


The three explosions sounded almost at the same time, and the void shattered like a mirror. All were photographed in the Infernal Ghost Domain, and knelt in front of Zhang Tian.

It is clearly a demon body several hundred feet tall, but it looks very small in front of Zhang Tian's eight-foot body, like a mayfly compared to the ocean.

"Everyone fought with him!"

The Weeping Blood Demon Lord roared with a ferocious expression on his face, and a ghostly figure of a demon appeared behind him, looking contemptuous, and a terrifying magic light shot out from his eyebrows and attacked Zhang Tian.

The other two demon monarchs were also very ruthless, each exerting tyrannical means, causing the void to shatter inch by inch, and pressing down with an incomparably violent cover.

Facing these three powerful offensives, Zhang Tian said calmly, "Death."

With a sound of falling, like the decree of the Emperor of Heaven, the heavens and the world resonate, and the power of the infinite heaven falls down and turns into the hand of God.

The sky and the earth shook, and the void shattered into unknown numbers of black holes. The three demon monarchs who dominated one side were too late to even beg for mercy, and were directly crushed by the hand of God, and their gods were completely destroyed!

"Thank you dad for your help."

The ruthless man saw that the prince of the emperor and the three demons were all killed, so he stepped forward and said very happily.

Zhang Tian shook his head, "I just saw it this time, so I'll help you out. This space is about to collapse. I'll take you out."

The ruthless man glanced down, bit his lip and said, "The ghost energy in these ghosts seems to be very useful for me to break through the 'ghost-god transformation', can you allow me to practice here for a while?"

Zhang Tian observed for a while, nodded and said, "That's fine, it's considered a blessing for these lonely ghosts. I will temporarily freeze this space, and you can slowly retreat until your realm breaks through. , it's not too late to leave."

Ruthless Man showed a look of joy, and immediately said: "I was accidentally dragged into this space, Zi Yan and others must be very anxious outside, and I have to ask Dad to help tell them so that they don't have to worry."

"Well, you can retreat here with peace of mind. Dad will take care of the rest for you."

Zhang Tian lightly stroked the ruthless man's delicate face, which was as smooth as silk, like a white jade carving, and only felt a cool and delicate touch returning from the palm of his hand, which was extremely beautiful.

The other hand grabbed towards the void, and the shattered void fragments reorganized as if inspired, restoring the fragmented space on this side to its original state.

Shengyuan Continent, Cangnan City

The war is still going on, although Zi Yan, Mu Qiluo and others are very worried about the situation of the ruthless, but the magic altar has been broken, and there are a large number of four-pole magic troops remaining in the city, so that they are incapable of being cloned, and they can only solve the problem in front of them. Trouble.

At this moment, a ripple appeared in the sky above Cangnan City, shattering an ancient road in the starry sky, and stepping out of Zhang Tian's arrogant figure like a peerless sword fairy.


The two words were gently spit out, and the vast emperor's might swept across the ten directions, as if the ancient emperor issued an edict, the heavens and the world trembled.

"Puff, puff..."

Hundreds of thousands of demon soldiers, including countless demon generals and demon saints, under this terrifying coercion, all of them shook their heads, fell to the ground involuntarily, and looked up at Zhang Tian like a god. , , .

Chapter 577 Catch Two Godly Mountain Demon Girls for Dad


Zhang Tian's power is too strong, as if he is carrying the heavens and the world, and he is the enemy of the heavens and the world. That kind of power like the descending of the ancient gods, even the gods of the gods will kneel and worship. God.

"You wait for the devil to cultivate, there are people who do not cultivate the Dao, but go to cultivate the Dao of the devil. This crime is extremely heinous, and you will be punished into the realm of hell, and you will pay for the cause and effect of the three worlds."

Zhang Tian's voice was very majestic. With a flick of his hand, the disciples of the Demon Sect, the Demon Sect of the Earth, the Demon Sect of the Yin, and the Demon Sect of the Yang sect exploded and died. Eight layers of hell, there is no resistance at all.

"As for you demon soldiers, you are forced by others, and you are forgiven. Let's re-enter reincarnation and leave the world again."

Zhang Tian raised his hand and flicked again, the eyes of those demon soldiers who were forcibly injected with demonic energy dimmed and collapsed to the ground.

In fact, this is why he opened a small stove. Since he took charge of the Heavenly Dao, the human race has become the real first race. As a human race understands the Dao, the entry will be much faster than other races. They all like to walk as humans, and that's why.

The human race is prosperous, and there are naturally the most undead who want to be reincarnated as human beings. Except for those strong people who had major cultivation bases and backgrounds in their lifetimes, ordinary people want to be alone.

Now Zhang Tianbao has sent these people into the human reincarnation, but it has spared them the hardships of being inhuman for ten lifetimes.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of thousands of the four-pole demon army were directly rescued by Zhang Tian, ​​and the true spirit was buried.


Until then, Zi Yan shouted loudly, two big beautiful eyes flashed a small star, directly put away the Qinglong halberd and threw into his arms, and said anxiously: "Dad, hurry up and save Save the eldest sister, she was taken away by a big devil."

Zhang Tian scratched Zi Yan's beautiful nose and said with a smile: "Don't worry, your elder sister is fine now. She is in retreat now, and she will come back by herself in a short time."

Only then did Zi Yan breathe a sigh of relief, revealing a piece of fine broken teeth, hugging Zhang Tian's neck tightly, and saying: "Dad has been gone for so long, Zi Yan misses you, you take Zi Yan with you this time. Bar."

Zhang Tian laughed and scolded: "You little girl, haven't you grown up yet, your eldest sister is not here, just when you need to take charge of the overall situation, don't be lazy."

He can't be used to Zi Yan anymore. This girl has always been as lawless as a six or seven-year-old bear child because of her small size. In fact, she is already thirteen years old, almost fourteen years old, although for the Dragon Clan , this age is too young to be young, but he intends to beat and beat.

"Before your eldest sister comes back, you can stay in the city and help her. Dad still has things to do, but it will be over soon. I will take you to play when the time comes."

Halfway through speaking, Zhang Tian softened again and made a promise to the girl.

Sure enough, Zi Yan's eyes suddenly lit up, and she said happily: "Dad wants to talk and play with Zi Yan more."

"Well, don't worry. I'll leave it to you here."

Zhang Tian touched Zi Yan's hair again, intending to put her down.

But I didn't expect this girl to be like a sloth when she was lying on her stomach, but she was flexible but like a lark. She jumped up and reprinted it on the corner of Zhang Tian's lips. The musk-scented tongue was more like a prank. It's a mess.

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