The Emperor of Xianyu, who was watching secretly next to him, was also stunned. Although he envied Zhang Tian's top-quality ghost ships, he was terrified by his terrorist forces and had no choice but to give up and fight harder for those top-quality ghost ships.

Those who watched the excitement on both sides of the riverbank saw that there were strong men fighting in the sky on every Netherworld boat. There were seven or eight more and two or three less. Only the most luxurious and superb Netherworld boat in the center, no one approached. , can't help but be amazed.

"It's that person."

The brothers and sisters of the mercenary group outside Tiangu Immortal City also saw Zhang Tian, ​​and they all showed very shocked expressions. The girl's red lips were lightly opened, and the indescribable meaning in her beautiful eyes, Zhang Tian at this moment seemed to be truly peerless. Sword Immortal, overlooking Qingliu, standing in the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm, unattainable.

I don't know how long it took, the snatch finally ended. Many great emperors who were unable to grab a high-grade Netherworld ship could only grab a middle-grade Netherworld ship and make do with it. After all, the next time would have to wait a million years, so they couldn't afford it.

There are also coffins placed on some broken and inferior Nethership ships. This Netherworld ship can't withstand any wind and waves at all. Even the Great Emperor can overturn it with just one palm, which can only be regarded as a consolation. Lucky chance.

"Fellow Daoist cherishes all the way, this emperor will wait for you in Tiangu Xiancheng for a hundred years. If you have the day, I hope you will not forget your original promise."

The Batian Empress flew to the top-quality Netherworld ship and said solemnly to Zhang Tian, ​​although there have been very few powerhouses who have successfully been killed from the ancient corpse since time immemorial, she still has a feeling that Zhang Tian can do this.

"Look, the Batian Empress is saying goodbye to that man. Damn it, what is their relationship?"

"It seems to be very close. The Batian Empress said that she will wait outside. Is that person going to enter the ancient land of the corpse?"

Many immortal emperors have been paying attention to Zhang Tian's situation, and when they heard the intimate words of the Batian Empress, they couldn't help but feel jealous, but what followed was a huge shock.

This person is going to enter the ancient corpse land?

Isn't this crazy? For hundreds of millions of years, the ancient corpse of the sky has buried many peerless powerhouses. There are only a few feng shui treasure places at the entrance. Corpse, even if the real immortals of the world dare not say that they can retreat completely.

Let's not talk too far, how brilliant and stunning the Emperor Zhantian was a million years ago. With his own power, he suppressed a great world, pushed nine invincible mountains and seas horizontally, and even suppressed the existence of true immortals in a peerless and fierce land. All the characters have fallen into the ancient land of the corpse, and there are still people who dare to take risks.

It would be fine if Shouyuan was about to run out, but no matter how Zhang Tian looked at it, the divine court was full, and it was only in the prosperous period. Obviously, there was something else going on.

"Hmph, it seems that this person is also an arrogant and arrogant strong man like Emperor Zhantian, thinking that he can kill the ancient corpse through the sky."

"For hundreds of millions of years, countless amazing and supreme figures have tried to conquer this peerless restricted area, and most of them have turned into dust."

"An unparalleled emperor, who could have been brilliant for a lifetime, did such a stupid thing and wasted the will of the Batian Empress. Even if you wait ten million, ten thousand years, you will not be able to wait for the result."

The Batian Empress listened to the discussions around her, and couldn't help but flutter her cheeks. She didn't expect her words to be misunderstood, and she immediately glared at her surroundings, threatening: "If you dare to talk nonsense again, believe it or not, I will Are you all suppressed?"

The emperors were silent for a while, and did not dare to speak any more nonsense, but the eyes became more and more strange, making the Batian Empress angry and ashamed.

The Master of the Yaochi Palace stood on the shore, watching Zhang Tian go away on the Nether Boat, and whispered: "Treasure all the way." ,, .

Chapter 565 Entering the Ancient Land of the Dead!Burial the Emperor?

At the same time, a strange scene also erupted in the ancient corpse of the sky. The rays of light rose up, covering the heaven and the earth. Inside the ancient land, the ground trembled violently, and countless muddy corpses and corpses crawled out of the ground, burning corpses. His eyes looked out of the cave, and he let out a low growl.

