Liu Yi's expression changed slightly, and he said cautiously, "Learning that the Emperor of Heaven is coming, many Dragon Lords and Treasure Lords want to worship. Xiaoxian is bold and wants to ask the Emperor of Heaven to allow them to visit."

Zhang Tian's eyes narrowed, and the vast soul power swept out. He quickly sensed something and sighed: "Forget it, you all come here."

The moment the voice fell, the void above the entire Qixing Longyuanhai continued to roar, stepping out one after another with fierce aura, connecting into one piece, covering the entire space.

This is a very terrifying scene. There are more than [-] people gathered, [-]% of them are dragon masters, and [-]% are treasure masters. All of them looked at Zhang Tian with fiery eyes, and said in unison: "Last General, see the Emperor of Heaven— "

All of these people were once the warriors of the ancient heaven.

The Desolate Ancient Heavenly Court has stood on the top of the nine mountains and seas for tens of millions of years, and there have been many amazing characters who have been crushed for a while. Similarly, there are countless people who have fallen due to various battles.

Although Zhang Tian deliberately opened up the 'Heavenly Dao' in the Six Paths of Reincarnation, he specially extradited those fallen immortal soldiers and immortal generals to return to the immortal world.But there are still many people who are unwilling to enter the reincarnation for various reasons, but drag their bodies and bury themselves in the ancient land of corpses.

Most of these people are incomplete in three souls and seven souls, and their past life memories are fragmented, but one thing is deeply embedded in their hearts, that is, they were people of the ancient heaven, and they fought with the Emperor Burial!

After being nourished by the feng shui treasure cave of the ancient corpse, they have evolved a new personality, but the obsession in their hearts has not been shaken in the slightest. After learning that Zhang Tian arrived, they all burst out of the coffin immediately. came over.

Yun Xia, Lu Xueyan and other women were shocked to the extreme, and finally understood the power of Emperor Burial and Desolate Ancient Heaven.When they passed the ferry of the Ming River before, but two dragon masters and dozens of treasure masters blocked the way, those top immortal forces were sighed and dared not to stand up.

At this time, there are more than [-] dragon masters and nearly [-] treasure masters who are bowing down at Zhang Tian's feet. This is only the tip of the iceberg of Heavenly Court's power.

Even the Buddhist Pure Land, Zixiao Shrine and other forces would feel terrified and shocked when they saw this scene. Only the desolate ancient heaven that dominated the nine mountains and seas for tens of millions of years could have such a strong foundation.

Zhang Tian was majestic, his eyes glanced at the audience, and he said slowly: "All of you have made great contributions to the desolate ancient heaven, you are a hero in life, and you are a ghost in death. In this life, you will not forget the heart of heaven, and heaven will surely give you a brush. Photo." TXT Bookstore

The dragon masters and treasure masters were so excited that they shouted again, "May I fight again for the Emperor of Heaven!"

This is a force that is enough to shock the world, the arrogant Immortal Emperor who has the quasi-immortal emperor realm, Liu Yi who is half-step immortal emperor realm, three thousand dragon masters, and ten thousand treasure masters.

As long as Zhang Tian gives an order, they will kill the ancient corpse and conquer the world.

After some pilgrimages, Zhang Tian said a few words at will, and everyone retired and left.

Only then did Zhang Tian dissipate his majestic posture, walk on the sea of ​​​​stars, look around for a week, and wave at Li Linger: "Come here, the Big Dipper here is very good, and it can replenish your dried-up Shouyuan. "

Li Linger immediately flew over cautiously when she heard the words, and stood in front of Zhang Tian, ​​very nervous.

Zhang Tian smiled lightly, pointed out a finger between her eyebrows, and said in a low voice, "Ning!"

Suddenly, the entire Seven Stars Longyuan Sea was a masterpiece, countless water waves gathered, and the seven dragon islands that had been broken were reshaped, each projecting a golden light, showing the trend of the Big Dipper, surrounding Li Linger, nourishing the The body that has been depleted of origin.

During this period, Zhang Tian was also silently observing that the ancient land of the corpse belongs to the forbidden area of ​​life formed by the ancient times. It is likely to come from fragments of other cosmic worlds, and does not belong to the jurisdiction of the heavenly way of this universe. Similarly, it has its own rules.

Although Zhang Tian's strength can make him ignore all the taboos of the ancient corpse, and can even suppress this restricted area with absolute strength, but he does not understand the laws of the ancient corpse.

