
Just when more than a dozen immortal realms came, the void cracked two doors of light, but no chariots and beasts appeared, only two figures rushed out, two peerless beauties.

"The goddess of war in the Supreme Palace!"

"The Batian Empress of the Three Emperors City!"

Seeing the two people coming, even a group of immortal powerhouses were shocked. These two are obviously not ordinary people. The forces behind them are amazing, and they are the powerhouses among the powerhouses.No.5 Novel Network www.[-]hxs.com

Especially the female god of war, she is very domineering in her appearance. She wears golden armor and exudes golden radiance throughout her body. , Such as killing a sharp blade, people dare not look directly at it and can't enjoy such a beautiful scenery.

The power behind her is very amazing. It is one of the oldest existing powers in the nine mountains and seas. The source cannot be traced back. Even the legendary Nine Heaven-shattering Secrets, this power has several kinds, and the background is unfathomable. It must be above Yaochi Immortal Domain and Jiuxiao Immortal Domain.

Another Batian Empress, who is also a woman who doesn't let her men, but seeing her beautiful face, graceful figure, perfect golden ratio, with waterfall-like black hair pouring on her shoulders, she is indescribably charming and moving.

She was wearing a red palace dress, and her body that was originally bulging forward and backward was more exquisite and embossed. The huge turbulent outline was looming, and she shared the thin waist like a water snake and the pure white and flawless jade legs. Make up a picture of a beautiful and hot beauty.

Born stunner!

This was everyone's first thought when they saw her.

If the goddess of war is the arrogant flower of Gao Ling Jiutian, the Empress Batian is the peerless imperial concubine who is drunk with a smile of Hong Chen, so that any man who sees it wants to take it for himself.

There are immortal powerhouses who fantasize about embracing these two peerless female emperors on the left and right. I am afraid that they are the most beautiful in the world, and they will not change for a supreme immortal emperor.

Of course, it's good to think about this kind of thinking in your head. If you dare to show it, you will definitely die very miserably.

Not to mention the supreme power of the Supreme Palace, the Three Emperors City alone is enough to keep many great emperors away.

Unlike the ancient inheritance of the Supreme Palace, the history of the Three Emperors City is very short, only less than ten thousand years, it can be said that there is no background at all, but in the ninth mountain and sea, no force dares to provoke.

Because this Three Emperors City has three very powerful female emperors, all of them are powerful emperors with abundant vitality, and each of them has a combat power of five stars or more.

As a force composed entirely of women, the Three Emperors City has a strong hostility to men from top to bottom. Don't look at the enchanting and moving appearance of the Batian Empress, but she is extremely cruel to those men who covet her, and even suppresses it because of this. A few powerful emperors appeared, and they were shocked for a while.

After the appearance of the two empresses, they immediately competed against each other. They are both domineering and powerful. The emperor's power is unparalleled. Under the bang, the entire void was destroyed. They all retreated, lest they bring disaster to Chiyu.

"What a tyrannical empress, she really is a virtuous person under her reputation. When I become a god of war, I will go to the Three Emperors City for some advice."

The battle between the two goddesses ended, and the goddess of war said coldly. She seemed to have suffered a bit of a loss, but she was not afraid, because she was younger than the goddess Batian, and her qi and blood were stronger. Dacheng realm, the strength will have a leap.

The Batian Empress smiled charmingly and said to all the experts in the Immortal Realm: "I think everyone is here for the source of the gods. Your immortal realm has a profound power and is far superior to my Three Imperial City. It is better to give this source of God to this emperor. how?"

This smile is like a hundred flowers in full bloom, and the whole world seems to be bursting with layers of rich and fragrant fairy energy, lingering around her, making people involuntarily fall into it.

However, the people present were all experts from the Immortal Realm, who were proficient in top-level soul-suppressing secret techniques.

They can see that the Batian Empress is practicing pure masculine and fierce physical arts, and there is no half evil charm and feminine temperament, but her attractiveness is stronger than some empresses who specialize in charm art, which is enough to see her peerless beauty. Yan, if they really fought each other, even a moment's absence would be fatal.

"Bengong feels that it is better to confirm whether the source of the gods really exists before this, otherwise everyone is fighting to find that there is nothing at all, wouldn't it be a joke."

Palace Master Yaochi spoke, his tone was steady and slow, but he showed a very strong power, not under the Batian Empress.

All the experts from the Immortal Domain nodded, and for a while, everyone's eyes fell on the Jiang family shop. , , .

Chapter 552 Are you not afraid of burying the Emperor?

"Palace Master Yaochi is indeed extraordinary, but this Emperor is a little anxious."

The Batian Empress also felt that this was justified, and could not help but set her eyes on the Jiang family shop.

The characters of the great emperors have been in a state of power all their lives, and they are engulfed in gas. With incomparable contempt, he grabbed the Jiang family shop, as if to uproot it.

But it was the Batian Empress who made the move, first to determine the true and false of the divine source as soon as possible, and secondly to frighten the heroes.

This pure gold hand is a powerful supernatural power of the Batian Empress. She cultivates the domineering method of becoming an immortal from the flesh. All supernatural powers are also condensed by pure power. Many great emperors changed color, and the weaker immortal domain powerhouses even trembled with fright, feeling an unbearable suffocation.


Under everyone's attention, the pure gold hand finally landed on the small shop. The expected scene of flying gravel did not appear.


The originally ordinary little shop, at the moment when the big hand of pure gold descended, suddenly radiated with radiance, exuding a peerless and inviolable power, one after another, like the tide of the sea, it went straight into the sky, spreading in all directions.

The pure gold hand was swept away by the first power, and it was instantly wiped out. The power of backlash rushed back, slammed into the Batian Empress, and directly blasted her out, vomiting blood.


Seeing this scene, all the powerhouses in the Immortal Realm were shocked. The mighty Batian Empress was seriously injured by her own attack. What kind of mysterious power is this.

The second force was approaching, and some of the immortal realm powerhouses who were leaning against the store were also spit blood and flew upside down.

The third force swept across and swept the team of the Nine Heavens Immortal Domain. Emperor Leiyun snorted coldly, took out a sledgehammer that seemed to be cast by chaos, surrounded Wupei Divine Thunder, and slammed forward.


With a loud bang, Emperor Leiyun's eyes changed from cold and arrogant to horrified. His great fame, the divine hammer made of Lei Stone from the sky was smashed into slag. Domain's team blasted into the dust.

"No, this is Xianwei and cannot be beaten."

The Yaochi Palace Master has a wide range of knowledge. After realizing the powerful immortal rhythm contained in this power, he did not dare to fight for the front.

Those great emperors who originally wanted to be sharp, when they heard the word 'Xianwei', they were all scared to pieces, and they all retreated to the periphery with their own disciples.

Fortunately, this power is only an automatic counterattack, the spread is limited, and it disappears quickly, which makes the strong people relieved, but the eyes that look at the store are full of awe.

The scene just now was too terrifying. An inconspicuous small shop actually possessed the mighty power of immortals, and instantly suppressed Empress Batian and Emperor Leiyun. You must know that these two are powerful even among the great emperors.

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