Zhang Tian glanced at Liu Yi and said in a low voice, "There is no place in the world that this emperor can't go to. You are the envoy of heaven and earth, and the special envoy of this emperor. Remember this sentence!"


Liu Yi bowed his head and took orders. Zhang Tian's eyes made him understand what Tianwei is unpredictable. Even if he reached the realm of the peak fairy king, he was still just an ant in front of Zhang Tian. Put Jiang Hai's body in a small Zijin coffin.

"Arriving here at Qixing Longyuanhai, we have to go through a waterway. Xiaoxian has a fairy car here. I would like to dedicate it to the Emperor of Heaven."

After thinking for a while, Liu Yi took out another chariot with a length of several hundred meters, made of immortal gold, and the corpses of nine ancient flood dragons were pulling the chariot. Under the purple gold coffin.

"Then the emperor will accept it."

Zhang Tian was not polite, and took Yu Xin and others directly to the Jiaolong Immortal Car, rolling up the dust and leaving.

It was only at this moment that Liu Yi dared to get up from the ground and stayed in place for a while, and then he used his escape light to go into the depths of the ancient corpse, but he sent a message to the arrogant Immortal Emperor.

After walking for a long distance on the Jiaolong Immortal Car, the indifference in Yu Xin's eyes disappeared, and she regained her agile look. Shen Xi's clever eyes flowed, and she looked at Zhang Tian and said in surprise, "Dad is actually the Emperor Burying Heaven?", , .

Chapter 572 The reincarnation of the king and Zhang Tianzhen

This short quarter of an hour's experience was too shocking for Yu Xin.

First, Liu Yi made a move to her, making her passively enter a 'ruthless' state, but the soul has been observing the outside world and seeing everything that happened.

The first is to know that she is the reincarnation of the King of Humans. Who is the King of Humans?She is one of the most talented female fairies in ancient times, and later joined the Zhantian Alliance. She is also one of the few invincible powerhouses who have won the title of Zhantian as an immortal king, and can be tied with the quasi-immortal emperor.

Such an amazing figure, whose reputation has been passed down to future generations, is the idol admired by all female monks, and turned out to be her predecessor.

Moreover, her relationship with the King of Humans is obviously not as simple as a simple past life reincarnation. She clearly saw that after she entered the 'ruthless' state, there was a look of fear in Liu Yi's eyes, and she said, ' The great flag of the Great Wilderness protects the body' such words.

Obviously, the king made a layout before he died, but it was only revealed at the most critical time.

Originally, this news had already had a great impact on Yu Xin, but the next development of the matter shocked her even more. Dad knelt down, looked respectful, and said 'Burying the Emperor'.

The first immortal emperor of all ages turned out to be her father, and the shock of this news made her forget about the reincarnation of a human king.

"What, is it surprising?"

Zhang Tian smiled and touched Yuxin's hair. Regarding his true identity, he never wanted to hide anything in the past, but he never took the initiative to reveal it. He wondered if his daughters would accept it.

Yu Xin nodded, and took the initiative to put her face on Zhang Tian's palm, and said softly: "But Dad is Dad, no matter who it is, it is Yu Xin's favorite person."

That's right, to Yu Xin, Zhang Tian's true origin is not important at all. As long as she can give her this familiar warmth, Zhang Tian will always be the most important, powerful and omnipotent person in her heart. .

This Flood Dragon Immortal Car was once one of Liu Yi's vehicles to inspect the ancient corpse. It has been used for millions of years, and it has his breath on it. It has a very strong deterrent effect on those corpses and treasure owners. , No corpse dared to approach, and it was very smooth to reach a deserted sea.

"This should be the Qixing Longyuan Sea. There are seven feng shui treasures in the sea, named Qixing Island, where seven powerful people are buried. As for the peerless dragon cave, it is located in the center of the Qixing Island, but it is covered by a feng shui array. Can't see it at all."

Lu Xueyan held the reins and talked eloquently. After changing into the Jiaolong Immortal Car, although she did not need to carry the coffin, she became a driver, which made her suspect that Zhang Tian brought her here as a coolie.

