Five million years of immortals and gods have disappeared, and many people have forgotten the power of immortals. At this moment, they finally remembered, and their hearts were terrified.

"Bang! Bang!" Biquge 88

Two piles of gravel exploded, rushing out of Empress Batian and Emperor Leiyun.

The Batian Empress is better, after all, she specializes in physical training, her body is amazingly powerful, and she only suffered a bit of shock.

Emperor Leiyun was even more miserable. Seventy or eighty of his bones were broken, his whole body was deformed, his flesh was blurred, and he lost a treasure.The key is that he didn't do anything, and suddenly suffered a disaster. It can be said that he was sitting at home, the disaster came from the sky, and he was extremely depressed.

Just when the powerhouses of the Immortal Domain looked at the small shop in amazement, the void above the small shop suddenly trembled, and three majestic emperors walked out.

It was the Lu family who belonged to the arrogant Immortal Emperor. The middle-aged people on the left and right were the emperors of the Lu family who had appeared at the city gate. The one in the center was a gray-haired old man. Wie is even more terrifying than the Lu family's emperor and respect, he is the contemporary head of the Lu family, an old monster who has lived for thousands of years.

"Old Monster Lu, did you do it?"

The Great Emperor Leiyun glared at the Patriarch of the Lu family, the anger in his eyes almost swallowed him up, and the rest of the Immortal Territory emperors also looked bad. The time when the three emperors of the Lu Family appeared was too coincidental, so that the Immortal Territory Great Emperors thought that the Xianwei just now was the Lu family. made out.

However, although everyone was angry, no one dared to do it. After all, Tiangu Xiancheng is the territory of the Lu family, and there is the terrifying immortal power in front of it. It can be seen that this immortal emperor still has a very strong heritage. Unwise.

The three of the Lu family were a little confused, and the old monster Lu in the center coughed lightly and said slowly: "You guys want to come to the ancient corpse to bury their ancestors, my Lu family is also willing to make it convenient, but this kind of random rampage in the city. , It seems a little out of character, doesn't it?"

The three of them received the report from the Great Elder of Changning Mansion, and when they heard about the 'Shenyuan', they rushed over in a hurry.

The Batian Empress said coldly, "Old Monster Lu, everyone knows not to speak secretly, this piece of divine source is bound to be acquired by this emperor, I don't think you have much lifespan to squander, if you still want to live for thousands of years. , just get out of the way!"

The Batian Empress is very domineering like her title, and she didn't even take the Lu Family Emperor Venerable in her eyes. She just stared at the Lu Family Patriarch, and suppressed her mighty power.This old monster Lu might have been able to compete with her in his heyday, but now that he is old and has a deficit in qi and blood, unless he consumes his life essence to stimulate his potential, he will definitely not be her opponent.

The strong is respected, this is an eternal truth, even in the realm of the emperor, the Batian Empress is very domineering in physical skills, and has the confidence to sweep the entire Lu family, so she is very strong.

The two middle-aged emperors of the Lu family were furious, but they were helpless. Although they were both great emperors, the gap between them and the Batian Empress was too great.

The Yaochi Palace Master also took a step forward and said softly: "Shenyuan is very important, I'm afraid it can't be up to your Lu family."

"That's right, it's a gift from God, everyone has a share, you Lu family can't think of it alone."

Another Immortal Domain Emperor stepped out.

They are all mature and sophisticated, and they reached a tacit understanding without communication. They must first exclude the local snake from the Lu family.

Old Monster Lu's gray eyebrows trembled, his eyelids opened, and a gleam of light suddenly flashed, and he said solemnly: "Okay, okay, you are not afraid of the old, don't you even fear the emperor?"

As soon as the words fell, the old monster Lu grabbed from the void, and a thin piece of white paper appeared in his hand. In an instant, the vast divine might filled the sky, and even the heavens shook!

This thing is the Immortal Order paper, the blank Immortal Order paper given by the Emperor Burial.

Swish swish!

The instant the Immortal Lingzhi was born, all the great emperors of the Immortal Domain retreated violently, including the Yaochi Palace Master and the Batian Empress, all teleported to the void three miles away, looking terrified. , , .

