The old man Jiang sighed: "I've been thinking a lot these past few days, people die like lights go out, let him go over the past, not because of Haier, and Tingting can't be included, then my Jiang family line, But it’s really the last. It coincides with the arrival of Immortal Master Zhang, who has vast supernatural powers and the ability to protect Tingting, that family heirloom is what the little old man is willing to offer.”

Lu Xueyan shook her head and sighed: "Aiya, Uncle Jiang, your thinking is too simple. Even if this person is really capable and is not afraid of Changning Mansion, can he still win against the Lu family behind Changning Mansion? When the source of the gods is gone, he will be annoyed. If you are a big man in the Lu family, you will suffer just like Tingting!"

"This, how can this be good?"

The Lu family was like a fairy in Tiangu Xiancheng. To ordinary people, it was illusory. When old man Jiang thought of offending such a terrifying existence, his heart was completely frightened. He was not afraid of death, but he did not want Xiao Tingting to suffer.

Lu Xueyan continued: "If Uncle Jiang just wants to give up the source of the gods to keep his safety, why should I be busy and turn around and send the source of the gods directly to the ancestral home? Give any 'immortal master' at will. I struggled with all my might, just wanting to exchange this piece of divine source for a greater benefit, a great benefit that can satisfy Uncle Jiang's wish."

After speaking, Lu Xueyan turned her head to look at Zhang Tian again, spread her hands, and said righteously, "You understand now, this matter is not something you can interfere with, nor do you need to interfere with it. You already have a good countermeasure, so you can honestly give me the source of God."

Zhang Tian chuckled: "It's not impossible for Shenyuan to give you, but you have to tell me your countermeasures to see if it really works."

Hearing that, Lu Xueyan raised her snow jaw, revealing a jade neck as white as snow, and said proudly, "This is the best strategy I've been thinking about for a long time, so listen carefully. First of all, Uncle Jiang and Tingting are both ordinary people. Ordinary people, even if they take the initiative to hand over the source of the gods to the ancestors, the ancestors will not pay too much attention to them, they will just casually pass things off.

Only competition can allow Uncle Jiang to obtain the greatest benefits. Originally, there was no one who could compete with the Lu family in the ancient immortal city, but now it is different. The major immortal forces pull the coffin into the city, and none of them are inferior to the Lu family. They will definitely pay a big price to get the source of the gods. Uncle Jiang can also get enough compensation for this, and even achieve his wish. Do you think this plan is good? "

Zhang Tianqi said, "Isn't this girl from the Lu family, you're still a young lady, why do you try to help outsiders to trick your own family?"

Lu Xueyan glared at her and said, "What are you talking about, I am Miss Lu's family, but I'm fair and comfortable, so how can I take it by force? If you want to pay attention to demeanor, they refuse to pay attention to it, so I force them to pay attention to it.”

"What a fair and comfortable person."

Zhang Tian praised with a smile, looked Lu Xueyan up and down, and his eyes frequently showed satisfaction, as if he was admiring a piece of rough jade.

The reason why he didn't care about Lu Xueyan's reckless actions just now is because he is not so small, and because Lu Xueyan has a very pure and arrogant Immortal Emperor bloodline, which reminds him of the past years, and his heart is touched. .Literary novel

Immortal Emperor Jiao Heng passed away at a young age, which made him somewhat regretful, especially seeing his descendants withered, which made him even more distressed. At this time, a Lu Xueyan suddenly appeared, not only with the blood of Immortal Emperor Jiao Heng, but also a pure and flawless heart. , how could he not let his eyes shine.

However, although rough jade is beautiful, it still needs to be polished and polished, otherwise it is easy to get dusty.

"You, what are you looking at."

No matter how simple Lu Xueyan is, she is still a young girl with cardamom. When Zhang Tian looked up and down like this, she felt extremely embarrassed, especially Zhang Tian's eyes were very penetrating, and the places he swept always made Lu Xueyan feel completely exposed. Feeling, the whole face is red.

Zhang Tian smiled and retracted his eyes. With a flash of light in his hand, he took out the box that the old man Jiang gave him. Lu Xueyan's eyes suddenly brightened, and she looked very anxious, so she almost rushed to grab it.

However, Zhang Tian did not hand the box to Lu Xueyan, but said in an educational tone: "I can't give you this box yet, although the plan you came up with is good, but underestimated the sinister nature of people's hearts, I will teach you a lesson today. , we must remember today’s lesson in the future.”

