Heavenly gangsters are called divine beasts or auspicious beasts. Although they have the power to shake the heavens and the earth, they are often accompanied by auspiciousness. For example, when the dragon clan haunts the wind and rain, the phoenix clan haunts Ying Caixia, and the unicorn has good luck, they all belong to the heavenly gang god beast, and many people call them. appears as a symbol of good luck.

Earth Fiends, on the contrary, are called beasts or beasts of calamity, and wherever they appear, a catastrophe will occur, making the world both fear and hate.

The ancient beast is one of the most famous earth evil beasts. It is exhausted and dry, which means that when the beast enters the water, the water source will dry up immediately; when it enters the grass, the grass will die immediately. The scene in front of him is exactly the same as the signs of beasts.

"Reporting to the Marquis of Nanling, I found a village thirty miles ahead."

Nalan Ruoxue, as the first ranger, sent back the news.

The ruthless man nodded and said, "Lead the way ahead, and the whole army will speed up."

The rolling yellow sand rolled up, and the [-]-strong Nanling army marched forward in a mighty manner, and finally arrived at the village Nalan Ruoxue discovered before nightfall. However, [-]% of the people in the village were dead, and most of the rest were dying.

"About half a month ago, a vicious beast passed by, all the water dried up, the vegetation withered, and the big guys had no food to eat."

"That fierce beast is too terrifying, like a mountain, thousands of tens of thousands of feet high, surrounded by a thick poisonous mist, making people unable to see its true colors."

"After the beast left, a plague broke out in the village, and people died one after another. It was like this outside, and there was no way to escape."

The rest of the villagers talked in vain, letting the ruthless man basically figure out the truth, and his heart sank. If these villagers did not exaggerate, the strength of the ancient beast might not be the same as the ancient Bi who surrendered to the Lanling King Zhou Xuan. under the square.

"Come here, bring them all down and take care of them."

The ruthless man waved his hand and asked the guards to take the villagers elsewhere, then looked at Mu Qiluo and the others and said, "What do you think?"

Nalan Ruoxue said: "This is just the periphery of the Nanling area, the land is vast and sparsely populated, and there are no powerful ancient sects. Going further, is the real residential area, and there should be local ancient sects. The strong come forward to resist, if they lose, the consequences will be disastrous."

The ruthless man nodded and said, "That's right, you can't relax now. I ordered the sergeant to make some repairs and set off overnight. You mustn't let the ancient beast go on."

The orders were passed down one after another, and the soldiers of the Nanling Army embarked on the journey again after eating their meals, chasing them in the direction where the ancient beasts left.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..." 120 Novel www.xiaoshuo120.com

I don't know how long they have traveled, and the ruthless man finally felt the vibration of the ground. It was just before dawn, and the night was thick, and he could only vaguely see a peerless mountain standing in the distance, making a roaring sound.

"Arrived, the three armies obey the order and charge with me!"

The ruthless man raised his sword, accelerated his advance even more, and soon arrived in the vicinity, only to see clusters of flames burning on the black wasteland, accompanied by all kinds of scolding, scolding, and the roar of magical powers. sound.

As they approached, the Ruthless Man and his party finally saw the source of the chaos. They saw a terrifying beast with a height of several thousand meters was showing its might. His four legs were like four giant peaks, standing on the ground. Taking a step is like the end of the day, making the earth tremble.

Ancient beast!

There is no doubt at this moment of the ruthless man. The ancient scriptures record: There is a beast, whose shape is like an ox with a white head, one eye and a snake's tail, and its name is fame.If you walk in water, you will be exhausted, if you walk in grass, you will die. When you see it, the world will be plagued by a big epidemic, which is exactly the same as the beast in front of you.

At this time, the beast also seemed to have noticed the Nanling army, and with a roar, it directly broke through the surrounding attackers, and charged towards the ruthless man with a roar.

"God's arrow camp is ready, the arrow is broken, ready to launch!"

Mu Qiluo gave orders in the face of danger, and planned to use the broken arrow array to deal with the beasts. This broken arrow can easily shred the protective aura of the extraordinary realm warriors, and the arrows are sent all at once, even the great sages are strong. To avoid the three homes.

"Hurry up and spread out, the beasts will attack the big targets that are gathered together."

There was a loud cry in the dark.

The ruthless man famously flew into the sky, the ice and fire sword roared out of its scabbard, and the six sword spirits formed a sword domain surrounding her, and slammed a sword.

"Two layers of ice and fire!"

A beam of sword light hundreds of meters long traverses the sky and the earth, and the red and blue colors illuminate the entire sky as bright as day, with the sword intent of rushing towards the beast lashing towards the beast.


A burst sounded, and the ice-fire sword light directly tore the yellow mist surrounding the beast's body, and slashed its body fiercely, creating a huge sword mark, but compared with its huge body, it was not enough. road.


The ruthless man's attack angered the beast, let out a deafening roar, and slapped the ruthless man with a fierce palm.

"Everyone spreads out, the yellow mist outside this beast is highly poisonous."

The ruthless man gave a loud command, and when the claws of the beast were about to descend, a powerful immortal power suddenly erupted from his body.

"Flying Immortal Art!"

"The Great Wilderness Prisoner's Finger!"

The ruthless man is like a god, and his body erupts with vast and infinite divine power. He pointed out suddenly and turned into an ancient finger with well-defined bones. It is hundreds of feet in size, like a mountain. The giant claws attacked.


An explosive sound rose from the ground. Under the dual power of the Fei Xian Jue and the Great Wilderness Prisoner's Finger, the giant claws of the beast were directly smashed into a blood hole, and the huge body was taken away by Yu Wei, ruthlessly. smashed into the wilderness. , , .

Chapter 561 Smashing the ancient beast alive!


Hundreds of feet away, the ancient beast smashed to the ground fiercely, splashing out the ocean-like blood and rushing on the ground, which was highly poisonous, causing the ground to melt quickly as if it was covered with sulfuric acid.

Until this moment, the ruthless people saw that the ancient beast was not in full bloom. There was a huge and boundless crossbow arrow behind it. The surface texture was mysterious. It was obviously a treasure.

"So strong!"

Seeing the beast smashed to the ground and couldn't get up for a long time, the powerhouses who had besieged it before showed a look of astonishment, and they all looked at the ruthless man in awe.

"This Marquis is the Marquis of Nanling who was proclaimed by the emperor. The fief is the Nanling area. Today, I will lead a large army to come to suppress the rebellion. If you are from Nanling, you should work together with this Marquis to suppress the beasts!"

Ruthless voices spread from all directions, with the boundless power on his body, as if a peerless empress descended, with dazzling divine brilliance.

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