Nanling is located in the borderland and has been abandoned by the imperial court. In fact, it is controlled by various ancient families.If the ruthless came earlier, they would have been ostracized by the major ancient clans, but now that the crisis is on the horizon, the ruthless person's arrival is like a savior. People are also surprised.

After a while of chatting, the ruthless man walked to the blood pit where the beast blew himself up, only to see that the deep pit was several thousand meters deep, and the bottom could not be seen by the naked eye, like a pool of blood, which was enough to see the power of the Demon Suppression Tower.

The ruthless man condensed his spiritual power in his eyes and looked down, raised his hand to take a shot, the blood pool suddenly fluctuated violently, split open a hole out of thin air, and a huge crossbow arrow with a length of several tens of feet flew out from the bottom of the pit. , fell into her hands.

The ruthless man looked at it carefully, and praised: "A good arrow is comparable to a quasi-emperor-level magic weapon, no wonder it can cause such great trauma to the ancient beasts, without the help of this arrow, even if the prince uses the Demon Suppression Tower, it would be very difficult. Surrender that beast, I don't know which arrow belongs to?"

A middle-aged man with a thin hair stood up and said: "Hui Nanlinghou, this is the treasure of our Zhao family, and it was made by the patriarch himself."

The ruthless man said in surprise: "The noble patriarch can actually make a quasi-emperor-level arrow?"

The middle-aged man said proudly: "My family leader is proficient in the art of refining weapons. He was promoted to the quasi-tool emperor hundreds of years ago, and he is especially good at refining swords. If there are materials, even the imperial sword can be refined."

Mu Qiluo, who was on the side, suddenly interjected: "Could it be that the noble patriarch is the famous Huangquan Sword Saint?"

The middle-aged man said, "That's right."

A gleam of light flashed in the eyes of the ruthless man. Even she had heard of the name of Huangquan Swordsman. This person's life can be described as very legendary.Qiyan Reading

In the early years, he was just a well-known great master of the art of equipment. He was lucky enough to break through to the holy realm, and suddenly disappeared when his life was short. Everyone thought he was dead, but he didn't expect to come back after a few decades. Not only did he not die, but he After comprehending the 'Huangquan' sword intent, his strength is comparable to that of the Supreme Sage.

The most astonishing thing is that this Huangquan Sword Saint's lifespan is exceedingly long. Many Supreme Saints younger than him have died. He is still alive and well, with no signs of aging at all, and his strength has become more and more terrifying. Has the reputation of the first person under the emperor.

"It turns out that the swordsman of Huangquan is not only so advanced in the way of swordsmanship, but also so advanced in the art of tools. It's really good. This marquis has a copy of the material for the imperial sword, and only needs a craftsman to help. I wonder if the swordsman of Huangquan has time? "

Ruthless Man asked eagerly, she had already gathered the materials for the Water Element Sword through the Spirit Treasure Trading Conference. If she could refine the Emperor Sword, her combat power would definitely increase several times.Although the Demon Suppression Pagoda is also an emperor-level treasure, it belongs to a special type of treasure, and its pure attack power is not known to be many times worse than that of the emperor-level sword.

Unexpectedly, the middle-aged man suddenly said with a gloomy expression: "The greatest wish of the patriarch in his life is to be able to make an imperial sword with his own hands. It has already been assassinated by the people of the Siji League, I am afraid that there will be more bad luck than good luck."

Immediately, the middle-aged and the powerhouses of the rest of the family told everything that happened during this time.

It turns out that tens of thousands of years ago in the Nanling area, there was a powerful demon sect called the Siji Demon Sect.Later, when he crossed the Divine Emperor Tribulation, the Holy Ancestor Dynasty and the Supremes of the Great Holy Lands suddenly descended and smashed them strongly, and the Four Poles Demon Sect also disintegrated and turned into four Demon Dao Sects.

These four demon sects are the Heaven Demon Sect, the Earth Demon Sect, the Yin Demon Sect, and the Yang Demon Sect. In order to snatch the relics of the Four Poles Demon Sovereign, there have been constant disputes and deep hatred with each other.

Unexpectedly, just a month ago, these four major demon sects suddenly united, and with the momentum of thunder, they wiped out all the surrounding ancient sects and devoured the entire Nanling in one fell swoop.

In desperation, the ancient clans in Nanling had no choice but to separate out a part of the strong, led by the Sword Saint Huangquan to defend against the menacing four-pole demon army, and the other part escaped with the civilians of the clan, planning to migrate to Zhongzhou, but never did Wanting to meet the ancient beast again, it can be said that there is no way out.

"The Demon Emperor of Heaven?"

The ruthless man silently recited the name. According to the powerful people of several clans, it was this Heavenly Demon Emperor who integrated the four major demon sects and suppressed all the opponents with his absolute strength. It is the left guardian of the Corpse Demon Sect.

