The arrogant Immortal Emperor trembled slightly and sighed: "It has been [-] million years, and I never thought that there would be a day when I would see the Heavenly Emperor again. Now this embarrassed appearance really makes arrogant shameless."

At this time, the arrogant Immortal Emperor still looked like a handsome and handsome young man with a face like a crown jade, which was almost exactly the same as the statue of Qianzhang standing in the ancient fairy city, and the breath exuded from his body was also fainter than that of Liu Yi who was at the peak of the Immortal King Realm. It will still be an invincible existence in the world if it is strong in the first line and goes out to the outside world.

But those who really know him can see at a glance that he has changed and become downcast, and his eyes are no longer domineering, but a little more vicissitudes, a little melancholy, and a little disheartened.

In fact, this is just the incarnation of Immortal Emperor Arrogance. Although it is higher than the normal spiritual body, it is not the deity of Immortal Arrogant who swept across the nine mountains and seas and left his name on the Monument of Immortal Arrogance, the real Immortal Arrogance. The emperor has died, the true spirit is broken, and the body is buried in the depths of the ancient corpse.

This is his arrogance, arrogance and arrogance, not weaker than others, even in the face of Emperor Burial.In the end, he also paid the price with his life for this arrogance.

"You... are you really the arrogant Immortal Emperor?"

Lu Xueyan looked at the arrogant Immortal Emperor with a youthful appearance and asked in disbelief. Although everyone in the Lu family had a deep memory of this face, she still couldn't believe it when she saw it with her own eyes.

"Are you an arrogant descendant? What's your name?"

Immortal Emperor Jiao Heng glanced at Lu Xueyan, and the expression on his face changed slightly. Although he is not the deity of Immortal Emperor Jiao Heng, and even the blood flowing in his body is different from the bloodline inherited from the Lu family, he is not the deity of Immortal Emperor Jiao Heng. His memories are the same, and he naturally has more feelings for the bloodline he left behind.

"I, my name is Lu Xueyan."

Lu Xueyan replied somewhat cautiously.

Immortal Emperor Jiao Heng nodded slightly, "After more than [-] million years, there are still such qualified descendants in the Lu family. It is gratifying. Since I saw it today, this emperor will give you a great fortune. I hope you can give the Lu family a gift. bring prosperity."

After speaking, Immortal Emperor Jiao Heng raised his hand, and a ball of amber-like light appeared in his palm. There was a blood-colored flood dragon swimming in it, and there were some strange runes, which he directly penetrated into Lu Xueyan's body.

This ball of light is the original fragment of Immortal Emperor Jiaoheng when his deity fell. It contains some blood essence, some Martial Dao insights of Immortal Emperor Jiaoheng, and some Spiritual Soul of Immortal Emperor, fragmented and fragmented, and its value is enough to make a quasi-immortal of the same rank. The emperor's eyes are red and crazy.

Maybe this ball of light couldn't make Lu Xueyan fly to the fairyland in a short time, but it was a long stream, and it could allow her to be used to the realm of the quasi-immortal emperor, which was a real priceless treasure.

"Thank you, Ancestor."

Lu Xueyan only felt her body warm, and immediately thanked Immortal Emperor Arrogant.

Immortal Emperor Jiaoheng didn't look at her again, but looked at Zhang Tian and said gratefully: "In those days, the arrogant deity ruined the things that the Emperor of Heaven had explained because of his anger, and he always felt guilt towards the Emperor of Heaven. He can help his descendants regardless of previous suspicions. If the deity's true spirit has knowledge, he will definitely be grateful for the kindness of the Emperor of Heaven."

Zhang Tian waved his hand and said, "Don't mention what happened back then. Listening to Liu Yi, you have been running around for the maintenance of the ancient land of the corpse all these years. This is a great achievement that has benefited the Ninth Mountains and Seas. This emperor will reward you— —”

The voice fell, Zhang Tian raised his head abruptly, the emperor's eyes seemed to have disillusioned stars, pierced through the layers of void, and directly saw the depths of the ancient corpse.

It was a dark abyss with no light, and the entrance was extremely narrow, like a thin line of sky.Yunxuange

At the end of this line of heaven, there is a human-shaped skeleton half-kneeling. The bones are covered with purple-gold immortal emperor veins. The invincible supreme who swayed the world and swallowed the eight wastes and six together.


