After some mobilization, the ruthless man also rushed to the position of the former army, and before he arrived, he heard a loud noise.

"Take the initiative to attack Cangnan City? What's the difference between this and death?"

"Yes, everyone finally escaped, and now we should wait for the rescue of the imperial army."

"What Nanling Marquis, but a little girl with no hair on her mouth, she can't handle things firmly."

Nalan Ruoxue is in charge of contacting the teams of the major families. The major families who used to suppress the ancient beasts together with the ruthless were fine, but the clan elders who gathered later did not sell the face of the ruthless people at all. Taking the elites of the family to attack Cangnan City, they all shook their heads and waved their hands.

"The Marquis of Nanling has been granted the title of the emperor to take charge of the Nanling area. Do you dare not obey his orders?"

Nalan Ruoxue stood in the crowd, dressed in a white dress, as cold and arrogant as an ice lotus in the Tianshan Mountains. Although she was ridiculed by a group of great saints, she was not at all timid.

"Human Sovereign? Nanling has been the site of my family since ancient times. What is the decree of the imperial court? It's a joke to think that you can manage it by dispatching a prince. Believe it or not, the old man will suppress you at will?"

An old man with white hair and a white head said coldly, it is the head of the Wu family among the eight major families in Nanling, a saint king-level powerhouse, he has always been calling for wind and rain in the Nanling area, how can he allow Lan Ruoxue, a legendary little girl, to call him. .

"Whether you can suppress her, I don't know yet. However, if Ben Hou wants to suppress you, it's more than enough!"

A majestic voice, like a thunderbolt, rolled across the sky and exploded in everyone's ears.

In the next moment, the void burst apart, and a big ancient hand broke through the clouds, and the palm manifested terrifying illusions such as Buddha, gods and demons, Tianlong, Yama, etc., with the power of contempt of the world, and ruthlessly pressed the Wu family leader.

This move is exactly what Emperor Wu of Lin's unique skill, "The Great Desolate Prisoner's Hand", but the ruthless man has only completed the first level of cultivation. Except for the index finger, which is solid, the other four fingers are all illusory.


The Wu family was shocked when they grew up. When they raised their eyes, they saw a huge ancient hand. It was tens of thousands of feet long, as if a hundred thousand mountains were in the sky, covering the sky and the sun. , photographed from the sky, as if the air volume of the whole world is pressing down together.

"Battle Crazy Blade!"

The head of the Wu clan shouted, and a blood-colored sword gang traversed the sky and the earth, dispelling the dark clouds like a galaxy hanging upside down, only to hear a roar, this sword gang seemed to turn into a blood-colored lightning, slashing at the ruthless with the might of turning the mountain and the sea, the sword qi After that, the void made a burst of hiss, and the black twisted void cracks were clearly visible.

This is his unique skill, and the holy king-level combat power is fully revealed.


Huanggu's big hand collided with the blood-colored sword gang, and directly smothered it. Yu Wei did not diminish, and slammed into the head of the Wu family, and a bloody mist burst out.


All the onlookers sucked in a breath of cold air. It was terrifying that a dignified saint king-level powerhouse was suppressed by his hands.

In the tumult of smoke and dust, the ruthless man stepped forward with a calm expression, as if he just killed a holy king just casually.

"See the Marquis of Nanling."

Seeing the arrival of the ruthless man, Nalan Ruoxue immediately knelt on one knee and saluted.

The ruthless man nodded slightly, looked around, and said in a cold voice, "This marquis has taken over Nanling, but there are still people who oppose it?"

The masters of the major families looked at each other in dismay, and no one dared to open their mouths. Those who spoke sarcastically before hid their bodies and did not dare to look at the ruthless people.

Seeing that no one spoke, Ruthless Man showed satisfaction and said solemnly: "Since everyone has no objection, then gather a large army and prepare to attack Cangnan City."


There is no one who opposes this time. In this world, everything except strength is empty. Ruthless people have the strength to suppress the heroes, so no one dares to object, unless they think they have a long life.

Cangnan City is a majestic city, and it can even be said to be the center of the Nanling area. This kind of city in a barren and cold land must be very strong and tall. Cangnan City is no exception. The city wall is hundreds of feet high. On the plain, it is like a black mountain that cannot be shaken.

"So brave, we haven't attacked yet, but you have come to die first."

When the army of ruthless men approached the city, the gate of Cangnan City also slammed open, and there were [-] demon soldiers. .

"This person is the suzerain of the Tianmo Sect. The Nanling area is second only to the master of the Great Sage Huangquan. It is said that he has the combat power of the Holy Master."

Nalan Ruoxue introduced the ruthless man through voice transmission.

The ruthless man looked contemptuous, didn't bother to talk nonsense at all, and said directly: "Who can kill this person for Ben Hou?"

"Let me come."

Yan Ruge chuckled, and the person flew out like a flame elf. The purple fire and rain gauze framed her exquisite and embossed figure perfectly, enough to make all men lose their minds, including the Sect Master Tianmo. , a flash of greed flashed in his eyes for a moment.


In this short moment, Yan Ruge's figure had already rushed to the front of Sect Master Tianmo, and his two sleeves were rolled up and turned into double flames, which crossed and slashed towards him.

After washing her body with the nectar and jade liquid given by Zhang Tian, ​​her strength has grown by leaps and bounds, far exceeding the existence of ordinary holy masters. At this time, her sudden attack is extremely powerful.

"not good!"

Only at this moment did Sect Master Tianmo realize that something was wrong, and he quickly turned into a big hand of demonic energy to parry, but it was instantly annihilated. A fiery blade broke through the demonic energy and slashed on his shoulder, directly slicing off the entire left shoulder. , Demon Blood Rush.

"Rescue the Demon Sect Master!"

The masters of the Siji League all showed panic, and they took action to block Xiang Yan Ruge. They did not expect such a strong person to be hidden in the imperial army.

"I just want to rescue now, it's over."

Mu Qiluo also joined the battlefield at an unknown time. His hands danced like flying butterflies. The ground under the feet of one hundred thousand demon soldiers became as muddy as a swamp, and dozens of barbed vines shot at those demons at the speed of lightning. Army general.

"Beat the drums, the whole army charges!"

The ruthless man issued an order, and he himself rose into the sky, the ice and fire sword Cang Ming unsheathed, and drew a sword-blade storm to blast the army of demon soldiers.

This is a stunt obtained from Sword God Xie Xiaonan, but it was sublimated by her, fused with a full six powerful sword souls, the formidable power has been increased several times, and the storm will bring blood to the sky.

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