When the two elders of the Zhao family saw Zhang Tian's demeanor, they were even more in awe of gods. They thought that this choice was not wrong. Entering the world of the dead with such strength, the chance of survival was still somewhat, so they immediately retreated out of interest. .

Zhang Tian briefly explained what happened this time, and finally said: "I have already seen your master, Fairy Yuehua, on the Moon Star. Although her injuries are serious, she is out of the crisis, and she only needs to rest. With Xi He taking care of you, your master can not only turn the corner into safety, but also achieve great fortune."

The ruthless man said in surprise: "Master is actually the reincarnation of the Moon God, and Dad has seen Xi and the Queen of Heaven?"

Mu Qiluo and others also showed shock. Xihe was a legendary innate deity. She was born when the world first opened. She has great merits and virtues to the nine great mountains and seas. Who doesn't respect her.

"Well, I saw you."

Not only met, but also had a very in-depth exchange.

Zhang Tian thought to himself, recalling the short two days in the lunar star, it was only a shallow taste, and there was no such worldly love. He and Xihe were both Taoists with infinite lifespan. It is impossible to be influenced by this superficial desire.

"It's great, if I have a chance, I can go and see it too."

The ruthless man showed a hint of longing. There are many folk legends about Xihe. She is also a mysterious woman. The lunar star is known as the place where the moon rises, and the six emperor-burying stars around are full of many shocking stories.

"Okay, I have a chance to show you."

Zhang Tian stroked the ruthless man's hair and said with a smile, and then said, "You said just now, where are you going with me?"

The ruthless man just remembered the business and explained everything about Zi Yan's disappearance and his own inference. Because Zi Yan had the Bing Ling bracelet given by Zhang Tian with her, she was actually not very worried.

"The World of the Dead? It's the first time I've heard of this place."

Zhang Tian blinked his eyes with some doubts, and then said: "Since it is possible to be there, let's go over and take a look."

The ruthless man also nodded.

After some simple arrangement, Zhang Tian and Ruthless walked towards Nanling Snow Mountain together.

Entering the interior of the snowy mountain, Ruthless Man couldn't help but wonder: "Dad should be the patron saint of this snowy mountain, why doesn't he know the life of the dead?"

Zhang Tian thought for a moment and said, "I haven't paid attention to what's going on here for a long time. Maybe it's a new entrance."

The two entered the snow mountain. Although there was no such thing as the Void Light Gate, it was indeed filled with a mysterious power.

The ruthless man took out two Yedu ghost coins and said solemnly: "The dead are borrowing."

The two ghost coins burned themselves without fire, turned into two blue smoke and disappeared. At the same time, the mysterious power around them still gathered, revealing a deep path, as if leading to the Yellow Springs of Hell.

This scene is very mysterious. Although I haven't seen a Specter yet, it gives the ruthless a feeling of being more terrifying than the Infernal Ghost Realm, so I can't help clenching Zhang Tian's hand.


Zhang Tian looked curiously, and led Ruthless people all the way to the depths of the path.

Gradually, the sound of flowing water appeared in my ears, and my vision became wider, as if there was a strange world slowly unfolding with the ripples of light. 510 Literature www.510wx.com

Only then did the ruthless man realize that he was walking on the edge of a dark river, surrounded by a vast land shrouded in gray mist, and the towering mountains were looming in the distance, as if they were black, but also as if they were only covered by darkness, making it difficult to see clearly.

"Oh, you broke my hand!"

Suddenly there was a scream in the darkness, and the ruthless man was startled, only to find that there was a bone arm on the ground, which had been broken in two.

The earth rolled for a while, and a skeleton climbed out. He looked at Zhang Tian and Ru Ren with empty eyes, and suddenly exclaimed: "It's a human, you are a living person, this is the taste of a living person!"

The mournful voice echoed in this gray fog world, which immediately caused a big shock.

The ground rumbled, and countless dead bones crawled out. The ground seemed to be piled up by white bones. It collapsed layer by layer, and even the distant mountains seemed to be slowly approaching.

The ruthless man turned his eyesight to the extreme and took a deep breath. He saw the looming mountains in the mist, which were clearly accumulated by countless dead bones.

Most of the withered bones on the ground had incomplete limbs, but they still stood up staggeringly and rushed towards the ruthless man desperately.

"This is what the elders of the Zhao family said about 'dead block the way'. They must throw a large amount of Yedu ghost coins on them to drive them away. They must never attack actively. ."

The ruthless man said solemnly, carefully took out five pieces of Yedu ghost coins and scattered them, the dead bones in that direction immediately quieted down and went to grab those ghost coins, and even killed each other, but the dead bones in the other directions were still rushing in this direction. .


Zhang Tian shot, and a flash of light shot out from his fingers, blasting a thousand miles of red ground, and all the dead bones along the way were smashed into slag.


The group of bones rioted and rushed in this direction even more frantically. Even the mountains of bones in the distance increased their speed, as if they stood up from the ground and ran towards this direction with strides, with withered bones along the way. Climbing up the mountain makes these bone mountain monsters bigger and bigger.

Some of the bones are even engraved with divine patterns and magic patterns, which are the bones of ancient gods and demons. Even a single bone has a terrifying coercion.

"Sure enough, it caused a riot. These bones are endless. We must find the boatman to cross the river as soon as possible."

The ruthless man was a little anxious. According to the elder Zhao, the period from the entrance to the crossing of the river was the most dangerous. Every time, thousands of Yedu ghost coins had to be sprinkled to get through.

"Don't be afraid, there are endless things in the world, just kill them in batches."

Zhang Tian was calm and shot with his fingers, revealing the red ground one after another, and the sound of the roaring and cracking of the white bones group was incessant.

"Found the ferry!"

The ruthless man looked forward in surprise. It was a small dock, and there was a dilapidated wooden boat docked there. There was a lantern hanging on the bow, and under the light sat a boatman in a scorpion, wearing a hat, and couldn't see his face clearly.

"Boatman, take us across the river, two people."

The ruthless man handed over ten Yedu ghost coins, which are boat money, and crossing the river is a business.

The boatman was an old man with a messy beard. Looking at the army of bones swarming behind the ruthless men, he said in a low voice, "In the world after death, the living will stop, and the little girl is still..."

Before he could speak, Zhang Tian had already formed a huge purple-gold footprint, stepped down in the air, and directly blasted a huge mountain of white bones, annihilating all the bones of the gods and demons.

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