"Let this emperor see if you have the strength to protect this piece of divine source!"

The Batian Empress seemed to be very nervous about this divine source, so she immediately took action to snatch it. The long red dress danced wildly in the wind, and behind her was a golden giant with a majestic appearance. Her face was majestic, like an ancient giant spirit god, and she raised a big golden hand. Press Zhang Tian.

Although she didn't know Zhang Tian's previous record, she didn't take it lightly. The attack had already used [-]% of her strength.


The big golden hand is like a golden mountain, crushing the void, covering the sky and the sun, and covering Zhang Tian fiercely, like a punishment from the sky.

"This is the Angry Immortal Tyrant Body? So it is."

A flash of understanding flashed in Zhang Tian's eyes, as if he had calculated in his heart and made a certain decision.

It was only when the big golden hand came to the top of his head that he raised his head slightly and flicked his backhand.

Suddenly, a violent force burst out from his palm, like a giant dragon roaring for nine days, traversing the sky, directly piercing the golden hand, and slammed into the Batian Empress.


What everyone saw, the Batian Empress, who had always covered the ninth mountain and sea with her physical skills, flew out, and the giant behind her was shattered, turning into countless auras that dissipated.


The dignified Batian Empress was suppressed by one move!

All the Immortal Domain Great Emperors took a deep breath, Zhang Tian's strength once again broke through their inner defense line and entered an unimaginable realm.

The old woman of the Purple Spirit Mountain murmured: "It's terrible, it's terrible, how could such an amazing emperor be born in a small world, this is clearly the posture of an invincible emperor, the emperor who is present is invincible!" , . . .

Chapter 555 The Immortal Emperor is King, and the Eight Emperors Are Silent!


The Batian Empress flashed out of the dust, and when the emperor swayed, all the dust was wiped out, and she was still clean, but her face was much paler, and she lived up to her previous brilliance.

That golden giant dharma is her natal supernatural power. It can be called King Kong not bad. She has never been defeated since she was a child. Who would have thought that she would be suppressed by someone this time, so that her origin was also greatly traumatized. .

"I didn't expect you to practice the Angry Immortal Dominant Body. In terms of power alone, this immortal body can be ranked in the top three of all the fierce immortal bodies, but it is very difficult and painful to cultivate. You can cultivate it to such a degree. , it's rare."

Zhang Tian's light-hearted remarks immediately changed the look of the Batian Empress, because the fact that she has an Angry Immortal Domineering Body is a secret, and even the other two Empresses in the Three Emperors City do not know that she was actually attacked by this person in front of her. Broken language.

The rest of the great emperors were also moved when they heard the words. This wrathful immortal body was famous in ancient times, and it was even more famous than other immortal bodies, because it was not a god-given immortal body, but an immortal body that was cultivated through the day after tomorrow. It can be said that it is very rare in the immortal body. The person who created this immortal body is the Immortal Emperor of Furious Tyrannical who shook the nine great mountains and seas.

Rumor has it that Immortal Emperor Fury started at Wei Mo, he has neither background nor blood potential. He is a small gangster who lives at the bottom of the market. His only talent is to resist beatings. He is very resistant to beatings. Immediate recovery, and the body will become stronger.

In this way, Immortal Emperor Nuba embarked on a cultivation path that was very different from ordinary people. He neither cultivated martial arts nor supernatural powers. He relied on a pair of kings and eight fists to rise from the dust, bucking the trend and failing repeatedly. After repeated battles, the more the battle, the stronger, and finally all the so-called immortal powerhouses were subdued, becoming the first human monk in the nine mountains and seas to rely on pure physical strength to prove the quasi-immortal emperor. The famous fierce fairy body.

After the Immortal Emperor Nuba became a quasi-immortal emperor, he did not remain complacent. Instead, he spent a lot of effort to reorganize his cultivation process and compiled it into a body art called "Ba Ti Jue", which not only included the cultivation of Nuba. The method of the immortal body, as well as several powerful supernatural powers.

But it is a pity that the descendants do not have the peculiar talent of the Immortal Emperor Fury. Even if they practice according to the "Hegemony Art", no one can cultivate to the realm of mastery. Physical art was in decline.

Later, it was rumored that "Ba Ti Jue" was included in an ancient celestial book called "Ti Shu", and with the disappearance of "Ti Shu", it disappeared from the nine mountains and seas. .

