Therefore, he will spare no effort to obtain the source of the gods, even if he uses up a piece of immortal paper.

Since then, the two sides have been at a stalemate. The emperors of the immortal realm are unwilling to give up the source of the gods, and the old monster Lu also dare not use the immortal paper to kill the emperors, so that his Lu family will definitely become the ninth public enemy of mountains and seas.

Just as the two sides were arguing, Zhang Tian in the shop couldn't help showing a very strange expression. He didn't expect Old Monster Lu to confront the emperors with the immortal order paper he drew back then, and he couldn't help but be a little speechless.

Turning his head to look at the old man Jiang, Zhang Tian said in a low voice: "Listening to Xueyan's words, it seems that you still have a wish, so tell me, I will help you do it together this time."

Old man Jiang's dry lips moved, but he shook his head and said, "Little old man now just wants Tinger to be safe, and he doesn't need to trouble the Immortal Master anymore."

Lu Xueyan hurriedly said: "Uncle Jiang, this is the only chance. Immortal masters are so powerful that they will definitely be able to help you fulfill your wish. Do you want Uncle Jiang to bury his bones in the sand?"

It turned out that Jiang Hai, the son of Old Man Jiang, was poisoned and plotted by the elders of Changning Mansion because he said something about Shenyuan. Although the man died, the body was picked up by Old Man Jiang and placed in a cold pool to freeze. Just thinking about the chance to get on the ghost ship and bury Jiang Hai in the ancient land of the dead, maybe there will be a chance to live again.

After saving the Jiang family grandson and grandson, Lu Xueyan heard this wish and knew that the Lu family would never fulfill this wish.Because the number of ghost ships is very rare, each ship can only put one ancient coffin. I don't know how many immortal forces are fighting for it. It is impossible for the Lu family to pay such a high price for a mortal.

So Lu Xueyan thought of a way to let the major immortal domains bid against each other, forcing them to exchange a ghost ship for the source of the gods.

Zhang Tian listened patiently, nodded and said: "So it is, this matter is simple, I am going to the ancient land of the corpse, and it's okay to bring a coffin by the way."

The old man Jiang immediately said gratefully: "Thank you Immortal Master, thank you Immortal Master..."

"It's just a little effort."

Zhang Tian said casually, then looked at the door of the store again, his face turned cold, he raised his hand and swayed gently, and the Ghost Emperor kneeling on the ground suddenly flew out as if he had been hit hard.

However, he said that the two sides were negotiating fiercely outside, and suddenly felt a powerful force erupting from the small shop, straight into the sky, the broken door burst open, and a bloody figure flew out.


In an instant, everyone's eyes were attracted, and after seeing the Ghost Emperor's face clearly, he suddenly took a breath.

"Isn't this the Three Shasha Ghost Emperor of the Black Underworld Ghost Territory?"

"Horrible, who hurt him like this?"

All the great emperors are terrifying, you must know that ghost cultivation is not allowed by heaven, the initial stage is good, and it is extremely difficult to cultivate to the advanced realm, but once cultivated, the combat power can be stronger than the same rank, at least three stars or above, especially the three chakra ghost emperors He has always been known for his insidiousness and cunning. Even a four-star emperor would not provoke him, but he was beaten like this.

Thinking of this, the great emperors of the Immortal Domain and the three emperors of the Lu family all looked at the door of the small shop, and saw Zhang Tian, ​​dressed in white, step out of the small shop with his own eyes, like a sword fairy, calmly. , , .

Chapter 554 Zhang Tian covered his hands to suppress the Batian Empress!

"It's him!"

Many great emperors recognized Zhang Tian and immediately made different reactions.

Most of them showed awe. Zhang Tian suppressed the wasteland emperor, Shengtian emperor, and Lu family emperor all the way. He was absolutely domineering, and his strength was at least five-star. The key is to kill them decisively and make them despise.

The Yaochi Palace Master's expression moved slightly. Although she had tried her best to forget about Zhang Tian's domineering taking away the immortal tea she had drunk, the moment she saw Zhang Tian, ​​ripples appeared in her heart, and she could not calm down for a long time.

