Even with such an amazing feat, after five million years of ups and downs, it still turned into a dream bubble, which made him sigh with emotion.Qingfeng Literature www.qinfengwx.net

Of course, this is just a sigh. With Zhang Tian's [-] million years of self-cultivation, naturally he will not care about these juniors who have only lived for tens of thousands of years at most.

He also understood in his heart that in the era of Zhantian that lasted for one million years, the Zhantian Alliance once occupied nine major mountain and sea worlds. In order to reduce the prestige of the Emperor Buried, he did not hesitate to destroy the traces of the Emperor Buried, including sculptures and ancient books. , portrait worship, etc.

At that time, the Zhantian Alliance was very powerful, and many neutral Immortal Realm Mountains did not dare to disobey, and obeyed the orders obediently.So much so that the classics related to the Emperor Burial, apart from a few transcendent forces that even the Zhantian Alliance is not willing to provoke easily, only the word of mouth of the older generation remains.

For five million years, it is a miracle that his achievements can still be passed down in the world. If any other Immortal Emperor was treated like this, he would have been forgotten by the world long ago.

With a sigh, Zhang Tian looked up at the sky and said softly, "How long until the time?"

The Yaochi Palace Master calculated and replied, "There is still half a quarter of an hour. This is the time calculated by Zixiao Temple, and there will be no difference."

Her attitude is very respectful, and it seems that she has adapted to this humble status, which makes her feel very strange, as if Zhang Tian has an aura that makes people bow their heads willingly.

Time passed by minute by minute, and finally all the forces of the fairyland were present.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

The terrifying force that seemed to turn the world upside down suddenly broke open the sky, as if it was wrapped in the power of the vicissitudes of the ages, and transformed into a huge galaxy in the void, leading to the ancient corpse in the distance. Connected to Jiuxiao.


The river water seemed to be transformed into colorful immortal power, containing powerful energy, and flowed into the ancient land of the corpse along a specific route, accompanied by bursts of sorrow and music, making those who heard it weep.

At the end of the Milky Way, as if a goddess was pouring paper money, many ancestors in white knelt wept, mourned, and sang funeral songs, as if the immortal king fell and the gods fell.

At this moment, the ancient land of the corpse is even darker and darker, as if it is really connected to the underworld of hell, passing people to life.

"The Nether Ship is here!"

There was a great emperor and a strong man exclaimed, that was far away, and many black ships were flowing down the river. These ships were different, thousands of feet long, ten stories high, and all kinds of exquisite towers and pavilions stood on them. It is like a building boat, but it is only a few feet long and wide, and there are various holes that can be overturned by a single water wave.

"Appeared, appeared, this is an ancient miracle, which is repeated every million years."

"Unconsciously, another era has passed. Who can live again this time?"

"This time the reincarnation is opened by the great world, you must not miss it."

"Grab, grab the best Netherworld ship and bury the ancestors."

The powerhouses on both sides of the Milky Way are crazy, and the moment to test them the most is coming, that is, to win a super-quality ghost ship for their ancestors to be buried. , , .

Chapter 564 Suppression!The peerless and domineering Zhang Tian

The water of the Stygian River is very mysterious. Except for the ghost ship, there is nothing to float, not even the invincible emperor or the treasure ship of the true immortal level. You can only ride on the ghost ship.

Even if you get on the ghost ship, it does not mean you can sit back and relax. You will encounter all kinds of wind and waves along the way, and even the ghost beasts in the Styx River. Once you are attacked and fall into the water, you will be dead.

Therefore, in order to be able to enter the burial grounds smoothly, one must choose a sturdy ghost ship.




Countless statures were shot, all of which were the existence of the Great Emperor, and the divine might shook the sky, fighting each other among those high-grade ghost ships.

Especially the top-quality ghost ship in the center, like a moving palace, exquisite and exquisite, there are more than a dozen great emperors competing for it, and they will not hesitate to use all taboo methods.

"King Wucheng, your Great Zhou Immortal Dynasty just wants to bury three princes, and also fight with my ancestors from Yaoguang Xianyu?"

"Old Daoist Ziwei, you have reached a five-star combat power. No wonder you dare to compete for the best Netherworld ship, but you are still a little short of the heat."

"Haha, how do you know if you don't fight?"

"Damn it, get out of the way for me, I want this superb Netherworld ship from the Thunder Mountain!"

More than a dozen great emperors fought together, sometimes joining forces to attack, sometimes turning against each other, one after another divine powers and treasures illuminated the sky, and from time to time a stormy wave was blown up in the Styx.

"Let's go too."

With a wave of Zhang Tian's hand, an ancient coffin made of green wood flew into the sky, and he stood on it with Yuxin, Yunxia, ​​Li Linger, and Lu Xueyan, and the target was the only top-quality ghost ship.

"What a broken coffin, I also want to come here to mix, I don't know whether to live or die, this emperor will send you a ride."

The old Taoist of Ziwei Immortal Realm saw the ancient coffin under Zhang Tian's feet, and he couldn't help but flash a contempt in his eyes. , and it is not an ordinary emperor who can resist.


In the next moment, the palm gang issued by Ziwei Laodao was directly invisible, Yu Wei rolled back, smashed him fiercely, and directly blasted him out, his body fell into the Styx River, and sank in an instant, with a sound. There was no humming.


All the great emperors who were fighting were startled and stood with their hands tied, looking in awe at Zhang Tian who had stepped on the ancient coffin.

"It's him! The man who let the Yaochi Palace Master and the Batian Queen serve around him before."

Many emperors recognized Zhang Tian, ​​and they were even more horrified. Xindao was really extraordinary. Ziwei Laodao had just broken through to a five-star combat power. Dead body and soul.

"This ghost ship, this emperor wants it." Feiku Novel Network www.txtwww.com

Zhang Tian stood on the coffin and said indifferently, but there was an invincible domineering that suppressed the heavens and the world and dominated the vicissitudes of reincarnation.In the eyes of the gods, a powerful force vented out, and all the dozen or so emperors were blasted out.

Swish swish!

The great emperors stabilized their bodies in the void, and at the same time secretly said 'The Great Emperor of the World'.Immediately, they stopped provoking Zhang Tian, ​​and turned to compete for other ghost ships. They just came to bury their ancestors, not to bury themselves and compete with the Great Emperor, which is really unwise.

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