For a time, the eyes of the great emperors looking at the Batian Empress were a little more strange. Just a flawed "Batian Jue" wouldn't make them too jealous, but if the Batian Empress won the Taigu Ninth Grand Prix One of the heavenly books, "Tishu", is very impressive.

The Nine Great Books of the Ancients, each of which is very wonderful and contains thousands of laws. For example, the Book of Physique is said to cover all the powerful constitutions of the nine great mountains and seas that can be cultivated in the day after tomorrow, as well as the derived method of divine passage, which is enough to make Any Xianyu forces break the head scramble.

In terms of grade, the Nine Great Heavenly Books of Taikoo are the treasures of the same rank as the Nine Secrets of Covering the Sky. They are far stronger than the magical powers possessed by the Divine Mountains of the Immortal Realms. Any one of them is born enough to cause the Nine Great Mountains and Seas to shake, and even make them fall asleep. The true immortals and immortal kings were born to compete.

The Batian Empress looked cold and arrogant, and did not explain anything, because she knew that even if she explained, no one would believe it, but it would make people even more suspicious.

"Since fellow Daoists know that this Emperor is cultivating the Wrath Immortal Hegemony Body, then you should also know why I must get the source of the gods, right?"

The Batian Empress looked at Zhang Tian and said, with a little more respect in her tone, Zhang Tian's strength convinced her. 1800 Literature www.1800wx.com

Zhang Tian said in a low voice, "I also have a little understanding of the "Hegemony". The cultivation of this martial art is not easy, and it takes nine fates to be successful. Judging from your appearance, you should have passed three tribulations, and the fourth tribulation is The Life Spring Tribulation, which is located three inches to the right of the heart, requires the removal of the crossbone there to make the physical technique go further. But you think of this fate Tribulation too simply, this Tribulation cannot be resolved by the divine source."

When the Empress Batian heard the words, her expression darkened, but she heard Zhang Tian say: "But for this emperor, it is not difficult to remove this horizontal bone."

"Is this true?"

The Batian Empress asked excitedly, she has been trapped in this calamity for a long time, and she can only watch the horizontal bones in her chest grow longer and longer, which not only makes her physical skills unable to improve, but even threatens. Her life is gone, which is why she is very attached to the divine source.

Zhang Tian smiled slightly, with a confident look.He is willing to help the Batian Empress, and naturally he has his calculations in it, which is a move for the future.

The Batian Empress was impatient and was about to ask questions when she suddenly felt that the surrounding void became condensed, as if she had fallen into an ice abyss.


Just listening to the female god of war let out a low voice, in an instant, the eight great emperors moved at the same time, encircling Zhang Tian in the center of the airspace in each town, and all of them sacrificed the strongest gods to press him, including the Yaochi Palace Master. One of the great emperors is a powerful emperor with four stars or more. I don't know when to join forces, and they want to suppress Zhang Tian in one fell swoop.

The eight great emperors shot at the same time, the momentum is extremely terrifying, the entire void is imprisoned, and the laws of heaven are isolated, even if the emperor is supreme, it will be like a swamp.

Zhang Tian stood with his hands behind his back, his expression still did not change in the slightest, just when the eight attacks were about to approach, he snorted coldly.

Suddenly, the mighty emperor swept across the heaven and earth, as if the immortal emperor was coming, all the heavens and the world were roaring and trembling, the vast divine might traversed the heaven and the earth, and the overwhelming divine power of the emperor was all swallowed up and turned into one after another tidal hand with more powerful power. Rewind back.


The Yaochi Palace Master, the goddess of war, and others all showed a look of astonishment.

This scene is so spectacular that many great emperors are directly dumbfounded. Even if they are dreaming, they will never dream of such a shocking scene.

I saw that in the void, the master of Yaochi, the goddess of war, and other powerful emperors who were well-known in the mountains and seas, were all hanged in the air by the big hands of the tide, and the body of Shen Xi was dim, and they were all meat on the chopping board.

With a cold snort, he suppressed eight powerful emperors!

Those who had ridiculed Zhang Tian for being arrogant and arrogant before were all chilled all over the body at this time, and their eyes looking at Zhang Tian were full of awe, as if they were looking at an unparalleled Heavenly Venerate who swallowed the Eight Desolations and Six Harmonies! , , .

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