The two emperors of the Chen family were very fierce, with expressions of shock and anger on their faces. After a simple sound transmission explanation, Old Monster Lu also showed a serious look, and his hand holding Xian Lingzhi tightened three times. point.

The rest of the Immortal Domain Emperors who didn't know much about Zhang Tian were also infected by this dignified atmosphere, holding their breaths and not daring to make a sound.

Lu Xueyan quietly poked her head out of the store, and she couldn't help but be shocked when she saw this scene. I didn't expect Zhang Tian to be such a big man. Just by showing up, he stunned all these immortal emperors who were famous in the ninth mountains and seas.

Thinking that she once suspected Zhang Tian to be a liar, Lu Xueyan couldn't help feeling very ashamed, and her face was as red as if she was about to drip blood.

Under everyone's attention, Zhang Tian was still calm, and the emperors were clearly above, but he was below, but he gave people a feeling of invincibility, looking down at the sky.It seems that what he is stepping on is not the earth, but the heavens and the world, which makes people feel like kneeling on the ground and surrendering to worship.

"That piece of divine source is in the hands of this emperor."

Zhang Tian spoke lightly, breaking the dull silence, but it also made the emperors fry at once.

God source, there really is a source of God, but it has already been taken one step ahead by others.

Many Xianyu emperors beat their chests and feet, showing very regretful expressions. Although the Xianyu behind them is also very powerful, this time they only came to bury their ancestors and did not send too strong teams. They simply cannot be Zhang Tian's opponents. , destined to miss out on this divine source.

"Shen Yuan is really on you, can you dare to take a look?"

The Batian Empress seemed very impatient, and immediately asked Zhang Tian a question.

The rest of the great emperors also showed their emotions. The source of the gods is too rare, and almost no one of them has seen it.

Zhang Tianqing said coldly: "This emperor means that the source of the gods has been acquired by me, and you can leave."


Many emperors secretly said that Zhang Tian wanted to take the source of God as his own. Although they are not Zhang Tian's opponents, don't forget that there are also the Yaochi Palace Master, the Batian Empress, the Goddess of War and others. They are all powerful emperors, how can they give up.

This is the disadvantage of not having a background. If the source of the gods is in the hands of the Yaochi Palace Master or the Goddess of War, even if the emperor is stronger than them, he will never dare to tear his face to fight for the power of the Yaochi Immortal Domain and the Supreme Palace. grab.

But in the face of Zhang Tian, ​​there is no such scruples, and even killing him on the spot, these great emperors did not hesitate.

Sure enough, Zhang Tian's words did not act as a deterrent at all, and many emperors sneered and watched, waiting to see people challenge.Kanshuwo

"Give me the source of the gods, and I will owe you a favor on behalf of the Supreme Palace."

The first challenger stepped out. It was the female god of war. She had a beautiful appearance, like a knife and an axe. In the gap, a small section of slender waist like white jade is vaguely exposed, which is too full to be grasped, causing ripples in the heart.

Hearing the words of the female god of war, many great emperors were moved. The Supreme Palace is a very mysterious and detached force. It never actively recruits disciples, but adopts the elite system and concentrates resources to cultivate top talents. Therefore, the powerhouse of this force There are many, and they overwhelm the sacred mountains of all immortal realms.The favor of a supreme palace is enough to make many emperors with seven stars and above tempted.

The Yaochi Palace Master followed closely, suppressed his strange feelings towards Zhang Tian, ​​and said in a low voice, "I, Yaochi Immortal Domain, are willing to exchange two million-year-old Peach Fruits for the divine source in the hands of fellow Daoists."

This is even more generous. The peach tree in the Yaochi Xianyu is famous all over the world. It was a peach branch planted by the Emperor Burial when he was in the fairyland. The background is amazing.The million-year-old peach is placed in ancient times, and at least a quasi-immortal king is qualified to taste it, and after eating it, it will be praised and boasted as a capital.

Zhang Tian shook his head, what peach was just an ordinary fruit in his opinion.

Seeing Zhang Tian refuse without hesitation, the scene immediately became a little dignified.

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