The boatman's voice stopped abruptly, and he immediately said in awe: "It turns out that the Supreme Being is here in person, please get on the boat." , . . .

Chapter 590 Overlord of Western Chu, Concubine Yu in Red Dress

Ruthless Man had heard from the elders of the Zhao family before, that these boatmen crossing the river were all evil, possessed by the officials of the underworld, their strength was unfathomable, and they were not afraid of the skeletons on the shore, so they must not offend them.

The boatman did look a bit unpredictable at the beginning, but he didn't expect that after seeing Zhang Tian's strength, he immediately became obedient, no different from ordinary people.

The ruthless man was amused, but he didn't change his expression. He pulled Zhang Tian to the middle of the boat and stood there. He looked back and saw that after the boat slipped, the army of bones on the shore quieted down and buried it in the ground again.

Those galloping skeleton giants also stopped, as if they had fallen into death again, turning into towering white bone mountains, blending with the darkness.

In the distance, the sea of ​​fog was thick, and two huge figures with a height of [-] meters were fighting.

This is really a strange world, the ruthless man thought so, and the boat quickly reached the other side.

"Supreme walk slowly."

The boatman hunched his body and bowed towards Zhang Tian, ​​then gathered up the rope and went back, as if this side was more dangerous to him.

The ruthless man looked around and said: "This is the world of the dead. According to the elder Zhao family, everyone here is dead, and even the ancestors of the Zhao family found many dead deceased here, but they almost didn't. Some of the memories during his lifetime even turned into evil spirits, could it be that this place is really a hell?"

Zhang Tian glanced at it casually, and pondered: "There is a bit of the atmosphere of the Netherworld. It seems that there is an entrance to the Netherworld, but it is not the real Netherworld. It's a bit interesting. Maybe it's a new policy in the Netherworld."

Although the Netherworld is under the jurisdiction of the ancient Heavenly Court, and even the Six Paths of Reincarnation were built by Zhang Tian, ​​this does not mean that he knows all the actions of the Netherworld. In addition, the rest can be decided independently.

Hearing this, the ruthless man was even more curious about this place, he took out two locators, observed it, and said, "The third sister and the Sword Saint of Huangquan are indeed here, but the distance between the three sisters is very far, and the Sword Saint of Huangquan is there. nearby."

"Then go to Huangquan Juggernaut first, Zi Yan can't help but worry."

Zhang Tian chuckled and said that he brought the ruthless people here for a trial, and if he wanted to save Zi Yan, he could do it at any time.

The ruthless man nodded and walked in one direction according to the guide of the locator.

Slowly, there were more pedestrians around, and there were even stalls on the roadside shouting. If it weren't for the dark sky here, it would be no different from the outside world.

The ruthless man was reminded by the elders of the Zhao family that they knew that these people were dead souls. Because of their vague memories, they basically had no concept of good and evil. They were just living in ignorance, but there were also some people with distorted minds who turned into evil spirits. Take the initiative to attack others.


At this moment, the ground suddenly trembled violently, and a huge shadow covered Zhang Tian and Ruthless Man.

The ruthless man looked back in confusion, and could not help but take a deep breath, only to see that the shadow was a giant with a height of ten feet, wearing azure armor, his skin was green, holding a huge spear, his eyes were dull, and like this There are hundreds of giants.

"This is a ghost soldier!"

A crisis broke out in the heart of the ruthless man. He didn't expect to come in for the first time, and he encountered the most dangerous situation mentioned by the elders of the Zhao family. Although the world of the dead is a world without order, there are also forces. Some powerful evil spirits, It will give birth to spiritual wisdom, enslave inferior evil spirits, and form an army of Yin soldiers, almost whoever sees it will die.


Just when the ruthless man was shocked, the huge yin soldier raised the spear in his hand and stabbed her fiercely, bringing a gust of wind.

At this time, the martial arts will that the ruthless man had cultivated for a long time played a role, and he subconsciously took out the ice and fire sword and went up to it.Read the novel


With a loud noise, the ice-fire sword light directly tore the long spear, like a galaxy, blasting a large hole in the abdomen of the Yin soldier, forcing the Yin soldier to retreat a few steps.

The ruthless man who knocked back the enemy did not show any joy at all. Instead, she was slightly shocked. Her blow was enough to kill the ordinary great sage, but it only caused a little damage to the yin soldier. This kind of defense is really fear.

"Huh? Two humans? Kill them all for me."

A man who looked like a general came over on a horse. His body was taller, close to a hundred zhang, and he was a real giant with a contemptuous expression.

As soon as the words fell, hundreds of Yin soldiers roared and rolled towards the ruthless man at the same time.

"Who dares to run wild on Shengyuan Street!!"

A burst of shouting suddenly came from a distance, as if the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder exploded in the sky, and the void was blasted, rolling in.

Before the people arrived, an incomparably huge Fang Tianhua halberd rolled up a large piece of fire rainbow and passed through the clouds.

The ruthless man looked into the distance, only to see a peerless and mighty figure stepping into the sky in the monstrous fire rainbow, dressed in black, like a mountain of gods across the sky, Tianshan breaking the ground, rushing into the army of yin soldiers, sweeping invincible, holding one hand horizontally Fang Tian painted the halberd, and the gang wind that he brought up destroyed all the shadow soldiers.

"This is the gate of hell, what are you doing here?"

The man in black followed behind a woman in a red dress, tall and graceful, holding a peerless face, and asked Zhang Tian and Ruthen curiously.

The ruthless man only felt that the woman in the red dress was full of unique and charming temperament, and before he could answer, he heard the man in black in front of him say domineeringly and coldly: "This is not the place where you evil spirits should come!"

"Are you the soul of Shengyuan Street?"

The yin soldier strode forward, like a moving ancient Yin mountain, majestic and powerful, and every step caused a tremor, with a terrifying spiritual pressure.

The man in black threw Fang Tianhua's halberd horizontally, and said coldly, "You can actually speak people's words, but you are not a low-level evil spirit."

"It's disrespectful! I was the lord of an ancient country during my lifetime, how can I be a lonely ghost after death. We are here today with only one purpose... to dominate Shengyuan Street!"

"Oh~ the tone is not small."

The beauty in the red dress smiled, showing all kinds of amorous feelings, as if she was not worried.

Ruthless moved in his heart and said softly, "I don't know what your sister's name is?"

"My name is..."

There was a look of reminiscence in the eyes of the beauty in the red dress, and she said softly, "My name is Yu Ji."

"Yu Ji? So, he really is—"

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