They have no intelligence, wandering in the dark ancient land like walking corpses, constantly gathering, the corpse gas is like billowing wolf smoke, thick and terrifying, forming a cloud of corpses, and any creatures that are contaminated will be assimilated.

There are even more places where Feng Shui treasures are opened, the sound of the coffin being rolled one after another, and a terrifying figure in front of him, who is full of anger, crawled out of the ancient coffin, and his bloody eyes, which were full of blood because he had been in the dark for a long time, quietly looked at the horizontal. The River Styx, which passed through the ancient land, was thinking about something.

On the side of the valley, on the side of the river, on the cliff, among the grass, or in the deep pools of the river and sea, there are ancient coffins opened, and there are powerful figures who look like withered inside. Styx.

In the depths of the ancient corpse, there is a peerless dragon cave opened. A dragon master stands on the peak of tens of millions of meters high, like a divine mountain that cannot be shaken. He is wearing a black coat and his eyes are silver. , as if the stars are disillusioned, and the five colors are chaotic.

He quietly looked at the Styx that passed directly through the mountainside, and said softly: "This is a different road, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the underworld, and the enlightened person will also perish when he enters it. , I don't know which Taoist friend set up the chess game, it is really a big deal. Forget it, it has nothing to do with me."

He sighed softly, turned around and walked down to the peak of the gods, followed by a group of supreme beings, all of whom were his followers.

"The chance to break the game has not yet come, go back and wait for another reincarnation."

It seems that a woman said in a low voice, and a vast burial ground has been dormant since then.

"Go back, go back."

Sighs echoed throughout the ancient corpse, and many treasure lords trembled, looking reluctantly at the vast world on the other side of the Styx, when many ghost ships were entering.

The ancient land of corpses is like a huge besieged city. The people outside desperately want to get in, but the people inside want to get out and can't.

Most of the Dragon Lords and Treasure Lords sensed the unexpected and returned to the cemetery to continue sleeping, but there were also many Dragon Lords and Treasure Lords who were unwilling to miss this opportunity and came to both sides of the Styx River, planning to wait until the Nether Ship sailed in halfway. Steal the boat.

They have obtained a long lifespan in the Fengshui treasure land, but they dare not kill them head-on. In contrast, the chances of going out on a ghost ship are much higher.


The river was turbulent, and finally the first batch of ghost ships entered the ancient land of the corpse. The eyes of countless treasure masters shone with light, and a powerful and fierce power erupted.

At this time, the top-quality ghost ship that Zhang Tian was on was still a long way from the entrance to the ancient land of corpses.

Beside Zhang Tian, ​​Lu Xueyan was so scared that her face turned pale. On the way, but only a few dozen miles away, she had already seen many ghost ships being overturned by the waves, and ghost beasts ravaged them. The protector and the ancient coffin were dragged into the Styx.

Fortunately, the top-quality ghost ship they were riding on was extremely sturdy, and no matter how big the waves were, they wouldn't stand still. As for those ghost beasts, they were slapped to death by Zhang Tian before they could get close, but even so, Lu Xueyan was still frightened.

Seeing that she was about to sail into the ancient land of the corpse, Li Xueyan's legs were so frightened that she couldn't help hugging Zhang Tian's arm, and said in a trembling voice, "Master Xian, let's go back, this ship is very strong, definitely not. There will be problems."

Zhang Tian looked at it funny, flicked at her bright forehead, and said, "Aren't you very courageous before? Now you know you're scared, don't worry, it'll be alright."

After speaking, Zhang Tian held Yu Xin's jade hand again. The girl was really scared, but she held back and didn't show it.

Feeling the warmth that Zhang Tian conveyed to her, Yu Xin's mood suddenly relaxed, and she smiled sweetly at Zhang Tian.

At this moment, the best Netherworld ship finally sailed into the ancient land of the corpse.


"Roar..." Hanli Literature

As soon as he entered, there were many roars on both sides, low and ferocious, as if he was about to choose someone to devour, so frightened that Lu Xueyan threw directly into Zhang Tian's arms, not even aware of the two clearly developed snow peaks on top of him. arrive.

These roars are all emitted by the corpse of the earth and the corpse of the sky. Although they have no intelligence, they are very sensitive to life fluctuations and will actively attack those with strong vitality.

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