Lu Xueyan ran up in three or two steps and said with disgust.

Yu Xin first smiled slightly, then showed shock and pointed: "Look, those corpses and corpses seem to be hiding from us."

The women followed the prestige, and sure enough, the corpses that were like wolves before, but now they seem to be avoiding them, and they are far away from them, and they are no longer as arrogant as before.

"It's this song, this song has the effect of dispelling the corpses of the earth and the heavens!"

Yunxia quickly realized the problem.

Lu Xueyan said in shock: "Such an unpleasant song has such power. It must be a master. Let's go over quickly. Oops, it may be a treasure master, so let's not go over."

Lu Xueyan was very entangled, but Zhang Tian and the others ignored her at all, and walked straight forward, she could only drag the big coffin to keep up.


The further forward, the louder the sound, the sound of the gong and the shouting, mixed together in a mysterious rhythm.

The closer the sound was, and after dispelling the last layer of fog, Zhang Tian and the others finally saw the source of the sound. It was a group of living people, which made Lu Xueyan let out a long sigh of relief.

But immediately, she felt that something was not right. I saw that these people were very young and full of energy and blood, especially the first one, who looked about the same age as her, dressed very strangely, wearing stilt hats, wearing linen clothes, back He was holding a long box and a broken gong, looking like a god.

Yu Xin's eyes narrowed, and she said softly, "They didn't come in on a ghost ship, and there are no such people following us."

As soon as these words came out, the girls were more cautious, and they were able to get here without taking the ghost boat, which shows the extraordinaryness of this group of people.

Seeing Zhang Tian and others, those people were also shocked. A young man in green jumped out and said, "Who are you? Are you a human or a ghost?"

Not to be outdone, Lu Xueyan said, "Who are you? Are you humans or ghosts?"

The young man heard what Lu Xueyan said. He thought that she was not a female ghost in the ancient land. His expression suddenly relaxed and he said, "We are from the ancient country of washing face, this is the prince of our country, Li Qiye! You should also report to the sect. the door?"

"Just him, and the prince? It's too funny to dress up, and it's ugly to sing."

Lu Xueyan held her stomach and laughed.

The people who followed Li Qiye were a little embarrassed, but there was nothing they could do, because Li Qiye's dress was really funny, and there was no majesty of the prince of the ancient country at all.

Although Li Qiye was the youngest among the crowd, his expression was very old-fashioned. He was not moved by Lu Xueyan's ridicule at all, and only said lightly, "It's time for the girl to report to the house, right?"

Lu Xueyan glanced at Zhang Tian, ​​and seeing that he didn't mean to say anything, she made up her own mind, pinched her waist and said, "We belong to the Lu family."

A flash of surprise flashed in Li Qiye's eyes, and then he nodded and said: "It turns out to be the Lu family of the arrogant Immortal Emperor of Tiangu Xiancheng, no wonder you can come here, are you also here to make a deal with the treasure master? Why didn't Chuan Tiangu? Aren't you afraid of offending the Treasure Lord with the disguise of an earth envoy?"

Lu Xueyan shook her head and said, "We're not here to make a deal, we just want to ask a treasurer to come out and ask something."

As soon as these words came out, several people in the Cleansing Incense Ancient Country were startled and asked the treasure master to come out and ask something?Do you think that the ancient corpse was opened by your family!

PS: I overslept all night, the update is a bit late, sorry~~ ,, ..

Chapter 568 He is the real pusher!

Even Li Qiye was stunned by Lu Xueyan's words, looked at Zhang Tian and the others with suspicious eyes, and finally set his eyes on Lu Xueyan, said solemnly: "The dead are the greatest, even if it is a joke. There is a limit, the ancient corpse is not a place where you can fool around."

Even though he is only the same age, Li Qiye's power is very strong, which makes Lu Xueyan feel oppressed as well, as if he was facing the Lu family's emperor, he didn't dare to speak at the moment.

Li Qiye then retracted his gaze and looked around, only to see that the mountains here are undulating, the dark river is unobstructed, the earth is divided into pieces, and a black flower field is covered on it, which is very flat. An excellent landscape.

"The treasure lord of the first transaction should choose this one, and you should all prepare according to my previous instructions."

Li Qiye ordered with a solemn expression, and the few people who followed him immediately moved, setting up various small flags, arrays and the like.

Until everything was properly placed, Li Qiye instructed: "Most of these treasure lords are incomplete, plus the endless years of sleep, except for the most fundamental memory of the divine passage method, the rest of the memory will become blurred. If you find something in a while, such as this treasure lord belonged to the sect before his death, remember not to make a sound, if the treasure lord is stimulated, we will all worry about our lives."

Seeing what Li Qiye said solemnly, those few nodded solemnly.

Only then did Li Qiye turn around, bowed solemnly three times to the open space, and said loudly: "One knocks on the emperor, two worships the corpse, three respects the treasure lord, the envoy of heaven and earth, bears the peerless magic medicine, knocks Treasure..."

After saying a lot of mysterious words in one breath, Li Qiye took out a sharp knife, opened his fingers, and the blood merged into the ground in a line, and said softly: "I swear by blood, and the respondent will come out of the coffin!"

These movements looked extremely weird, and the atmosphere of the ancient corpse land made people feel a little palpitated. Just as everyone was wondering, the earth suddenly trembled violently.

"This, this is..."

In the terrified eyes of everyone, the land covered by the sea of ​​flowers suddenly cracked from the middle, and the soil collapsed in, revealing the appearance of an ancient cyan coffin.

This ancient coffin is dozens of feet long, with dragons, phoenixes, unicorns and other wild beasts carved on the surface, like a palace lying on the ground, and like a sword that traverses the sky and the earth, exuding a powerful sword intent, even if the distance Even far away, he could sense the sharp sword intent that pierced his skin.

"Crack - click - click -"

The corner of the ancient coffin slowly opened, and then a large amount of rays of light erupted, accompanied by the faint sound of golden chirps, as if thousands of troops were rushing to kill.

Finally, a black shadow stepped out, and I saw that he was incomparably tall, three or four feet tall, wearing a hideous beast-faced armor, with an iron sword attached to his waist, like an invincible general who only went to No matter where you stand, it is like a divine peak standing on the ground, which cannot be shaken.

The few people who followed Li Qiye seemed to recognize the identity of the general, and they all widened their eyes, showing extremely horrified expressions, but when they remembered Li Qiye's advice, they all covered their mouths tightly and did not dare to make a sound. .

"This person can actually make deals with dead people."

Lu Xueyan said something in surprise.


Just as Lu Xueyan opened her mouth, the treasure lord wearing the ferocious beast armor suddenly opened his eyes, turned his eyes, raised his hand and shot an incomparably sharp sword energy towards Lu Xueyan, accompanied by the sound of a lot of ghosts and wolf howls, like the blade of death. , Where the sword passes, Shura hell.


Zhang Tian frowned slightly, snorted coldly, and smashed the sword energy directly.

"Although you are asleep, there is still a ray of spirit wandering outside. Have you ever seen this woman?"

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