"Okay! If I can invite the true spirit of this ancient blue dragon back to the demon court, it will definitely make my demon court one more supreme, and then I can stand side by side with the Buddhist Pure Land and Zixiao Shrine!"

An extremely excited voice came from the central void of Seven Star Island, loud and majestic.

The space particle that originally had only one black spot was instantly magnified ten million times, as if the entire void was cut in half, and countless space hurricanes swept through it, revealing a majestic palace like an ancient sacred mountain.

To be precise, this is a palace of the underworld. The bottom of the palace is connected with countless Yin meridians. There are also eight dragon springs emitting a large amount of dragon source Yin Qi from eight directions. The incomparable fierce beast sculpture stands in the center of the hall, like a pillar supporting the sky, which means that the eight wastes and six harmony, swallowing the world!

Yu Xin looked at this underworld palace from a distance, her eyes were full of incredible colors, such a landscape, almost exhausted the changes of Feng Shui dragon cave, any Feng Shui master who came over would not be able to point out the slightest problem, and even pay homage and call it Emperor Ming. palace.

She also finally understood why Liu Yi, the envoy of Heaven and Earth, who was the pinnacle Immortal King, still kept a close eye on this place.

According to the rules of Feng Shui, the tomb must be buried with the supreme, which means that only the supreme figure can suppress the yin in the tomb of Longxue, otherwise it will not only be useless, but also be attacked by the tomb and become a puppet of the tomb.

This Emperor Underworld Palace is full of atmosphere, and it is even hidden in the hidden dragon cave.


Under the intense attention of Yuxin, Yunxia, ​​Li Linger and others, the nine-dragon purple-gold coffin that was in full bloom on the altar in the center of the Imperial Palace finally opened slowly, stepping out of a terrifying beast.

His body is impressively... a three-legged golden crow covered with golden scale armor, standing on three legs, extremely powerful, with a domineering temperament that looks down on the sky and the earth.

"Three-legged Golden Crow? Could it be the descendant of the Demon Clan Heavenly Emperor of the Northern Demon Court? The Demon Court Prince!"

Yunxia's eyes widened, and she revealed the identity of this three-legged golden crow in one sentence. It was not because she was knowledgeable, but because the number of three-legged golden crows in these nine mountains and seas was very rare, and it could even be said that there were only a handful of them. The most famous two , is the current Lord of the Demon Court in the Northern Territory!

This time, it's really going to pierce the sky! , , .

Chapter 579 The Heavenly Emperor of the Monster Race Also Calls Senior

You must know that even Yunxia, ​​who lives in the small world of Shengyuan, is well-known for the name of 'Northern Demon Court', and is well-deserved as the first holy land of the demon clan.

This Northern Territory Demon Court was established after the three major demon alliances attacked the sky. After thousands of years of dormancy, taking advantage of the gap between the War Heaven Alliance and the Heavenly Dao, it developed rapidly and gathered countless ancient monsters, which is known as the Small Heavenly Court.

Legend has it that the demon emperor Jun had ten sons, all of whom were all powerful. Unexpectedly, one son had died, but he did not reincarnate. Instead, he built the Emperor's Palace and buried it in the peerless hidden dragon cave of the ancient corpse. among.

Such a large-scale effort, I am afraid that only the transcendent power of the series of the Northern Demon Court can do it.

"What an ancient blue dragon, it really has an ancient atmosphere, and it should enter my northern demon court!"

The Golden Crow Prince laughed loudly, and didn't even look at Zhang Tian and the others, he just stared at the huge blue dragon in the void.

Suddenly, Prince Jinwu's expression became solemn, and he said sternly: "All treasure lords, help Prince Ben to restrain the true spirit of this ancient blue dragon!"

The voice fell, and the momentum of the golden crow prince soared, as if it had turned into a scorching sun, and the Emperor Underworld Palace behind him was also a masterpiece of light, transformed into a huge Emperor Wu Fa, which was completely open to the sky, and I don't know how many millions of miles. It seems to have penetrated the entire ancient corpse land, and it is no worse than the ancient blue dragon.

