At this moment, the beast that fell in the pool of blood roared up to the sky and let out an earth-shattering roar, and the only eye shot out the divine light of death, blasting all the strong men who wanted to rush out to make up for the sword. , the four giant hoofs stomped on the ground, and they were about to stand up.


An inky black exquisite pagoda appeared in the sky above the beast, and it rose wildly in the wind, but it turned into a size of nearly a thousand feet in an instant, like a black sacred mountain, smashing down fiercely.


With a loud bang, the ancient beast only stood up halfway, and was smashed back into the blood pit by the Suppression Tower.

"This is the Imperial Soldier!"

Those powerhouses who were knocked out showed a look of horror again, and the coercion emanating from the Suppressing Demon Tower was absolutely terrifying, and it was clearly the power of peerless imperial soldiers.

The ruthless man stood in the air, holding one hand in the air, as if holding the huge Demon Suppression Pagoda, and then folded his hand, and the Suppressing Demon Pagoda immediately smashed down from the sky with a sharp whistling sound.


There was another loud noise, and the beast lifted its head and smashed it in half, and then fell back into the blood pit.

"Ah ah ah ah..."

The ancient beast let out an earth-shattering roar, and was completely enraged, and the yellow mist on its body flew out directly.

"Trap it!!"

Yan Ruge stretched out her arms, and turned into four flaming dragons that attacked the head of the ancient beast, and shouted loudly at the same time.

Mu Qiluo also flew to the front, wearing a dark green battle uniform, like a female elf in the jungle. Between her hands, endless water and wood aura poured in. The land that had been dried up was reborn, and countless plants and trees emerged, even more so. Four huge boundless vines were derived, pierced through the clouds, wrapped around the four giant hooves of the beast, and were trapped.

Although Nalan Ruoxue's cultivation base was low, she was not to be outdone. She flew into the sky and sacrificed the seventh-order Thunder God martial spirit, and transformed into two terrifying thunder lights as thick as buckets of water, slamming into the wound on the back of the beast. The smell of barbecue charred came out.

The ruthless man showed a look of satisfaction, the power of flying immortals on his body skyrocketed, he raised his hand and pressed it down again, and the Demon Suppression Tower fell again, smashing the beast into the blood pit.Baolai Novel Network

The rank of this Demon Suppression Tower is very high. Even with Ruthless Man’s current background, he can only exert [-]% of its power with all his strength, and he has no time to look at it. Yan Ruge, Mu Qiluo, and Nalan Ruoxue are the ones who helped She is very busy.

The rest of the strong onlookers also understood the truth and stepped forward to assist them. Among these people, there were nearly ten great saints, and even two saint kings. They were very powerful. They cooperated with Mu Qiluo and others to kill the ancient beasts. contain.




Blood and rain were flying. From the outside point of view, this was a very tragic battle. No part of the huge beast was intact. The Demon Suppression Tower was like a huge brick, constantly smashing down, causing the beast’s The breath is getting weaker.

Finally, the ancient beast couldn't get up again, and was slumped in the blood pit. The vertical eye between the eyebrows was half-dazed, as if it had run out of life.

Yan Ruge and others all showed a relaxed look, and they put away their magical powers one after another. This is because the beasts are too strong. Although the battle time is not long, it has consumed most of their spiritual power, and it is too late to replenish.


At this moment, the ruthless man in the distance suddenly reminded loudly, and at the same time, it turned into a rainbow and ran fast.

Yan Ruge and the others were vigilant, but it was already too late. They saw that the ancient beast's vertical eyes were wide open, and an extremely ferocious color flashed. Horrible breath.

"No, it wants to explode, everyone spread out!"

Mu Qiluo also realized that things were not good. When the ancient beast was about to die, it really went crazy, and took the poisonous mist into its body, so that its flesh and blood also contained highly poisonous. I'm afraid no one will survive.


Just when Mu Qiluo's voice fell, the ancient beast had already burst, and the essence and blood mixed with flesh and blood flew together, like a rain of blood.

"Swallowing the Devil, Hell Oven!"

At the critical moment, the ruthless man finally arrived, the void behind cracked open, and a huge oven flew out, instantly turning into a thousand feet, absorbing all the flesh and blood debris that flew in front of him, and frantically refining.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The hell oven shook violently, and countless yellow-green poisonous gases were refined, causing the void to distort. Those blood essences were transformed into majestic essences and merged into the body of the ruthless man, enabling her to obtain part of the magical powers of the beast. The immortal body became stronger, and the cultivation base also took a step forward.

I don't know how long it took, all the flesh and blood residues were absorbed, the impurities were removed, and only a ball of blood the size of a basketball was left, which flew out of the hell oven and fell into the hands of the ruthless man. This is the blood of the beast. Essence, containing terrifying power, a drop is enough to dry a pond in an instant.

This ancient vicious beast is full of treasures all over its body, especially blood essence, which can be swallowed not only by other monsters, but also by humans to strengthen itself.

However, the blood of beasts often contains a tyrannical aura, especially the evil beasts like the beast, whose flesh and blood are highly poisonous. If the human race wants to refine its blood, it must first remove this part of impurities. Otherwise, he will go into trouble and die.

Now, under the refining of the Heaven Swallowing Demon Art, the blood of these beasts has become very pure and can be refined by humans. The ruthless people absorb half of it themselves, and the remaining half is intended to be used to cultivate a group of elites. Beast Warrior.

With the blood essence power of this beast, each person only needs to refine a drop to have a combat power comparable to the high-level of the Transcendent Realm, which is enough for her to cultivate an elite army. , , .

Chapter 562 Heaven Demon Emperor, Styx was born

Swish swish!

Ruthless people flashed one after another, and more than a dozen figures appeared. Everyone was grateful. If Ruthless people hadn't shot in time, they would have been seriously injured if they didn't die.

After checking the imperial decree handed out by Ruthless Man, these strong men looked at each other and said in unison, "I have seen the Marquis of Nanling, thank you for saving your life."

The ruthless man nodded slightly and said, "Forgive the courtesy. Thanks to the resistance of several seniors, the people of Nanling were saved from the scourge of the beasts. It is the Marquis who wants to thank you."

After a brief conversation, she already knew the identities of these people. They were all ancestors of ancient families in the Nanling area. Because the ancient beasts were rampant, they had to join forces to resist.

"The Marquis of Nanling has seen the outside world. This is the root of our ancient clan. How can we allow the beasts to wreak havoc. During this period of time in the Nanling area, we were worried about foreign aggression. In the past, there was the disaster of the ancient beasts, and then there was the Siji League. When the ancient family has reached the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted, and now that the Nanling Hou army has arrived, the old man can be considered at ease."

An ancestor with white hair and a bright head said with great emotion that he is the ancestor of the local ancient clan, the Sun clan, who has lived for more than a thousand years and has powerful supernatural powers.

As soon as the ancestor of the Sun family said his words, he immediately got a lot of praise.

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