Chapter 553 The funeral day is a piece of paper that shakes the ages!

An ancient proverb goes: "The immortal orders paper, God bestows it, once you think about it, the Tao becomes empty."

This is the decree of the Immortal Emperor, which carries the power of the Immortal Emperor. Even if it is placed in the ancient and ancient times, it is a terrifying treasure that can make the gods evade, not to mention the late ancient times when the immortal gods disappeared.

The most important thing is that Old Monster Lu is not holding an ordinary immortal decree paper, but a blank immortal decree paper drawn by the Emperor Burial, which carries the divine power of the first burial emperor of all ages. How many times the paper is stronger, even a quasi-immortal emperor would not dare to attack him.

"Crazy, Old Monster Lu even took out this housekeeping treasure."

There is the Great Emperor of Xianyu who screamed in a low voice, his expression full of fear.

This is an ancient saying that spreads the ninth mountain and sea. No one knows whether the Lu family really has nine immortal papers, but one thing is certain, that is, the Lu family definitely has more than one immortal paper.

For thousands of years, there were also powerful people who came to provoke the Lu family. Both times the Lu family was forced into a desperate situation, and they had to use the immortal paper.

The harm caused by the two times suffocated all the strength of the entire Ninth Mountain and Sea.

The first time was [-] million years ago, when six immortal forces who had been slaughtered by the arrogant Immortal Emperor seized the stall that Lu Jiaqing had not received, and attacked with all their might.

In that battle, as many as thirty true immortals were dispatched from the six immortal realms, there were countless strong emperors, and even a half-step immortal king's terrifying existence leader.

At that time, there were only three true immortals in the Lu family, and one of them had exhausted his lifespan and was about to be buried, which can be said to be precarious.

In desperation, the Lu family used a piece of immortal decree paper and wrote the word 'Zhu' on the blank immortal decree paper.

In an instant, the immortal decree was so radiant that the whole world felt its power, and lowered countless divine blades of the heavens, killing all the enemies that came, no matter who was a real immortal or a half-step immortal king, anyone who harbored hostility. , All were killed by the divine blade, and no one could live longer.

At that time, there were many powerful people watching the battle, and when they saw this scene, they were all terrified. Since then, no one dared to covet the ancient fairy city.

The second time it was used was five million years ago, when the Zhantian Alliance was beginning to form. Some Zhantians saw the power of the Lu family's immortal paper and sent the Immortal King to invite the Lu family to join the Zhantian Alliance.

At that time, there was only one true immortal in the Lu family, so how could he dare to get involved in such an ancient battle, and refused again and again, but he did not want to annoy the immortal king and overwhelm the entire ancient immortal city with strong might.

The real immortal of the Lu family is also a bloody generation, with the blood of the immortal emperor flowing in his body, and he can't bear to be humiliated.

Suddenly, the hand of God descended, directly crushing the Immortal King into dust, sealing the endless darkness forever.

At that time, everyone thought that the Zhantian Alliance would raise a teacher to ask for guilt, but they did not expect that until the day when the Zhantian Alliance was defeated, no one stepped on the Nether Continent.

This incident has puzzled many neutral forces. Now it seems that the people of the Zhantian Alliance clearly recognized that it was the Immortal Order Paper of the Emperor Burying the Heavens, so they took the initiative to retreat.

With the power of a piece of paper, it can shock the Eternal Immortal Territory and shock the entire Battle Sky Alliance. Who else is there except the Emperor Buried?

Now that another five million years have passed, the Lu family once again offered up the immortal decree paper, how could they not let the great emperors of the immortal realm be shocked. 97 Chinese

Even Old Monster Lu had no choice. He only used one piece of Immortal Order Paper and one less piece of paper.There is not much of his lifespan left, and after three thousand years at most, he will stop his lifespan, waiting for the next chance of reincarnation in the next million years.

But if there is a divine source, it will be different. The divine source contains divinity and has the unpredictable power of ghosts and gods. It can make him go further, prolong his life for a long time, and maybe it will last until the moment when the world turns around.

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