This Emperor Nether Palace is impressively transformed by his magical powers. The talent of this family is astonishing to the extreme. If it is not extremely difficult to reproduce, there must be a place among the five ancient beasts.


With an order, the Golden Crow Prince's body erupted with infinite golden light, and the Diwufa phase god behind him opened his eyes, and suddenly raised his foot and pressed towards the ancient blue dragon.


The six dragon islands all erupted with unparalleled strength, and one after another ancient bronze coffins flew out. From each ancient coffin stepped out a fierce monster, surrounding the ancient blue dragons into a group, and each exerted tyrannical magical powers.

For a time, the demon pattern covered the air, and the demon energy mixed with the corpse energy filled the entire space, and even the void was burned.

Being able to accompany Prince Jinwu to the burial, his identity and strength can be imagined. This joint attack caused the world to tremble, as if to penetrate the ancient land of the corpse.

Prince Jinwu had a sneer on the corner of his mouth. The ancient blue dragon is strong, but no matter how strong the dragon is, he will not have any strength left after tens of millions of years of death. As long as he restrains the real spirit of the ancient blue dragon and sends it back to the Northern Territory Demon Court , Reshaping the body with the supreme secret method in the demon court will surely restore its original combat power.

The Golden Crow Prince's plan is indeed shrewd. If this is really the immemorial blue dragon that is rumored to have died, he may have succeeded.

Unfortunately, this is not the case in reality.

Maybe this Seven Star Dragon Abyss Sea was really transformed by an ancient blue dragon, but the true spirit of that blue dragon is no longer here.

In fact, this immemorial blue dragon is a magical beast condensed by Zhang Tian with this terrain, and it does not represent the power of the ancient blue dragon, but the power of the Emperor Buried!

I saw that at the moment when the giant golden crow feet were about to step down, Zhang Tian snorted coldly and took a step forward.

Suddenly, the body of the ancient blue dragon skyrocketed a hundred times, as if it was about to burst the space, and slammed down with a claw, like the divine might that opened up the world.First Literature www.d1wx.com


The Golden Crow Prince was shocked to the extreme. Seeing the dragon claws descending from the sky like a mountain and a giant mountain, he felt that any resistance was pale, and he could only watch it fall.


The entire ancient corpse was almost overturned, and the six demon treasure masters who followed the burial were directly blasted to slag. Even the golden crow prince, who was protected by Emperor Wufa, was torn five terrifying blood holes in his body and fell violently. Enter the seabed of Qixing Longyuan.

Afterwards, the dragon claw of the ancient blue dragon fished into the sea, grabbed the blood-soaked Golden Crow Crown Prince out, and slammed it down.


The Golden Crow Prince's body fell heavily on the Flood Dragon Immortal Car and collapsed to the ground. Countless Golden Crow blood rushed out of him, dyeing the entire Seven Stars Longyuan Sea golden, and the scene was extremely shocking.

"No, don't kill me, my father is the demon emperor! My father is the demon emperor Jun! My uncle is Donghuang Taiyi!"

Being looked down on by Zhang Tian and others like this, Prince Jinwu only felt that he had suffered the greatest humiliation in his life, but his thirst for life forced him to bow his head, couldn't help begging for mercy, and shouted loudly, almost roaring out.

From the late period of ancient times, the Demon Court in the Northern Territory began to rise. The weight represented by the two names 'Dijun' and 'Taiyi', the hegemons of the nine mountains and seas, can also be ranked in the top ten. He does not believe in shock. Can't live with these people.

However, he was disappointed. Even when he heard such terrifying names as 'Demon Race Heavenly Emperor', 'Demon Emperor Jun', and 'East Emperor Taiyi', the people sitting above were not moved at all.

Especially Zhang Tian, ​​who said disdainfully: "Di Jun? Taiyi? When the three major demon alliances attacked the sky, they were just two pawns in the Feng alliance. Feng Zu has not died yet, so why is it their turn to be honored?"

Prince Jinwu's body was trembling, but he could not refute a sentence. Although Di Jun and Taiyi were born in the ancient times, they were far worse than Longzu, Fengzu, and Linzu, even in the three major demon leagues of the year. Not top notch.

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