Many sergeants who were stationed at the altar saw the Ruthless Man appear, and they all bowed and saluted.

"Sir, you are finally back!"

After a while, Mu Qiluo, Yan Ruge and others also flew over, looking a little anxious.

The ruthless man moved in his heart, but said calmly on the surface: "If there is anything, go back and talk about it."

Everyone went to the City Lord's Mansion together.

In the main hall, the ruthless man quietly listened to their report, and could not help frowning and said, "The third sister is missing?"

Nalan Ruoxue said: "Miss Zi Yan was originally stationed in Nanling according to Senior Zhang's instructions, but she went out to the city for inspection a few days ago, but when she arrived near Nanling Snow Mountain, she suddenly disappeared without a trace, and even the locator could not be located. According to Nanling The patriarchs of Lingjie speculate that Miss Zi Yan may have strayed into the 'life of the dead'."

"The world of the dead?"

The ruthless man's brows furrowed even deeper. She had only heard rumors about this restricted area. It was said that this 'world of the dead' was located in the belly of the Nanling Snow Mountain. It was like a kingdom, the kingdom of the dead. Those who enter will die.

When I saw the image of the future in the Hall of Reincarnation of Life and Death, when my future was dying, I wanted to go to the world of the dead in the Nanling Snow Mountain to get the chance to live again.

She originally planned to go to the belly of the snow-capped mountain to investigate after the Nanling was completely settled, but she didn't expect Zi Yan to go in first. , , .

Chapter 588 The world of the dead where gods and demons coexist

"Marquis of Nanling, what should we do now? It is said that the deceased is very dangerous in the world. Miss Zi Yan will not encounter trouble in it, right?"

Mu Qiluo said very worriedly, Zhang Tianlin told them to take good care of Zi Yan before leaving, but now that this kind of thing happened, they were very anxious.

The ruthless man thought for a moment and said: "Zi Yan has the treasure bodyguard given by her father, there should be no problem, let's not act rashly, let me investigate first."

At this moment, a guard suddenly walked into the door and reported: "Ms. Qi, there are two elders from the Zhao family outside the house asking to see you."

"Elder Zhao's family? Oh, I was going to find them later, but they came first."

Ruthless Man's eyes flashed an interesting look, he took his seat again, and said, "Let them come in."

The Zhao family is one of the eight ancient aristocratic families in Nanling. Because of the Huangquan Swordsman, it has a very high prestige in Nanling and the surrounding areas. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the first family in Nanling. There are several great saints, and their power is not much different from that of some ancient sect holy places.

The two elders who came this time have participated in the battle to encircle and suppress the ancient beasts, and they have a relationship with the ruthless people. After entering the hall, they immediately worshipped and said: "The grass people have seen the Marquis of Nanling."

Although in this world where strength is respected, the great sage of the ancient family can be superior even to princes, but ruthless people are not ordinary princes, whether it is the battle against the ancient beasts or the final decisive battle against the demon emperor of the sky, what she showed. The combat power has approached or even exceeded the level of the Holy Master. This is the real genius of the world, and it cannot be judged by the cultivation base.

The most important thing is that several Nanling aristocratic families have already investigated the background of the ruthless man, and there is an immortal god emperor standing behind him. Not worth mentioning before.

The ruthless man took a sip of his tea and said in a low voice, "The Siji League has committed all kinds of evil and destroyed the Nanling Mountains. What are the two elders going to do here without helping to rebuild the family?"

The two elders from the Zhao family looked at each other, and the thinner one on the left said, "I heard that Miss Zi Yan, the younger sister of the Marquis of Nanling, went missing near the Nanling Snow Mountain during her patrol a few days ago. She seems to have entered the 'world of the dead' by mistake. , I don't know if this is really the case?"

The ruthless man said: "It has not been investigated clearly yet, but since I can't even locate the locator, I think it is likely that it has entered the world of the dead."

Another Zhao clan elder was short and stout, and sighed lightly: "Oh, that's really bad. The life of the dead has been circulated in Nanling for many years. It has always been that the living are not allowed to enter, and the dead can't enter if they want to."

