"It's the Nine-Bend Corridor!"

A daoist screamed, and many ancient coffins on the nether ship burst open, sitting up an ancient existence, looking at the nine doors of light, eyes full of excitement and fanaticism.

This nine-curved corridor is the end of this trip and the most critical step. Behind the nine doors of light, there is only one road that leads to the real depths of the ancient corpse. undoubtedly.

No one knows which way of life is the real life. Although some strong people took the Nether Ship to get the chance to live again, the memories of the back of the nine-curved corridor have all become blurred.

Even the saying that the way of life leads to the depths of the ancient corpse is actually made up, because no one retains the memory and has no idea where he was teleported.

Just like the old saying says, enter the Styx, don't look back, pass a thousand sails, forget the past... A mysterious and mysterious power makes people forget everything, and even the peerless supreme cannot leave the slightest deep memory.

Therefore, which way to choose, death or life, depends entirely on luck.

"The fourth door of light on the left, Tongxin Yupei has a feeling, it is the fourth door of light on the left, and Yuehua is behind the door of light!"

Fairy Yunxia was holding a green jade pendant, her face was full of joy, and she finally sensed Fairy Yuehua's breath.


Zhang Tian raised his hand and made a move, and the superb Nethership swayed its stern wildly, adjusting its direction and galloping away towards the fourth door of light from the left.

"Let's follow too!"

Many people have confidence in Zhang Tian and plan to choose the same door of light with him.

Just when all the ships had chosen their passages, the one in the center of the nine doors of light suddenly burst into brilliance, countless mysterious lines were formed, and the darkness behind was dispelled, revealing a bright river.

On the contrary, the other eight gates of light radiated terrifying red light, the waves crashed on the shore, and a blood-colored hurricane blew up. The gate of light was in the center of the eye of the wind, as if there was a giant beast standing there, the magic power was stunned, He opened his mouth wide, wanting to devour all the Nether Ships that came.

"It's over, I chose the wrong channel!"

"Ah, I am invincible for nine days, how can I die here!"

"I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled!"

Except for the ghost ship in the central passage, all the rest of the ghost ship burst out with tyrannical roars, but there was nothing they could do.

"It's over, we're all going to die, we're all going to die, I'm not an adult yet."

Lu Xueyan was so frightened that she burst into tears, and Yuxin and Yunxia also clung to Zhang Tian's clothes, anxiously waiting for the judgment of fate.

Just at this critical moment, Zhang Tian stared straight in his eyes, as if a monument to suppress the sky of all ages, looking at the world, facing the wild beast from afar, and waved his hand. , , .

Chapter 567 Li Qiye?The two kings face off!


A vast power of the heavens poured out, and in front of this power, all the shock waves crashing on the shore, the blood-colored hurricanes, and the wild beasts all became insignificant, and instantly turned into fly ash and disappeared.

The Nether Ship continued to carry its indomitable power and rushed into the dark black door of light. At the moment when they approached the door, Yu Xin, Lu Xueyan and others clearly saw the phantoms of the wild beasts at the other gates of light and all the ghosts. The ships were all smashed, swallowed, and broken, and no one survived.


There is no river behind the gate of light, and the superb Nether Ship was directly stranded on a gravel beach.

"Haha, survived, survived."

"Laugh at me all my life, traversing the nine mountains and seas, and finally survived by luck, hahahaha..."

Many of the ghost ships that followed Zhang Tian survived, and all the old monsters in the ancient coffins crawled out, crying and laughing like crazy.

But it didn't take long for these people to fall silent, looking around carefully, and did not relax their vigilance.Because they know very well that they are not on a path of life. Although they are lucky enough to survive, the road ahead is still at a loss.


The vigilance of these people is not unreasonable. The quiet burial place here changed immediately after Zhang Tian and others arrived. The ground shook, and many corpses and corpses crawled out. He even lost half of his head, but he was still extremely ferocious, rushing towards the crowd with a whimper.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

One after another, the gods channel method appeared, and the corpses were driven away. Facing such a vast tide of corpses, everyone consciously dispersed.After all, this place definitely does not belong to the periphery of the ancient corpse land. Maybe there is an idle feng shui treasure land. They don't want to compete with the living people after finding the feng shui treasure land.

"Ahead, go to the left, no, go to the right..."

Zhang Tian and his entourage also went on the road alone, following the guidance of the Tongxin Jade Pendant to find Fairy Yuehua. Unfortunately, when they got here, the Tongxin Jade Pendant suddenly malfunctioned and always changed direction.

"Maybe there is a mysterious power in the ancient corpse, which can distort space."

Yuxin expressed her opinion. After seeing the strange sights along the way, she has developed a deep sense of awe for the ancient land of the corpse.

"I said what the hell are you doing? Let's find a place to bury Uncle Jiang first."

Lu Xueyan followed behind with the coffin on her back, her heart trembled to the extreme. She never thought that one day she would wander around in the ancient land of corpses. Can't go.

Zhang Tian paused for a moment, thought for a moment, and said, "Since I can't tell the direction, let's go to a treasure master and ask."


Lu Xueyan screamed, but everyone ignored her and went straight to the road. She could only follow behind.


Just as everyone was advancing all the way, there was a sudden sound of broken gongs and bells in the darkness ahead, which seemed to sound in a certain rhythm, making people shudder.

"The sky is long, the land is vast, the road returns to the road, the bridge returns to the bridge, the heaven and earth envoys have traded. Whether it is a god or a ghost, the corpse of the earth will retreat to the three temples..."

Just as Yuxin, Yunxia and others were surprised and suspicious, suddenly there was another call of a male duck, and it sang along with the broken gong, how ugly it was.Hot eBook www.huoretxt.com

"Who is singing this, it's so ugly, and I'm not afraid to call all the corpses."

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