After destroying the sword qi, Zhang Tian raised his hand and flicked in the void, transforming into the appearance of Fairy Yuehua, and asked the general treasure lord.

Li Qiye and others were all taken aback, but Zhang Tian really asked the treasure master to ask questions, and he also used a commanding tone.

Almost at the same time, Li Qiye's seemingly thin and slender body suddenly became extremely flexible, and he directly jumped back several meters, looking at Zhang Tian and others, as if he was looking at a dead person.Rainbow Literature Network


The Treasure Lord made a hoarse voice, accompanied by a terrifying chill that erupted from him, the iron sword around his waist slammed out of its scabbard, and he held it in his hand. The sword was nearly two feet long. The body is blue, as if made of ice crystals, cold and biting.

At the moment when the ice crystal iron sword was unsheathed, the surrounding temperature plummeted, as if entering a ten-thousand-zhang ice abyss, countless white snowflakes fell from the sky, layers of frost formed on the ground, and cold winds swept across all directions.

"This is a fairy weapon!"

The hearts of the few people who followed Li Qiye were trembling. Only an immortal-level treasure can have such divine power. Even in the ancient land of the corpse, it can communicate with the world and produce a powerful power in the field.

"I've said before that, to provoke the treasure master, there is only one way to die."

Li Qiye made an indifferent assertion.


The ice crystal long sword slashed down with the power of the vastness, as if an ice dragon roared out, staring at the world.

"court death."

Zhang Tian frowned impatiently, raised his hand and pressed it down, a huge abyss suddenly split open in the void, and a hand of God protruded out, tens of millions of feet in size, covering the sky and the sun, and directly took the treasure master together with it. The ice crystal fairy sword is suppressed together.


The earth trembled, a mad power swept out, and all the mountains within a radius of a hundred miles were smashed, and the previous ice and snow world was swept away.


Li Qiye and others were all shocked by this scene. This treasured master was a great figure of peerless terror.

"Ahhh, no, don't kill me, I said, I said!"

The treasure lord's stiff face showed a very vivid expression of prayer, and his eyes were full of fear. Zhang Tian was too powerful, so powerful that even his true spirit would be broken.


Zhang Tian said lightly, grabbing his right hand in the void, the treasure lord was directly crushed by the hand of God, not even a trace of blood was spilled, only a pale white soul floated out, which carried his memory.

After digesting the memory, Zhang Tian raised his eyes and looked forward and said, "He has really seen Fairy Yuehua, come with me."

"and many more."

Li Qiye suddenly opened his mouth and said solemnly: "We just came from that road. There is an 'ancient ant carrying a coffin' there, which is a taboo that even the peerless Immortal King dare not touch.

Zhang Tian turned around, gave Li Qiye a meaningful look, and then continued to walk forward.

Looking at Zhang Tian's gradual back, the young man following Li Qiye's left couldn't help swallowing his saliva and said, "This man is so powerful, it's the first time I've seen someone more powerful than His Royal Highness."

Li Qiye shook his head with a wry smile, and sighed, "I'm just pretending, he's really awesome."

As one of the planners of the Dao of Chaos, Li Qiye has unimaginable secrets. Even if he is weak, he can look down on the emperor and even call it a true immortal.

But he had a vague feeling that even if he awakened all his memories and retrieved the divine channel method of the reincarnation of a hundred lives, he still couldn't be the opponent of the man just now. , , .

Chapter 569 The ancient ants carry the coffin, and the fairy king will step back!

"Haha, have you seen the expression on the face of the Prince of the Ancient Cleansing Country? It's so funny."

Lu Xueyan said very cheerfully, and seemed to be infected by Zhang Tian's relaxed freehand brushwork, and felt that the legendary ancient land of corpses was nothing more than that.

Yu Xin whispered: "I think that Prince Li is very unusual. It should be said that he is the prince of the ancient country. He is even more unfathomable than the prince of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty. Even I don't think even the Holy Heavenly Daozi may be as good as him."

After speaking, Yu Xin raised her snowy face and looked at Zhang Tian, ​​wondering if her evaluation was correct.

Zhang Tian stroked her hair and said with a smile: "That Li Qiye is indeed extraordinary, and will be one of your sisters' opponents in the future."

Fairy Yunxia showed a look of surprise. It was the first time she saw Zhang Tian speak so highly of a person, and she couldn't help but sigh: "This ancient country of cleansing beauty is also a power with a long heritage, and even our small world of Shengyuan has theirs. Resident, this generation has another powerful prince, it seems that it will usher in prosperity."

The Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, Tantai Holy Land, Yaochi Holy Land, etc. in the small world of Shengyuan have always been regarded as martial arts holy places by mainland martial artists. In fact, they are only sub-altars set up by the great forces of the Ninth Mountains and Seas, with the support of the ancient kingdom of Xianyu. , a strong natural heritage.

These sub-altars located in the small world also have their responsibilities. The most important one is to select the amazing Tianjiao, and after they have cultivated to a certain level, they will be extradited to the headquarters of Ninth Shanhai.

Although Tianjiao that can be sent to the ninth mountain and sea is very rare, and even one can only be produced in hundreds of thousands of years, but the number of millions of small world sub-altars added together is very considerable, and it can be continuously sent to the ninth. Shanhai headquarters delivered amazing Tianjiao.

This kind of background is impossible to achieve without the accumulation of more than millions of years. New forces such as the Three Emperors City may compete with some immortal realms in a short time, but it is only a flash in the pan, and it is easy to have a situation where the blue and yellow are not connected.

Yu Xin's expression was very calm, and she didn't have too much competitiveness.

The five of them went all the way, Li Linger kept silent because of his confusion, Lu Xueyan held a big coffin but kept chattering all the way, pestering Yuxin and Yunxia to ask questions, it was lively all the way.




Zhang Tian walked at the front, and all the corpses and corpses that approached were blasted away.

When he reached a fork in the road, Zhang Tian suddenly stopped for a few steps, looked around, and flicked his palm towards a black mountain. The mountain that was nearly ten thousand feet uprooted directly, moved several miles, and fell vertically.


Below the mountain is a dark river, which directly submerges half of the mountain and fills up the dark river.

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