Zhang Tian's voice resounded above the abyss, like rolling thunder, and rumbled down. The kneeling skeleton seemed to be psychic, and the hollow skull nodded slightly, but actually stood up and moved towards The direction of Qixing Longyuanhai flew away.


Just as the humanoid skeleton had just left, it seemed that a heavenly sword slashed through the void, cut off a peak, cut it into an irregular stone tablet, and landed heavily on the place where the skeleton was kneeling before the skeleton.

I saw four big characters on the stone tablet like a knife and an axe - Burial Emperor·Feng!

"What a terrifying power, is this the divine power of the Emperor Burying Heaven..."

From the depths of the abyss, there was a little vibration, as if trying to break free, but as soon as the writing on the stone tablet lit up, the churning abyss was completely silent again, as if a big hand was pressing down, any consciousness that dared to fight would be ruthless. repression.

Several Gu Zun who had lived for an unknown number of epochs groaned, and immediately trembled, even if this was their territory, this power still made them feel palpitations and were invincible.The newly replaced stele seal was stronger than the corpse of the arrogant Immortal Emperor, making them even more desperate.

This is just the will of the Emperor Burying Heaven. It is hard to imagine how terrifying he will be if he takes action in person. I am afraid that he will suppress the ancient corpse with one hand.


On the Qixing Longyuan Sea, Zhang Tian moved towards Immortal Emperor Jiao Heng, and the silver armor skeleton directly transformed into a spiritual tidal wave and merged into Immortal Emperor Jiao Heng's body.

"The arrogant deity is already dead. Since you have inherited his memory, you must live well for him. By refining this quasi-immortal emperor bone, you can really take that step and become a quasi-immortal emperor."

To be precise, it is to become a proud Immortal Emperor.

Because every quasi-immortal emperor has his own imprint of the immortal emperor, the so-called emperor mark tablet is actually a manifestation of the avenue. To engrave the name on the emperor mark monument is to leave a mark on the avenue, which can be transcended to a certain extent. bondage.

Now, Zhang Tian is just helping this incarnation inherit the immortal emperor imprint left by the arrogant immortal emperor.

"Thank you for the Emperor Buried, thank you for the Emperor Buried, great kindness and great virtue, hard to repay, arrogant and willing to spend the rest of your life, follow the Emperor of Heaven, and never betray!"

The arrogant Immortal Emperor was so excited that Zhang Tian's good fortune was too great. It was equivalent to representing the universe and recognizing his qualifications as a 'human' rather than an incarnation of others. This was something he had dreamed of for thousands of years. .

Liu Yi's eyes couldn't help but show envy. As a peak Immortal King, he knew all too well how difficult the last step was. Even with his current accumulation, he did not have the slightest confidence to break through to the Quasi-Immortal Emperor Realm.

Hundreds of millions of epochs, I don't know how many amazing Immortal Kings were born, but very few of them were able to leave their names on the Emperor Mark Stele.

Although the incarnation of arrogance is a coincidence, after all, he has taken this step and has become the real supreme figure of the nine mountains and seas in the name of 'Jiaoheng Immortal Emperor'.

One step difference is the difference between heaven and earth! , , .

Chapter 582 May I fight again for the Emperor of Heaven!

After dealing with the matter of the arrogant Immortal Emperor, Zhang Tian turned his head to look at Liu Yi, and said in a low voice, "It is rare that you can abide by the laws of immortality for [-] million years and never forget your original intention. This time, you will be rewarded together."

After speaking, Zhang Tian took out a Nether Stone and put it into Liu Yi's body, "This Nether Stone is what this emperor left when he built the Six Paths of Reincarnation. It contains the power of the reincarnation of the Heavenly Path, and it fits with your practice. It will be your chance for enlightenment."

"Many, thank you Burial Emperor."

Liu Yi also shuddered with excitement. He could feel a tyrannical and unparalleled aura of rules from this Nether Stone. Only the Heaven Burial Emperor could take out this kind of treasure.

With this treasure, even if he can't break through to the Quasi-Immortal Emperor Realm in one fell swoop, he can take another half step forward and become a half-step Immortal Emperor. Only this half-step is precious and can increase his strength several times. , Invincible across the Immortal King Realm.

Zhang Tian nodded slightly, "If there is nothing else, you can go back."

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