Ruthless people glanced at them, "The two elders don't need to try any more. If you have something to say, it's okay to say it. In fact, even if you don't come to me, I will go to the nobles to ask about the life world of the dead."

The ancestor of the Zhao family, Huang Quan Jiansheng, thousands of years ago, a person who should have died, but suddenly his lifespan increased sharply, and he lived for thousands of years longer. Since then, the lifespan of the Zhao family has become very long. Many people are puzzled, but it must be related to the life of the dead.

Because only the living world of the dead has such magical power.

The slender elder who spoke before sighed: "The Marquis of Nanling really has a brilliant eye. Indeed, when it comes to understanding the life of the deceased, no family knows it better than our Zhao family."

"So, Sword Saint Huangquan really got life essence from the life world of the dead? What kind of world is the life world of the dead?"

The ruthless man kept asking, although she had expected this for a long time, but she was really affirmed, she was still very surprised.

The chubby elder said: "Patriarch did get a chance in the world of the dead. This matter is not an outsider, but it has come to this point, but I have to say it."

"There are rumors that the living world of the dead is like a country, but it is actually wrong. The living world of the dead is divided into two parts. The world of the dead and the world of the living seem to be connected to a forbidden area of ​​life. There are many dangers in it, and there are all kinds of ghosts and ghosts. There are even ancient gods and demons, but they also contain huge treasures."

"The owner of the house strayed into it at first, and he was sure to die, but he was lucky enough to get a lot of Yedu ghost coins, bought the qualification to observe Huangquan Dao, and then realized Huangquan Sword Intent. Before leaving, he even bought a lot of life yuan."

"With the abundant Yedu ghost coins, the patriarch has successively brought the outstanding juniors of the clan into the world of the deceased several times to continue their lives. But I didn't expect that in one operation, they were accidentally robbed and Yedu ghost coins were robbed. I lost most of it, so I rarely bring my clansmen in."

The two elders of the Zhao family spoke alternately, slowly opening the mysterious veil of the deceased's life.

It is completely different from the barren and desolate restricted area of ​​life imagined by the ruthless. The life world of the dead seems to be very lively, bringing together the spirits of all races, including humans, monsters, seas, major aliens, and even gods and demons. A very lively world is also a world without order.

The saying that money can make a ghost grind the mill is used most vividly in the life of the dead, but it is not the spirit stone from the outside world that circulates there, but the ghost coins of Yedu.

As long as you have enough Yedu Ghost Coins, you can control the ghosts and exorcise the spirits, or comprehend the top-level god channel method, or even buy the legendary Shouyuan, which is almost omnipotent.

After the ruthless man listened quietly, it took a long time for him to digest it completely, and said solemnly: "You guys have spoken out about such an important matter, can you ask for anything?"

The slender elder said: "To be honest, my patriarch's soul lamp has not yet been extinguished, but the specific location cannot be determined. I am afraid that like Miss Zi Yan, I have entered the world of the dead. And there are not many ghost coins in my family, it is difficult to Support us to search in the life world of the deceased, so I would like to ask Nanlinghou to look for him after entering the life world of the deceased. In return, we would like to present the map of the life world of the deceased and all Yedu ghost coins."

After finishing speaking, the two elders each presented an object, one was a map that was not very specific but very clear, and the other was a box full of Yedu ghost coins, about [-] of them, with the Great Emperor Yedu drawn on the front. The portrait of , with countless Montenegro on the back, looks very gloomy.

Nalan Ruoxue quickly persuaded: "Marquis of Nanling, ghosts are rampant in the life of the deceased, how can only a mere twenty pieces of Yedu ghost coins be safe, and you must never take risks in person."

The ruthless man nodded and said: "I naturally understand this. Let's wait for a few days to see. If Dad can come back in time, I will go with him."

"Where are we going together?"

Zhang Tian's calm and indifferent voice sounded from the void, and a door of light manifested, reflecting Zhang Tian's figure standing in the sky and stepping into the air. , , .

Chapter 589 The Emperor of Heaven steps on the mountain of gods and demons

"Dad, are you back?"

Ruthless stood up in surprise, and immediately saw Zhang Tian alone, and couldn't help but wonder: "Where are the second sisters and the others?"

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