"It's you!"

There was surprise in Yu Ji's eyes. The person who held her in her arms to rescue was Zhang Tian, ​​who was not full of vigor and blood, but at this time, he had an invincible spirit that suppressed the heavens and the world, as if Hundreds of millions of stars can fall and be destroyed with one hand, so Yu Ji can't help but show a fascinated look.

Although the man took her in his arms, he didn't even look at her, he just raised a hand and pressed against the terrifying demon god.


A loud bang came out, and the shadow of the big sun was shattered, and the demon god with the power of destroying the sky and the earth was smashed to the ground.

Yu Ji's eyes widened in disbelief, this person actually suppressed a demon god with one hand? , , .

Chapter 592 The Emperor of Heaven goes on a tour and suppresses everything


The surprise in Yu Ji's eyes only lasted for a few seconds, then her face changed suddenly, her lips opened, and a line of blood spurted out. Seriously injured.

The next moment, she felt Zhang Tian's palm on her waist move to the lower abdomen, and then a warm energy came over, as if the spring rain moistened the earth, instantly calming the turbulent spiritual power in her dantian.

"Thank you so much, son."

Yu Ji said with a red face, she seemed to still retain the innocence and elegance of a hundred thousand years ago, and she has never been so close to a man.


The battle on the ground continued. Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, was as brave as ever, but he was limited by his strength after all. He was faintly suppressed by the general of the yin soldier, and cooperated with tens of thousands of demons, the situation was in jeopardy.

Yu Ji was a little anxious in her heart, she held up her elegant but elegant face, and begged Zhang Tiandao: "Young Master, can you take action and rescue me? This is the main street of Shengyuan Street, and I can't lose it any more."

In fact, Zhang Tian hasn't figured out the situation yet, but he shrugged indifferently, hugged Yu Ji and swooped down, one foot fell, and a huge purple footprint of the Emperor of Heaven was formed in the sky, and he stepped down like a mountain. .

As if a peerless emperor was on tour, suppressing everything.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Every step of the way, countless celestial demons were blasted into a bloody fog, and they soon reached the front of the Yin Soldier.

"you you……"

In the fearless eyes of the Yin Soldier General, there was a very vivid expression of fear. Zhang Tian's strength was so terrifying that he even felt an ominous feeling when he was filled with demonic energy.


As soon as his mind moved, the ghost horse on which the Yin Soldier was sitting suddenly turned around and turned into an electric light, rushing towards the distance.


Zhang Tian snorted coldly, raised his hand and pressed it down, a huge desolate palm pierced through the void, covering the sky and sun, as if trampling on ants.


An extremely mournful scream rang out, but it was instantly silent, and Shengyuan Street became deadly silent.

Yu Ji's face was shocked, and she was about to say something to Zhang Tian, ​​but found that Zhang Tian had let go of her hand and turned to walk towards the girl who came with him. She couldn't help but feel a little lost, and said softly: "May I ask your son's name?"

"Are you okay?"

Zhang Tian didn't listen to Yu Ji's words, but walked over to Ruthless Man and looked at her. Seeing her shortness of breath, he couldn't help caressing her cheek and passing a celestial force.Love You eBook www.antxt.com

The ruthless man smiled and shook his head, "I'm fine. Although these demons are powerful, they are restrained by my Golden Thunder Sword Soul and Destruction Sword Soul. Ten percent of their strength can only show fifty percent."

Although she said that, Ruthless was still very shocked. With her current combat power, if the treasures were to come out, even a half-step god emperor could compete for a while, but these demons made her tired to deal with it. Xiang Yu caused a lot of firepower, and I was afraid that she would be killed in one wave, which was really terrible.

"I...I asked your name!"

Yu Ji trotted two steps over and seemed to complain a little.

Ruren had a good impression of Yu Ji in his heart, and he quickly introduced: "This is my father Zhang Tian, ​​my name is Ruthen, and now I am the Marquis of Nanling given the title by the emperor, and the land is in Nanling."

"So you are father and daughter?"

Yu Ji blinked, there seemed to be a bit of surprise in her eyes, and then she asked again, "Then why did you come here? This is the world after death, and living people shouldn't come here."

The ruthless man said: "We came to find my sister, but this way, we came looking for the locator left by the Yellow Spring Sword Saint."

Having said that, the ruthless man mistaken Zi Yan into the life of the dead, and said things like accepting the entrustment of the elders of the Zhao family.

"It turns out that you came in to find someone. That Huangquan Sword Saint is indeed on Shengyuan Street, but his injury is very serious, and it is estimated that he will not live for a long time."

As Yu Ji said, she walked with the ruthless person to the depths of Shengyuan Street.

Talking all the way, Ruthless Man also understood a lot of things, such as Xiang Yu and Yu Ji are really dead, and now they are only undead, and like other undead, they have lost their memories of their lives, and at most they only vaguely remember their own names.

"My sister said that this is the afterlife world. Could it be that this is a hell? What is Shengyuan Street?"

After all, the ruthless man couldn't help but ask this question.

Yu Ji chuckled: "The realm of life of the dead is not the Netherworld, but the boundary between the Netherworld and the human world. Because there have been too many casualties in the wars in the past few million years, the Netherworld cannot extradite so many undead, leaving them floating in the human world. It is very easy to become a ghost, so Emperor Hades built a living world of the dead in each of the nine mountain and sea worlds with his supreme supernatural powers."

"The living world of the dead is responsible for attracting the undead from various worlds, allowing them to temporarily live here before the Netherworld is vacated. For the convenience of management, each world has a dedicated soul street to accommodate the undead in this world. The soul general is the manager of each soul-suppressing street, responsible for suppressing the evil spirits who are twisted in their hearts. Shengyuan Street is the soul-suppressing street corresponding to the Shengyuan world, and the overlord is the soul-suppressing general assigned by the underworld."

The ruthless man glanced at Zhang Tian, ​​and his heart was exactly what his father had guessed. Although this place did not belong to the Netherworld, it was considered the jurisdiction of the Netherworld, so it was no wonder that Yedu Ghost Coins could be circulated.

Suddenly, she asked with some doubts: "What is the elder sister here?"

Yu Ji said softly: "I'm a little different. Because of some fortunes in my life, I obtained a rare treasure, and I still carry it with me after I die, which allows me to retain a little emotion and my previous cultivation. Because I don't want to be reincarnated and forgotten. Everything, choose to stay here."

The ruthless man nodded. When a normal person dies, he will not only lose his memory, but also lose his emotions.

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