"Nine Yin Extinction Vessel? The physique is still so-so, and there are two true spirits in the same body without backlash. It's interesting, and the other true spirit is a bit interesting. The emperor's imprint was engraved at a young age. It's rare, it's you. ."

The old man looked at Li Linger up and down, and finally showed a reluctance to accept it, and raised the sky-covering ghost claw again to grab Li Linger.E-bookshop www.txtinfoxs.com


Lu Xueyan shouted, but she couldn't move, there was nothing she could do.

At this moment, Zhang Tian suddenly opened his mouth and said, "Have you seen this emperor, why don't you bow down?"


Lao Dao seemed to be startled, his eyes turned and landed on Zhang Tian, ​​his eyes were full of surprise.

Powerhouses such as Lao Dao lived in the ancient corpse all year round. Compared with their eyes, they believed in their own spirits, so from the beginning, Lao Dao did not pay attention to Zhang Tian.

Because the fluctuations of Zhang Tian's spiritual power were too weak, even with the old-fashioned spiritual power, he couldn't sense anything, so he was directly regarded as the same as Yunxia and ignored.

When I noticed Zhang Tian at this time, Lao Dao's expression was very wonderful, from initial suspicion, to surprise, to shock, to ecstasy, to awe, to tears.

I don't know how many changes have passed, Lao Dao slowly stepped out of the purple gold coffin, solemnly straightened his robes, knelt down, and said excitedly: "Liu Yi, the envoy of heaven and earth, see the emperor buried, see the immortal face of the emperor. , I have no regrets in this life!"


As soon as these words came out, Yunxia, ​​Lu Xueyan, and the others were all shocked and looked at Zhang Tian with incomparably holy eyes. Although they had long known that Zhang Tian must be a strong man of great origin, they could not put it down. He is associated with the emperor who was number one in all ages.

Because this is too fantastic and impossible, the Emperor Buried who slaughtered gods and demons, the Emperor Buried who founded the Heavenly Court, the Emperor Buried who dominated the ups and downs of the nine mountains and the sea, and the first emperor of all ages, how do they think of such characters? Right next to you?

"How long have you been here?"

Zhang Tian said indifferently, at this moment, his temperament has completely changed. Although he is in the burial ground, he is like sitting in the Lingxiao Palace in the immortal world. Gods and demons surrender, and all races worship.

"Reporting to the Emperor, Xiaoxian has been ordered to inspect the ancient land of the corpse for more than [-] million years."

Liu Yi's words are full of vicissitudes of emotion. More than [-] million years ago, he was only a trivial true immortal in the fairy world, and he was not even qualified to meet the Emperor Burial.Due to a paper transfer order, he descended from the immortal world and entered the ancient land of the corpse of the ninth mountain and sea.

This kind of cultivation was not worth mentioning in the ancient corpse at that time, but down to the treasure master, up to the mysterious and unfathomable existence in the depths of the forbidden area, no one dared to disrespect him.

Because he is a special envoy sent by the Heavenly Court, behind him is the Desolate Heavenly Court, the Emperor Buried!

For more than [-] million years without the sun, Liu Yi experienced an extremely painful mental journey. Fortunately, he endured it, and with the help of his power, he set foot in every fierce place in the ancient corpse, and even took advantage of it. Go to blackmail those dragon masters and treasure masters, and get a lot of resources.

With an almost infinite lifespan, coupled with the insane accumulation of infinite immortal treasures, Liu Yi, who was mediocre in qualifications, broke through to the realm of the peak immortal king. This was a realm he had never imagined before, which made him ecstatic.

But he still couldn't get out of the ancient land of the corpse, so he became depressed again, lying in the small purple gold coffin every day and let a group of ants drag him around in the ancient land of the corpse.

Since then, the 'Ancient Ant Carrying Coffin', which everyone feared, was born. , , .

Emperor Chapter 571 The father turned out to be the emperor who buried the sky

"Well, you worked hard."

Zhang Tian said with a bit of emotion, in the heyday of the ancient heaven, the nine mountains and seas were under control, and there were envoys from the heavens in all the fierce areas to prevent accidents. This is just an ordinary order, but Liu Yi can insist on two For thousands of years, this diligence is worthy of praise.

You must know that with Liu Yi's current cultivation realm, he has left the ancient land of the corpse, and is enough to traverse the nine mountains and seas and become a supreme figure that he never dreamed of before. On the word 'loyalty'.

Liu Yi was so excited that he kowtowed heavily, and said, "It is an honor for Xiaoxian to serve the Emperor of Heaven, and I dare not say that it is hard work. The Emperor of Heaven is here, and Xiaoxian has not been far away to welcome him, and I hope that Emperor Immortal will punish him."

Lu Xueyan sucked in a breath of cold air. Until now, she didn't know the true face of the 'ancient ant carrying the coffin'. It turned out to represent the special envoy of the heavenly court.

