Chapter 556 Dare to rob the Emperor's Burial?

"Please, please forgive me, this divine source will not be contested in my Heavenly Jade Immortal Territory."

Finally, the Great Emperor couldn't hold back and begged for mercy. He was a Supreme Supreme of Tianxuan Xianyu. This Xianyu is also famous and has a very long heritage. There are even rumors that there are fragments of nine secrets that cover the sky.

Many great emperors can't help but sigh, the Supreme Supreme Being of the Heavenly Jade Immortal Realm is not majestic wherever he goes, but this time he was forced to bow his head and beg for mercy, which is a great shame.

Great emperors cannot be humiliated. As long as there is a little room for competition, some great emperors will choose to fight to the death. They would rather hurt themselves a thousand, but also lose eight hundred. , lowered his head high.

"Fellow Daoist's supernatural powers are unparalleled in the world, this emperor is convinced, and Wanhua Xianyu is willing to withdraw from the competition for the divine source."

An old man with a childish face with a crane hair spoke up, but he was an ancestor of the Wanhua Immortal Domain. At this time, he was extremely regretful. He had known that Zhang Tian was so terrifying, and he would never instigate the other seven great emperors to besiege together. It can be said that it is self-inflicted, and the source has been cut by at least [-]%.


The voice of the ancestor Wanhua just fell, and the big hand of the tide that imprisoned him suddenly glowed, and he shook it directly, and the violent emperor blood splattered all over the sky.


Countless onlookers of the Immortal Domain powerhouses all retreated, but they were still splashed with the emperor's blood, which was obviously hot and hot, but it made them cold to the bone.

dead again!

Another great emperor was killed. He was the ancestor of Wanhua Immortal Domain. Such a powerful emperor was invincible in the ninth mountains and seas.

"This person can't do it every day!"

The eyes of many great emperors looking at Zhang Tian are full of fear. Even in the long years they have lived, they have never seen such an unscrupulous emperor as Zhang Tian.

"There are some words that I don't want to repeat a second time."

Zhang Tian said indifferently, and his eyes fell on the remaining seven people, and said coldly: "Offend the emperor, take the soul of the emperor, as a small punishment."

The voice fell, and the seven big tidal hands rolled violently, and seven golden emperor souls were pulled out of the seven emperors, which were the most important souls of a monk.

"Bang bang bang..."

The Yaochi Palace Master, the Goddess of War, and others fell to the ground, their faces extremely pale, and the soul of the emperor lost their life, causing them to damage more than [-]% of their origin at once, and they could not recover in a short time.

More importantly, the emperor's soul is the lifeblood of a great emperor. If the emperor's soul is destroyed, the emperor will die immediately no matter where he is, and he will not even have the chance to reincarnate.

Zhang Tian holding their natal emperor souls is equivalent to strangling their throats with one hand. Life and death are all in one thought. Even if they escape to the edge of the universe, it is useless. In other words, they will be controlled by Zhang Tian from now on.

However, with the bones of the ancestors of Wanhua in front of them, these seven people did not dare to argue at all. After all, no matter how serious the consequences of handing over the emperor's soul, it would be better than the death of the soul. Just thinking of being controlled by others from now on, I can't help but feel in my heart. sad.

Shocked by all the great emperors of the Immortal Domain, Zhang Tian turned his head to look at the three of the Lu family, and said in a low voice, "Do you still want to get involved in this emperor's divine source?"

"You..." Endpoint Novel Network

The three emperors of the Lu family were very angry. This was clearly the source of the gods discovered in Tiangu Xiancheng. If it hadn't been concealed by the elders of Changning Mansion, they would have obtained it long ago. How could there be such a mess today.

I saw Old Monster Lu take a step forward, holding the fairy paper in his hand, with a solemn expression, and said solemnly: "Hand over the source of the gods immediately, or use the fairy paper to kill you here!"

Each generation of the head of the Lu family keeps a piece of immortal paper in case of a major accident.Old Monster Lu is not a selfless person, and his life is at stake. No matter what he does, he must keep the source of the gods, even if he loses a part of the profound heritage of the Lu family.

"Haha, what do you want now?"

Many great emperors who were overwhelmed by Zhang Tian's power couldn't help but show their gloating thoughts when they saw this scene. The threat of Xian Lingzhi was enough to make any immortal power bow their heads, and the peerless immortal king would also shy away.

Even if you are the invincible emperor, you can traverse the nine mountains and seas, so what?Don't spit out the source of God obediently.

The Yaochi Palace Master, the goddess of war, and the others were not so relaxed, and they were all extremely nervous. Their natural emperor souls were still on Zhang Tian, ​​and the divine power of Xian Lingzhi broke out, and their natural emperor souls would definitely not escape the catastrophe. .Whether they want to accept it or not, their lives are already linked to Zhang Tian, ​​and threatening Zhang Tian is threatening them.

For a time, the seven great emperors took a step forward in unison, and the violent emperor pressured the three emperors of the Lu family.

"Old Monster Lu, if you dare to use the immortal paper, I will never end with you in Tianxuan Xianyu!"

The Supreme Supreme of Heavenly Jade Immortal Territory shouted very excitedly, this is a person who is afraid of death, but his status in the Heavenly Jade Immortal Territory is very high, and he directly carries it out of the Heavenly Jade Immortal Territory to threaten.

"Let's forget about this matter, otherwise, even if you get the source of the gods, you won't be blessed."

Palace Master Yaochi also spoke up. Although this is just a spiritual body, it was also cultivated at a great cost, and it cannot be easily lost.

"If you dare to kill this fellow Daoist, you will be an enemy of my Supreme Palace."

The female god of war's words were neat and tidy, but the threat in it was very strong. After counting the entire nine mountains and seas, no immortal force was willing to be the enemy of the Supreme Palace.

The rest of the great emperors also opened their mouths to threaten, not speaking, their lives were in the hands of others. Although this attitude of loyal guardians made them very humiliated, they could only be people under the eaves and had to bow their heads.

The three emperors of the Lu family were a little panicked. In fact, in the face of threats from the Supreme Palace, Yaochi Xianyu and other forces, no Xianyu Mountain can sit still.

At this moment, the Batian Empress also stepped out and said loudly: "If you dare to use the immortal paper, I will slaughter your Lu family." She was still waiting for Zhang Tian to remove the crossbone calamity from her chest. As for the pulse, how could the Lu family do it?

"You, do you really think that my Lu family is easy to bully? Believe it or not, I will kill you all?"

Old Monster Lu held up the immortal decree paper, and said sternly, in fact, he had already softened, and at this time he was just holding on to the scene, thinking that even if he could not get the source of the gods, he would have to let these immortal emperors compensate for some treasures.

Zhang Tian snorted coldly and looked very impatient. He raised his hand, and a mysterious power poured out. The fairy paper in Old Monster Lu's hand turned into a white rainbow and flew directly towards him. It turned into the appearance of immortal paper and was held in his hand.

Old Monster Lu was dumbfounded, the Yaochi Palace Master was dumbfounded, the Batian Emperor and the Goddess of War were dumbfounded, and all the Immortal Domain Great Emperors were dumbfounded.

Time seemed to be frozen at this moment, everyone was shocked by Zhang Tian's actions, and a huge wave was set off in their hearts.

At this moment, there was only one thought in their minds.

This man is so crazy, he even dares to rob the Emperor of Heaven! , , .

Chapter 557 The glorious imperial battle ended, Zhang Tian became famous!

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