"Who is disturbing this seat's sleep!!"

At the place where the mountain originally stood, the ground exploded and an ancient black coffin flew out. It was the habitation of a treasure master. This was an excellent geomantic treasure land. With the mountain as a monument, the atmosphere was magnificent.


The black ancient coffin stood heavily on the ground. The surface of the coffin was engraved with ancient dragon-shaped inscriptions, as if it was made of nature. The ancient coffin of zhang-da shows the dignity of the identity of the burial.

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The lid of the ancient coffin flew out directly, and stepped out a tall man wearing a black unicorn robe.Because that mountain is unusual and suppresses the spiritual veins, it is impossible for ordinary powerhouses to shake it.

"Have you ever seen this woman?"

As usual, Zhang Tian condensed the appearance of Fairy Yuehua in the void.

Lu Xueyan hurriedly added: "You'd better answer honestly, just now there was a treasure master who refused to cooperate and was killed directly."

She is a newborn calf and is not afraid of tigers. She followed Zhang Tian all the way, her courage soared, and she could even be calm in the face of the terrifying treasure lord.

The mighty man wearing a unicorn robe rolled his eyes, as if he was considering something, and finally pointed to the front left, "Someone took her in that direction, all three of them are treasure-lord-level powerhouses, if My guess is good, I should take her to Qixing Longyuanhai. It is the territory of a powerful dragon master, not to mention the treasure master, even other dragon masters would not dare to approach, that's all I know."

After the man finished speaking, he raised his hand to take a picture, the coffin lid flew back again, and the coffin was re-covered and buried.

"Let's go."

Zhang Tian moved, and before leaving, he waved at the black mountain that sank into the dark river, and the mountain suddenly roared up and fell back to its original place.

"Thank you, friend, there are ancient ants carrying the coffin before, be careful."

The voice of the man in the unicorn robe sounded again, and a message was attached, and his tone was very solemn.

Yu Xin couldn't help but wonder: "What exactly is this 'ancient ant carrying a coffin'? Everyone seems to be very afraid. Miss Lu lives in the ancient fairy city, have you heard of it?"

Lu Xueyan showed a cautious expression, looked left and right, and whispered: "I heard those tomb robbers say that this 'ancient ant carrying a coffin' is a wonder in the ancient corpse, it is very terrifying, anyone who dares to touch it The person who touches it, no matter what cultivation level, even the invincible emperor, or even the true immortal or the immortal king, will die extremely miserably."

"The fairy king can't touch it? Isn't that more terrifying than the dragon master?"

Fairy Yunxia screamed, it was hard to imagine what it would be like to deter the existence of the Immortal King.

"There is an old saying in the tomb robbery, called 'the dragon master is easy to provoke, but the ant coffin should not be touched', which is enough to see the power of this ancient ant to carry the coffin. But to say that it is more terrifying than the dragon master, it is not necessarily true. Ordinary people If you meet the dragon master, you will definitely die, but if you encounter an ancient ant carrying a coffin, as long as you don’t take the initiative to approach and touch it, it will not come to trouble you. If we do encounter an ancient ant carrying a coffin, you will also Don't be afraid, just dodge it and go."

Lu Xueyan said very savvyly, she is a lively girl, she often listens to the bragging of those tomb robbers, and she knows many things in the ancient corpse.

I don't know if Lu Xueyan's crow's mouth had an effect. Not long after the five people walked, an ancient coffin suddenly appeared on the wasteland in front, a purple-gold ancient coffin, only a few feet long and wide, far from those treasures. The main coffin is domineering, but it exudes a deep, solemn, suffocating oppression.

The most important thing is that this small purple-gold coffin is moving, not by itself, but by countless ants supporting it.

"Ancient ants carry the coffin, it is really the ancient ants carrying the coffin! Don't panic, no...don't panic, stay away from it first and then...let's talk about it."

Lu Xueyan just now looked like a master and expert, but now her teeth are trembling with fright and her legs are weak.

When it came to the end, she realized that it was not as simple as she imagined. Under the power of this small purple-gold coffin, it was very difficult to even move a finger, let alone take a step.

Yuxin, Yunxia, ​​and Li Linger were also extremely shocked. They held their breath and didn't dare to move.

Unexpectedly, just as the small Zijin coffin was walking to the side of everyone, Zhang Tian suddenly said: "This coffin is not bad, this emperor wants it." , . . .

Chapter 570 The messenger of heaven and earth, see Burying the Heavenly Emperor

"You... what are you talking about, this is an ancient ant carrying a coffin!"

Lu Xueyan was startled, and quickly suppressed Zhang Tian's voice.

But it was already too late, the speed of the Zijin coffin's movement was stagnant, and it stopped immediately, as if hearing Zhang Tian's words.

"This seat is hungry and needs a sacrifice."

An ancient hoarse voice came from the Zijin coffin, as if it had not spoken for a long time. The voice was unpleasant, but the meaning of it made everyone hear it clearly, as if it had passed directly into their heads.


The Zijin coffin was slowly pushed aside, and an old man in a wide robe sat up, wearing a stilt hat and holding a gong in his hand. His attire was somewhat similar to Li Qiye, the Crown Prince of the Ancient Cleansing Incense.

There was no expression on his face, he suddenly opened his eyes, and a coercion as vast as the ocean came crashing down, directly locking Lu Xueyan.

"The bloodline of the arrogant Immortal Emperor?"

Lao Dao's face twitched, and he seemed to be a little moved, and he murmured softly: "This bloodline is very pure, although it is a good nourishing product, but if I swallow her and keep the arrogant old man looking for me desperately, let's forget it. "

Lu Xueyan was terrified and almost fainted, but when she heard these words, she was refreshed and hurriedly said, "You know my ancestor? Is Immortal Emperor Arrogant not dead yet?"

As a member of the Lu family, Immortal Emperor Jiao Heng is their spiritual totem. Almost every descendant of the Lu family regards Immortal Emperor Jiao Heng as their idol and laments that he passed away at a young age. very excited.

The old man said indifferently: "Dead is not dead, alive is not alive, it is half dead."

Lu Xueyan was a little ignorant, but she thought of the people around her and said, "They are all my friends. Since you respect my ancestors, don't embarrass them."

The old man glared, "Who said I respected the arrogant old man? He came to fight with me for tens of thousands of years, and I am not afraid. I just don't want to fight with him as a madman. You should hide away."

Shaking his head, the old man turned his gaze to Yu Xin again, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he said in surprise: "The reincarnation of the king? Hehe, I didn't expect the dignified king to end up like this, it's you."

After finishing speaking, the old man raised his hand and turned into a ghost claw that covered the sky and grabbed Yuxin fiercely.

There was a look of horror in Yu Xin's eyes, and immediately, the horror in her eyes disappeared again, and turned to a calm, like a pool of stagnant water, the ancient wave was not shocked, the momentum on her body became even more terrifying, and the void behind her boiled and roared, A huge banner was revealed. Although it was dilapidated, it exuded an invincible might to suppress the nine heavens and ten earths.

Lao Dao suddenly became suspicious, quickly retracted the Heaven-shading Ghost Claw, and murmured, "There is actually a great flag to protect you? You are indeed the King of Humans, and even the reincarnation after these millions of years has been calculated. Since you have already Once you are ready, I will not disturb your layout."

Lao Dao looked at the broken flag of the Great Desolation, as if he was afraid of something, finally shook his head, gave up the plan to eat Yuxin, and turned his eyes on Li Linger.

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