Fortunately, she is naturally active, and this Flood Dragon Immortal Car is a peerless immortal treasure. It is very majestic to drive, and it makes her very happy.

As for the information she just said, it was all obtained from the treasure masters along the way. After learning Zhang Tian's true identity, Lu Xueyan really became completely arrogant, and Tianwang Laozi was not afraid, and was majestic in front of each treasure master Extremely.

Fortunately, these treasure owners all knew Liu Yi's Flood Dragon Immortal Car and Zijin Coffin, and none of them dared to touch the mold, otherwise they would have to be corpses all over the place.

"Then move on." Zhang Tian said quietly.Love Books www.ishusexs.com


Lu Xueyan followed the example of the coachman in Tiangu Xiancheng, and drove directly into the Qixing Longyuan Sea with the Jiaolong Xiancheng.

In a place like the ancient land of corpses, there are no ordinary things at all, and the Qixing Longyuan Sea is even more peculiar. Although this sea water is not as domineering as the water of the Styx River, the ordinary emperor soldiers are also sinking, but for the dragon immortal car It's not a problem, it rides the wind and waves all the way, and the driving is very stable.

Sitting on the fairy car, looking at the moody scene around her, Yu Xin couldn't help but feel a little tired. She tilted her head and asked, "We've been here for so long, how are the eldest sister and the little sister now?"

Zhang Tian smiled and said, "If you want to know, just take a look."

After speaking, Zhang Tianping pointed towards the void, and many ripples suddenly appeared, as if a picture scroll was spread out, revealing the appearance of another world.

At this time, it just happened to be the moment when the Ruthless Man planned to fight the Four Poles.

This is really a helpless move. The development of the Siji League is too fast and it is too bloody. It devoured the towns of Nanling, plundered the population, and established a demonic altar in Cangnan City, forcing those prisoners. The people instilled demonic energy and turned them into demon soldiers.

This transformation efficiency is very low, almost less than [-] in [-], but the number of captives is too large. In just a few days, an army of hundreds of thousands of demon soldiers has been formed, which means that at least millions of people have died tragically. The tragedy made Ruthless and Mu Qiluo and others intolerable.

In front of the temporary martial arts field built on the wasteland plain, the ruthless man stepped in in a military uniform, waved at Yan Ruge and Mu Qiluo who wanted to salute, and said, "How is the training of the beast army?"

The so-called beast army means that the ruthless people selected [-] elite warriors from the [-] Nanling army, and distributed the refined blood of the beast to them for refining.

It has to be said that the power of "Swallowing the Heavens" is so powerful that the blood essence of these ancient beasts of the earth has also been refined very pure. There were hardly any accidents during the refining process, and a batch of beast blood was created very smoothly. Warriors, the remaining problem is getting them used to the skyrocketing power.

Yan Ruge said: "The training progress is very good, the warriors have basically mastered the power of the beast's blood. In terms of strength, they can already match the warriors who are half a step in the legendary realm. If they recklessly stimulate the energy of the beast's blood, they can even compete with their shoulders at the entrance of life and death. The warriors of the realm compete against each other."

The ruthless man showed satisfaction, nodded and said: "The effect is very good, after investigation, those ordinary magic soldiers controlled by the Quadruple Alliance are probably only the strength of the first and middle ranks of the Transcendent Realm, and our beast army can crush them. ."

Mu Qiluo sighed: "Although the beast army is strong, the number is too small. It is far less vast than the four-pole demon army. If ordinary soldiers are sent to battle, the casualties will be huge."

The ruthless man said: "In this level of battle, sending ordinary soldiers to the past is a death sentence. We only need to bring the [-] beast army. Pass our military orders, contact the troops of the major families, and prepare to assemble and fight the four-pole alliance to the death!"

"As ordered!"

Mu Qiluo and Yan Ruge left at the same time clasping their fists.

Inside the Jiaolongxian car, Yuxin seemed to be infected by the dark clouds of the war on the wasteland plain, and unconsciously held Zhang Tian's palm tightly. , , .

Chapter 573 Suppression of the ancient hands, bloody battle on the plains!

The army gathered, and the whole wasteland plain was covered with cloudy clouds.

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