What makes the ruthless people care is that there was once a great sage in the mainland, who had a great martial arts, and even had a battle with the emperor, and then disappeared without a trace, I don't know if the two are the same person.

If so, it would be interesting, because the Yan family where the Great Sage Cang Tian was located was destroyed by her and Zhang Tian.

After some repairs, the Ruthless Man once again issued an order, and the entire army was stationed in place. Mu Qiluo and Yan Ruge each led a team of light cavalry to gather the strength of the various ancient clans and fight against the huge four-pole alliance.

As the sun rises and the moon sets, time passes by day by day, more and more people from Nanling gather in the wasteland plain. On the other side, the Siji League is still expanding wildly, annexing sects one by one, and robbing countless civilians.

The aura of a decisive battle is getting stronger and stronger over the Nanling Mountains, and anyone can sense the chilling momentum that the mountains and the rain are about to come.

Just before this peak decisive battle came, the Styx River in the ancient land of the Ninth Mountains, Seas and Heavens, broke out first. , , .

Chapter 563

Tiangu Xiancheng, Luoyin River.

Countless great forces gathered, and the sound of breaking the air resounded endlessly. A chariot, a desolate beast dragged a huge ancient coffin, as if it had broken through the ancient times, and the scene was very huge.

For example, Jiuxiao Xianyu, Yaochi Xianyu, etc., all arrived early, and there are many powerful Xianyu forces who did not arrive in advance, but calculated the time, and arrived in a flash with the long-established ancient starry sky road. Avoid twists and turns on the road.

After all, the Styx River, which is reincarnated every million years, is crucial to the major immortal domains.For millions of years, I don't know how many invincible creatures have been born and destroyed. Almost every powerful fairyland has one or two invincible emperors waiting to be buried.

Such an invincible emperor, who swept across the ninth mountains and seas before his death, would be feared even if he died for hundreds of thousands of years, and he did not want his bones to be buried in peace. Domain is a deadly threat.

Therefore, in order to avoid incidents, many immortals waited for the birth of Ming He to arrive.

"Look, the team of the Great Zhou Xianchao came. It turned out to be led by King Wu Cheng. I heard that they will bury three princes this time."

"The people from the Yaoguang Immortal Domain also came, and they even used the roots of the peerless magic medicine to make the ancient coffin. This is a treasure for nourishing the soul, and there must be a terrifying existence in it."

"That's the person from the Black Flame Dragon Sacred Mountain. This Sacred Mountain has been silent for a long time. I heard that they recently received a dragon son of the Dragon Emperor bloodline. I am afraid they will rise again."

The voices of discussion are rising and falling on both sides of the galaxy, and even for the major immortals, such a grand event is rarely seen.

Suddenly, someone spotted Zhang Tian and exclaimed, "Look, who is that person? With such a terrifying power, Palace Master Yaochi and Empress Batian accompany him personally."

Many people followed the prestige, and couldn't help showing extremely horrified expressions. They saw Zhang Tian in white, and he took a step by step toward the river bank with a calm expression. There was no spiritual power fluctuation on his body, but no one dared to underestimate him.

Because at his left and right sides, the two peerless empresses, the Yaochi Palace Master and the Batian Empress, are carefully serving them step by step.

"What is the origin of this person? To make the Yaochi Palace Master condescend."

King Wu Cheng of the Great Zhou Xian Dynasty sat on a multi-colored sacred cow and looked at Zhang Tian from a distance, with a very wonderful expression on his face.

He came late and didn't know Zhang Tian's record, but he knew the Yaochi Palace Master and the Batian Empress, not to mention the Batian Empress's prestige in the ninth mountains and seas, just as the Yaochi Palace Master, it was enough to match today's The emperor of the Zhou Dynasty was on an equal footing, but now he is willing to follow the tail of others.

Many unknowing Immortal Domain Emperors are both shocked and jealous. The Yaochi Palace Master and the Batian Empress are both amazing women who have not been seen in the ninth mountains and seas for millions of years. The goddess who could not ask for it, actually accompanied a strange young man with a submissive expression, how could they not let them be jealous.

But jealousy is jealousy. These emperors are not fools. The characters who can subdue the Yaochi Palace Master and the Batian Empress must be extremely terrifying. It is not an exaggeration to shout the unparalleled emperor. Naturally, no one will come forward to provoke him.

"Once upon a time when the world was graceful and splendid, no one knew it for three years."

Feeling the curious eyes around him looking at him, Zhang Tian couldn't help feeling a little emotional, remembering the ups and downs of the entertainment industry in his previous life, the desolation and bleakness of the new generation replacing the old, and the return of the old that no one knew.

Back then, he swallowed the eight wastes and swept the Liuhe in the name of Burying the Heavenly Emperor, traversing the world for [-] million years, coercing the sky, and the sculptures were erected on every inch of the land of the nine mountains and seas. Who in the world does not know?

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