That Li Qiye of the ancient country of washing face, dressed in a funny dress, now it seems that he is clearly imitating the envoys of heaven and earth, so he also knows the secret of 'ancient ants carry coffins', and even pulls up tiger skins to make coats, But a great man.

Thinking of this, Lu Xueyan couldn't help but secretly glanced at Zhang Tian, ​​her eyes were filled with indescribable excitement and curiosity. The legendary Burial Emperor, the first emperor of the human race, has no historical records, but his achievements have been passed down through the ages, full of The fantasy color is often mentioned in the wine shop, even if it is only related in a few words, it makes her emotional, and she feels that she is an outstanding person at that time.

Now this mythical existence is standing in front of her, making her feel both excited and at a loss. The happy one is almost fainting, and she is afraid that it is just a dream of Nanke, so she does not dare to leave Zhang Tian for a moment.

However, Zhang Tian didn't have time to pay attention to Lu Xueyan's young girl's mood, so he just said casually, "Heavenly Corpse Ancient Earth, how is it going?"

Liu Yidao: "Nearly ten million years, there has been no change. The corpse of the arrogant Immortal Emperor has been suppressing the ancient venerables, preventing them from causing chaos. It's just that the so-called 'Styx' suddenly poured out five million years ago. Immortal and arrogant Immortal Emperor's spiritual body has been searched for several times, but they have not been able to find the source and end point. I am afraid that some master has laid a big picture here, which makes Xiaoxian uneasy. There was no reply."

He who lived in the ancient corpse land for a long time did not know that the outside world had already been turned upside down, and today's desolate ancient heaven has no time to manage the affairs of the ancient corpse land.

Zhang Tian nodded slightly and said, "Back then, I asked Arrogant to set up a city here. This was just a random word. I didn't expect that he was so tired that he would entrust his wealth and life here, and then let this emperor care about it. Since today is here, I will be But for this cause and effect, go and send him a message and ask him to come to Qixing Longyuanhai to see this emperor."

"Xiaoxian obeyed, and Immortal Emperor Arrogant Heng has suffered so much in these years. He never complained. Instead, he often lamented the brilliance of the Heavenly Emperor and hated his own strength. If he heard the Heavenly Emperor's call, he would be very happy."

While accepting the decree, Liu Yi did not forget to say a good word for Immortal Emperor Jiao Heng. Over the years, he lived next to Immortal Emperor Jiao Heng. Although he didn't show it on the surface, he respected him very much in his heart.

It can be said that if there is no Immortal Emperor Jiao Heng, the ancient corpse will not know what the situation will be, and Immortal Emperor Jiao Heng has also paid a painful price for this. Using his real body as a monument, he suppressed the ancient venerables, and there is only one spiritual body. Surviving in the world, but can only stay in the strange land of the ancient corpse, which is not much different from dying.

Zhang Tian nodded, looked at the small purple gold coffin, and said, "This emperor is entrusted by someone and wants to bury someone. Your coffin is good, so give it to this emperor."

Liu Yi glanced at the coffin that Lu Xueyan was holding, and quickly said, "It's just a small coffin. If the Emperor doesn't dislike it, he can take it as much as he can."

In fact, this small purple-gold coffin is extraordinary. It was made by Liu Yi who collected countless treasures from the ancient corpses. It was originally intended to show dignity and luxury, but since Zhang Tian opened his mouth, let alone a small coffin, it would cost him his life. Also send it out obediently.

Remembering what Zhang Tian said just now, Liu Yi said again, "Could it be that the Emperor of Heaven intends to bury this person in the Seven Stars Longyuanhai?"

Zhang Tiandao: "Exactly."

Liu Yi hesitated for a moment, then said: "The feng shui of the Seven Stars Longyuanhai is very good, it is a big pattern of 'Seven Dragons Fighting for Pearls', the burial person is extraordinary, before his death he was a monster clan supreme, countless powerful figures followed and buried , there are still descendants to condolence and sweep the tomb, if the emperor just wants the dragon cave, Xiaoxian can arrange a few vacancies."

The ancient corpse has existed for hundreds of millions of years, and I don't know how many unparalleled people have been buried. Even as Liu Yi, who has been here for more than [-] million years, there are still several places that are taboo, and Qixing Longyuanhai is one of them.

Not to mention how terrifying the dragon master who was sleeping in the Seven Stars Longyuanhai was, the power behind him alone was enough to deter Liu Yi.

The ancient corpse is a forbidden area for most people, but for some forces, it is an ordinary burial ground. They have a good relationship with the ancient ancestors deep in the forbidden area, bury their ancestors here, and often send people Come to sweep the tomb, and present some tributes, and walk in and out without any obstructions.

There are very few forces that can negotiate with Gu Zun in the ancient land of the corpse, and there are not many in the entire nine mountains and seas, but the power behind the dragon master of Qixing Longyuanhai is one of them, so Liu Yi will remind him.

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