For a long time, the lips are divided.Guangxi Biqu Pavilion

Zi Yan's eyes narrowed into a gap, and she said, "It's fun."

Zhang Tian shook his head helplessly and flicked her bright forehead, "You know how to play, did you forget that you were reprimanded by your sister for doing this last time?"

Zi Yan blinked her big eyes as black as ink, and said coquettishly, "Aren't they not here now? This is my dad's secret. Let's do it behind their backs."

After finishing speaking, the little girl pointed her head to Zhang Tian again, and whispered in his ear: "Last time Zi Yan defeated King Hunyuan Xiaopeng, and won two concubines for my father. I'll do it again next time. When they meet them, Zi Yan will catch them and let them kiss and kiss with their father."

Zhang Tian showed a helpless and wry smile, this little girl still doesn't know how much trouble she has caused, it is true that Ruthless and Yu Xin are not around, but at this time Yu Xin is still looking at this side through the Zhutian Mirror he transformed Well, you can hear the voice clearly.

It doesn't matter if this little girl is punished herself, she is also dragged into the water, it can be said that she is also shot while lying down.

Thinking of this, Zhang Tian angrily hugged Zi Yan by the waist, and came to her round little fart a few times, and then he felt relieved.

"Dad is really gone this time, you remember not to make trouble."

Zhang Tian finally warned Zi Yan, but he was still not at ease, and turned to look at the three women Mu Qiluo, Yan Ruge, and Nalan Ruoxue below: "The three of you also help to watch, if there is a major change , I was not strong enough, so I pulled out this sword, which can slay the evil spirits in all directions."

After speaking, Zhang Tian casually took a broken sword on the battlefield, injected a ray of immortal power, and inserted it into the ground. With his current state, it is not difficult for people to escape from ordinary and become immortals. A random piece of mortal iron can be turned into a peerless divine weapon that cuts off everything in the heavens.

The three women did not doubt Zhang Tian's strength at all, and solemnly said: "As per your order."

Zhang Tian nodded slightly and walked away.

The ancient land of the corpse, the seven-star Longyuan Sea, and the Flood Dragon Immortal Chariot.

As soon as Zhang Tian came back, he saw Yu Xin's blushing face and a little tasteful eyes, and immediately said, "You saw it too, it was Zi Yan's girl who took the initiative."

At this time, the blame is the top priority. Anyway, he has already carried the blame for Zi Yan, and it is time for this girl to carry it again.

Yu Xin is not the kind of person who is jealous. Her temperament is like a pool of spring water, which will always make people feel gentle, clear, and pure. The awkward eyes will soon disappear, and she will take the initiative to snuggle in Zhang Tian's arms, silently. Feeling the warmth, this is all she wants.

"The soul rises to nine days, and the soul falls to the nine abyss. The living are miserable, the dead are safe..."

"The soul rises to nine days, and the soul falls to the nine abyss. The living are miserable, the dead are safe..."

I don't know when, such a low voice suddenly sounded around, as if many ancestors were singing lamentations, mourning the buried ancestors.

Lu Xueyan looked at the outlines of islands looming around her, her eyes lit up, and she said excitedly, "Here we are, Seven Stars Island is here!"

"Are you sent by Liu Yi, the envoy of heaven and earth? Tell the reason first, and then move forward."

A low voice came from a dragon island closest to the periphery, and the terrifying soul pressure rose from the island and pressed towards the dragon immortal car. , , .

Chapter 578 The anger from the Emperor Buried!

"You... how dare you attack us, do you know who is sitting in the car?"

Lu Xue shouted sternly, she was not afraid of Zhang Tian, ​​who was Zhang Tian?The unparalleled first emperor of all ages, an invincible existence who claims to be able to suppress the nine great mountains and seas with one hand, there is no one who is stronger than him.

But the dragon island in front of you is different. The people inside have not yet revealed their bodies, and the power they exude is stronger than the treasure lord I have seen along the way, almost faster than the ancient Buddha and the woman in blood at the mouth of the Styx River. , The Lu Family Emperor Zun, whom she used to be in awe of, was like an ant in the face of this power.

No matter how strong Zhang Tian's banner was, he couldn't hold back Lu Xueyan, who was only a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl. It was extremely difficult to maintain such an attitude.

"Humph! What are you all, even if Liu Yi personally went to Seven Star Island, he must also abide by the rules here."

The existence of the Dragon Island didn't care, the vast spiritual pressure turned into a big hand of corpse energy, pressing down hard, as if to push the Flood Dragon Immortal Car out of the Seven Star Island.

If it were changed to [-] million years, or even [-] million years ago, even a force ten times stronger than Qixing Island would never dare to be so disrespectful to Liu Yi.

But today is different from the past. Desolate Ancient Heavenly Court has almost zero control over the nine great mountains and seas, and no one will care. If Liu Yi's own strength has not reached the peak of the Immortal King, I am afraid that in this ancient land of corpses, it would be impossible to move an inch.

With the power behind the dragon master buried on Seven Star Island, it is not necessary to look at Liu Yi's face too much.

Seeing that the big hand of corpse aura was about to come, Zhang Tian couldn't help snorting coldly, and a burst of anger broke out.

When the emperor is angry, how terrifying?

In an instant, the entire Qixing Longyuanhai instantly set off violent waves hundreds of thousands of miles high, turning into a huge boundless blue dragon, roaring loudly, and savagely tore at the corpse hand.


The so-called corpse-like hand contains the soul coercion of a powerful treasure lord. In front of this huge blue dragon, it is like a drop in the ocean. When you raise your hand, it will be crushed. The remaining power will not diminish, and it will continue to blast down, and most of the dragon island will be destroyed. , the feng shui treasure land is torn apart.

A huge ancient bronze coffin flew out from the rubble of the Dragon Island riot. Before the coffin was broken, the treasure master inside was strangled by the claws of the blue dragon and crushed directly.


An extremely shrill voice resounded through the Seven Stars Longyuan Sea, and then fell silent. A treasure lord spent a lot of hard work to bury his body, but in the end he was crushed at random, and his bones and blood were buried in the sea. No chance.

"What? This, this is..."

The surrounding dragon islands all made a cry of shock, and powerful spirits swept into the void to observe the terrifying and boundless Canglong.

"Could this be the true spirit of the ancient blue dragon? A dragon is really buried here? The ancient blue dragon?"

There was a treasure lord on Long Island who screamed, and it seemed that he remembered a very terrifying rumor, a rumor about the Seven Stars Longyuanhai.

The formation time of Qixing Longyuanhai is very, very early, far earlier than the time when the current dragon master was buried. The reason why it is called Qixing Longyuanhai is because there are seven islands in the sea, in the shape of the Big Dipper, and there is a central hidden dragon. It is called the 'Seven Star Dragon Abyss Sea'.

But there is also another theory, that is, this sea was actually transformed by the dragon blood of an ancient blue dragon. The blue dragon has seven claws and turned into a seven-star island, so it is called Qixing Longyuan Sea.

This statement is too terrifying. What kind of existence is the ancient Canglong? I am afraid that it is only one line behind the Dragon Ancestor who dared to challenge the Emperor Buried. Definitely a giant owl.

Such an existence belongs to the dragon clan, and even the god kings may not dare to suppress it. Even if he really dies, how can he turn into a sea in such a filthy land as the ancient corpse?

But the sight in front of them made them have to believe that such a mighty blue dragon is full of the vicissitudes of the ancient times, as if a dragon finger can crush the void. Besides the legendary ancient blue dragon, who else can have such divine might ?

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