family heirloom to Master Zhang Xianshi."


Lu Xueyan screamed, widened her beautiful big eyes, rushed in front of Zhang Tian, ​​grabbed his collar, and said, "You liar, you really have no good intentions, so why don't you hand over Shenyuan quickly, no, Otherwise, this lady is welcome to you." ,, ..

Chapter 550 The Ghost Emperor strikes, Zhang Tianyan: Kneel down!

Lu Xueyan really regarded Zhang Tian as the kind of warlock who only deceived ordinary people, and she was very anxious, but she was also a girl, she had always been pampered, and although she had a chivalrous heart, she had no experience, and her mind was still very simple. He could only scare Zhang Tian dryly.

Although Yuxin is younger than Lu Xueyan, her experience is much richer. Seeing this scene, she can't help but feel amused. She quickly explained: "Miss Lu, don't worry, my father is not a bad person."

Old man Jiang and Xiao Tingting also hurriedly stepped forward to dissuade him, and only then pulled Lu Xueyan away, but the girl was still staring at Zhang Tian with big black eyes, as if she was afraid that he would suddenly escape.

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