Lu Xueyan said angrily, "You are so hateful, you dare to tease Miss Ben, what is my plan..."

Before she could finish her words, the void behind her suddenly fluctuated violently, and a sinister voice said: "Jie Jie, this Divine Origin Emperor laughed."

However, when Lu Xueyan was passing the news around, a great emperor followed her all the way with the space escape method. At this time, when she saw the Shenyuan box, she revealed her figure and snatched it.

I saw a big black hand sticking out of the void, surrounded by black flames, as if a hand of the Demon Emperor Yan Luo grabbed Zhang Tian, ​​trying to drag him and the box into hell.

"Your Majesty!"

Zhang Tian frowned, and the originally ordinary shop suddenly became brilliant. The shrill screams, directly revealing the figure, fell to the ground.

"No, no, how is that possible."

The emperor was covered in blood, and seemed to be imprisoned by an invisible big hand. He could not break free at all. He could only kneel in humiliation, looking at Zhang Tian with fearful eyes. He was a dignified and ancient emperor. He fell to his knees, shocked to the extreme.

" are the ghost emperor of the Black Underworld Ghost Realm, and you actually followed me all the way!"

When Lu Xueyan saw the appearance of the emperor, she couldn't help being shocked and angry. She didn't expect that the dignified ghost domain emperor would be so shameless and do such a shameless thing.

At the same time, she was even more afraid for a while. If there was no Zhang Tian today, she would have really made a big mistake and harmed the grandparents of the Jiang family. , , .

Chapter 551 Two Empresses Embracing Left and Right

"Who are you, dare to be my enemy in the black ghost realm?"

The Ghost Emperor looked at Zhang Tian hideously, with a terrifying appearance that he was about to devour him, scaring the grandparents of the Jiang family to the point of coming out.


Zhang Tian said impatiently that a burst of energy popped out at will, and the Ghost Emperor's right arm was directly pierced, torn apart, and his mouth opened wide, but he couldn't make a sound, which was even more terrifying.

Lu Xueyan felt a chill down her spine. This was a terrifying scene. The dignified ancient emperor was unable to move at all under the suppression of this young man, and was allowed to be slaughtered.

"You, who are you?"

Lu Xueyan looked at Zhang Tian and asked in a trembling voice. Suddenly, she felt that Zhang Tian had become very unfathomable, no longer like a warlock, but a real invincible powerhouse, more powerful than the emperors of the ancestral family. Ancestor is even stronger.

"Am I qualified to take this piece of divine source now?"

Zhang Tian deliberately shook the box in front of Lu Xueyan like a tease, intending to beat her before introducing her to the right path of cultivation.

Lu Xueyan's pretty face flushed red, feeling that she had done a lot of stupid things. She looked at the old man Jiang and Xiao Tingting who were huddled in a corner, a look of firmness flashed in her eyes, and she knelt down with a 'pop'.

"The Immortal Master is above. The little girl Lu Xueyan has eyes and does not know Mount Tai. She collided with the Immortal Master. Please forgive the Immortal Master. In addition, I would like to thank the Immortal Master for helping me out. Xueyan has no way to repay. I am willing to listen to the Immortal Master's advice."

Lu Xueyan pressed her head very low and said word by word.

Zhang Tian was also slightly taken aback when he saw this, and then said with a chuckle: "You are sincere, and Ruzi can teach you. You just said that I will drive you, is this true?"

Lu Xueyan raised her head and said earnestly, "Although I am a woman, I have no regrets. If there is no Immortal Master to save me today, Uncle Jiang and Xiao Tingting will be poisoned, and I have no face to live anymore."

At this moment, the void around the store suddenly made a burst of roaring noises. The powerful fluctuations eclipsed the sky and the earth. The cracks in the void split open out of thin air, and the mighty Emperor Weishan came over like a tsunami.

"Jingling Immortal Palace, Yaochi Immortal Territory, Jiuxiao Immortal Territory... Damn, how many forces know the news of Shenyuan."

There are immortal domain powerhouses stepping outside the small shop, and they planned to monopolize the treasures, but looking at the immortal domain teams that are constantly emerging around, their faces become very ugly. So many immortal domains are mixed in, what about a piece of god enough points.


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