For example, this can make people replenish life essence, or even reshape the mysterious energy of the three souls and seven souls, which is not any law he is familiar with, so he also analyzes it with relish at this time, and combines the laws of the heavenly way that he masters to verify and integrate with each other.

I don't know how long it took, the golden light around Li Linger began to slow down, Zhang Tian directly pulled out all the mysterious energy in the seven feng shui treasures, so that she recovered her origin almost immediately, and the blood of those big goblins scattered in the Seven Stars Longyuan Sea He was also guided by Zhang Tian to integrate into Li Linger's body.

This is a great fortune. The Golden Crow Prince and those treasured masters who follow him have such powerful and noble bloodlines. The fusion of these essence and blood has made Li Linger's physical body an earth-shaking enhancement, almost comparable to the existence of a demon emperor. The broken meridians are also reconnected, and one can embark on the path of cultivation.

"Thank you Senior Zhang for saving your life."

Li Ling'er was really 'living', her eyes were bright, and she bowed respectfully towards Zhang Tian, ​​everything before was like a dream of Nanke.

Li Linger's illness was caused by forcibly overdrafting the source of life and summoning the will of the first-generation emperor, resulting in the depletion of the source of life. He had to rely on the power of the first-generation emperor to hang his life. Now that the source is restored, he naturally gets rid of the will of the first-generation emperor. rely.

So when Li Linger bowed down, a flash of inspiration flashed behind him, and the will of the first-generation emperor was rejected, and he turned into a virtual spirit. He wore a purple-gold emperor crown and five-clawed golden dragon robe.

"How courageous, to dare to enslave this emperor, this is a great sin, death-"

The first generation of human emperors was the unparalleled overlord of the world before his death. Now, although there is only one will left, it cannot be violated, and an instinctive palm is pressed to Li Linger. , , .

Chapter 583 Dad and Xi and Tianhou have an affair


A huge golden palm print condensed from the void, exuding infinite emperor power. This first-generation human emperor had the strength of an invincible emperor when he was the strongest, and even more condensed a rare emperor imprint.

After his fall, his true spirit was broken and his soul was lost, but the imprint of the emperor was still there. After being supplemented by the mysterious energy of the ancient corpse, the power of this blow even surpassed his heyday.

Zhang Tian glanced indifferently, as if a divine light shot out from his pupils, directly obliterating the emperor's palm print, Yu Wei rolled backwards, slammed into the body of the first-generation Emperor Vulture, and instantly ignited a divine fire to wrap him.

"Ah ah ah..."

The first-generation emperor made a shrill scream. If it was someone else, he would beg for mercy loudly at this time, but this phantom was only a remnant, and he was completely fearless. A little bit of true spirit also vanished.

The divine fire gradually extinguished, and it returned to Zhang Tian wrapped in a purple-gold talisman. I saw that the talisman was only the size of a palm, like a jade seal with the word 'Emperor' engraved on the front, which was built by the first-generation emperor. Emperor's Mark.

Zhang Tian picked up the talisman and looked at it for a while, and couldn't help but nodded slightly, showing satisfaction.

This talisman is not equivalent to an ordinary martial spirit, but a higher-level existence, which, to put it bluntly, is a kind of identity proof.

For example, if the quasi-immortal emperor leaves his name on the Emperor Mark Stele, he can obtain the exclusive 'immortal emperor's mark', which means that you are the quasi-immortal emperor who has been recognized by the Great Dao.Another example is Di Jun, who is in charge of the Demon Court in the Northern Territory, and orders the world to surrender.

The 'Emperor's Mark' of the first generation of emperors proved his qualifications and strength as a generation of emperors. Only that kind of real emperor through the ages can make all his subjects and commoners willingly surrender and become an emperor. imprint.

In other words, this 'Emperor's Seal' not only contains the mighty power of the emperor, but also embodies the supreme belief of the subjects of the Holy Ancestor. Heart, can see the preciousness of this thing.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Tian put away the talisman and stared at Qixing Longyuanhai again. He had one last thing to do.


I saw Zhang Tian moving towards the center of the seven-star island, and the sea suddenly set off a huge wave, tearing a huge space, and the mysterious energy inside was surging, as if exuding majestic anger, it was the hidden dragon cave.

"Little girl, send the coffin in."

Zhang Tian gave an order, and Lu Xueyan immediately patted the Zijin coffin and pushed it into the Qianlong Cave with one palm.

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