However, they did not dare to cross the Styx River, and a mysterious force blocked them on both sides of the river, but the cry still made people feel chills down their spines. It is conceivable what kind of calamity those people who came in life and life would face.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

In the dimly lit front, there were countless crackling sounds, but it was those treasure masters who took action, smashing the lower-grade Netherworld ships, vying for the middle-grade and high-grade Netherworld ships, and the treasures and magical powers roared in the sky.

Above the Styx River, a blood-stained stone tablet flew into the air, instantly turning into a size of several thousand meters, like a god, pressing down fiercely, directly smashing a high-grade Nethership to smash, and raging waves rolled up around it.

A woman in blood immediately stood on the stone monument. Her eyes did not look at the Styx at all, but looked at the void, ethereal and peerless, as if she could ascend to an immortal in one step.

"Dust returns to dust, earth returns to earth, three living stones are broken, my heart is immortal..."

The whispering sound echoed throughout the ancient corpse, showing her invincible posture that once overwhelmed the Eight Desolate Eternals.

There is another Buddha's Dharma manifestation, with golden light of ten thousand feet, among which there are Vajra with angry eyes, golden body arhats, thousands of Buddha lotuses, and one after another Buddha sound washes the sky.


Under the light of the Buddha, an ancient golden coffin flew out. The lid of the coffin was lifted, and an ancient Buddha flew out, with a Buddha wheel on its head, two eyes like a cage, holding a rosary, and flew to a high-quality ghost ship. .

"No, it's the Dragon Lord, the Dragon Lord shot!"

The guardian on the Nether Ship was screaming. The woman on the blood-colored stone tablet and the ancient Buddha holding the rosary were clearly dragon masters. They traversed the universe before their death, and they were buried in the peerless dragon cave after death, and they continued to call for wind and rain.

"What about the Dragon Lord, even if he was an ancient Buddha in the Pure Land of the Buddha Land, he would perish if he dared to stop this Emperor from being buried!"

The ancient coffin on a high-quality ghost ship suddenly burst open, and a middle-aged man flew out, wearing an imperial golden crown, wearing a nine-dragon golden robe, and walking on fairy cloud boots. His eyes were as terrifying and deep as the stars, and there was nothing The appearance of blood loss.

"This is God Emperor Jiuxiao, and he still has such a lot of qi and blood!"

Someone recognized the identity of this 'dead man', who was the invincible emperor who overwhelmed the world hundreds of thousands of years ago, and was once the master of the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm.


The ancient Buddha's eyes didn't even look at God Emperor Jiuxiao, and swayed directly by him. The Buddha wheel above his head suddenly shot a golden light, and God Emperor Jiuxiao and the top-grade Nethership under his feet exploded directly, shattering their bodies.

And the figure of the ancient Buddha had already swung across the river and continued to rush forward.

On the other side, the woman in blood also stepped on the ancient monument and flew to it, cutting the boat and breaking the waves all the way, staring at her.

The eyes of the two fell on the only top-quality Netherworld ship in the audience. When their eyes swept to Zhang Tian, ​​their escape light stopped at the same time!

"Bury, bury Heavenly Emperor?"

"how can that be!" ,,..

Chapter 566 The blood-bombing monument, killing the ancient Buddha, the invincible emperor!

This shock is no trivial matter, it can even be said to be turned upside down!

Whether it is the woman in blood or the ancient Buddha with golden body, they are all peerless figures five million years ago. Although hundreds of millions of years of deep sleep make them not know who Chunqiu is now, and even their own memories have become confused, but One thing will never be forgotten!

That is the appearance of Emperor Burial. This is a memory that is almost imprinted in the depths of their souls. Unless the true spirit is broken, it is impossible to forget.

It is precisely because they deeply know the power of the Emperor Burial that they can't believe the identity of the person in front of them. They must know how that person's power can appear in the ancient land of the corpse.

Although the ancient land of the corpse is known as a restricted area in the outside world, it is actually a large cemetery full of filth. Except for those whose life wheel is broken and unable to continue their lives, no strong person with status will be willing to approach the corpse. ancient land.

It is obviously impossible for the Emperor Burial to come to the ancient land of the corpse to seek a new life, and if there are other things, it would not be over if the next order of the emperor's law would be over. Forgive the few old monsters in the depths of the ancient land who did not dare to disobey the order, why should I go in person? Last time.

Just between the two of them, Zhang Tian's top-quality ghost ship had already sailed to the front. He glanced up, and a look of contempt broke out, and the entire ancient corpse seemed to be split open. The violent air blade was divided into two halves, and the blood-clothed woman who was facing her was directly blown away, and the huge stone tablet under her feet was smashed into slag under the infinite pressure.

"Forgive your life, spare your life, bury the sky..."

At this moment, the golden-body ancient Buddha was certain that he had actually met the Emperor Burial of Aogu Lingjin. He did not care about the majesty of the ancient Buddha, so he bowed down and begged for mercy, but he was only halfway through, when Zhang Tian's attack had already arrived. It is a big ancient hand, several thousand feet long, grabbing the ancient Buddha and covering it with the Buddha light emanating from his body.


A large blood mist burst out, and the seemingly invincible golden statue of the ancient Buddha was even worse than the blood-clothed woman.

"You, you actually killed the ancient Buddha?"

Lu Xueyan said in shock that this was an ancient Buddha, a figure that only existed in legends, who was merciful and compassionate, and who saved all beings, and was slapped to death by a slap.

"Buddhism cultivates reincarnation, and pays attention to karma. This ancient Buddha was originally abolished and must be reincarnated. However, he disobeyed the Buddhist way and came to live in this evil place. I am paying him back."

Zhang Tian gave a serious explanation, raised his hand to take a picture, and put away the relic that the ancient Buddha had cultivated for thousands of years.When it comes to Buddhism, he can be regarded as an ancestor, because whether it is Buddhism, Taoism, swordsman or Confucianism, the fundamental cultivation ideas are derived from the martial arts method he created.

The four-character title of the emperor and father of the human race is not just talk.Punishing an ancient Buddha for going the wrong way is no big deal.

"What a terrifying Emperor of the World!"

The masters who followed Zhang Tian were all shocked. They had seen the strength of the two just now. They could easily destroy the high-grade Nether Ship, and even the resurrected Jiuxiao God Emperor was not an enemy of unity, but was defeated. Zhang Tian's backhand was instantly destroyed.

With such combat power, no one dared to object if he said 'invincible'.

"Follow him closely, and you will be able to cross this evil road."

A Taoist protector came up with a clever way to drive the Nether Ship to follow Zhang Tian's top-quality Nether Ship, and let it help resist the attack of the treasure lord along the way.

This kind of practice is actually very taboo, and it is easy to arouse Zhang Tian's anger, but they can't do anything about it. This time, the treasure master in the ancient land of the corpse is too fierce. Impossible to stop.

Fortunately, Zhang Tian was too lazy to pay attention to them, which made these people a big bargain, and the journey was smooth and smooth. Although the treasure owners along the way were jealous, after seeing Zhang Tian's divine power, no one dared to come forward to touch the bad.

"Enter the Styx, don't look back, pass a thousand sails, forget the past..." Fresh Novels

At this moment, a faint and faint ancient saying sounded, and it came from nowhere, but it shook the void, and everyone could hear it clearly.

The River Styx has changed, from thin to wide, forming nine passages, and at the end there are nine dark doors of light.

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