But the universe is so big, there are always people who are gifted with extraordinary talents, who still retain their memories and emotions after death. Such people naturally do not want to fall into reincarnation and forget everything. Some of them turn into evil spirits to dominate the world of the dead like the previous generals. Just like Yu Ji, she lives peacefully and leisurely.

At this moment, Zhang Tian suddenly opened his mouth and said: "Since it is the realm of the dead governed by the Netherworld, the living should not be able to enter, why are there living people coming in one after another in Shengyuan Continent, and the devil who was killed by me is also. Not the body of the dead."

As soon as these words came out, both Xiang Yu and Yu Ji changed their faces. , , .

Chapter 593 The Immemorial Divine Tree

After being silent for a while, Yu Ji said softly: "As you can see, the life world of the dead in the Ninth Mountain Sea is indeed a bit different, and it dates back ten thousand years. It intersected with the human world, and was taken advantage of by the demons, who occupied the capital of Ye and cut off the connection between the netherworld and the life world of the deceased this time."

"The Demon Race? Is that the Demon God from before?" the ruthless man asked.

This time, it was Xiang Yu who answered, his voice grim: "There are four demon gods who invaded the life world of the dead, and there are countless demons under their command. They cut off the connection between the underworld and the life world of the dead, causing countless The undead piled up here, breeding many evil spirits, and repeatedly attacked Zhensoul Street. But I didn't expect that this time even the Demon God personally took action."

Speaking of this, Xiang Yu suddenly realized that the man in front of him had suppressed a demon god with ease, and he couldn't help being a little stunned. It took him a long time to say: "I didn't expect that the emperor of Shengyuan continent would be able to give birth to an emperor like this senior. The world of Shengyuan has recovered its spiritual energy and evolved into the world of Daqian?"

Zhang Tian smiled but didn't answer, and Xiang Yu was not the kind of person who likes to gossip. After his death, most of his memories and emotions disappeared. Seeing that Zhang Tian didn't answer, he ignored it and turned around and left.

Yu Ji smiled softly and said, "Bawang is only the soul-suppressing general of Shengyuan Street. Because of the invasion of demons in the past [-] years, the number of evil spirits has increased greatly, and he is also very busy. You don't have to care about him. Look for Sword Saint Huangquan, I'll take you to see him now, this may be the last time."

Yu Ji's voice was very relaxed. For her, who had been dead for [-] years, death was just a very common thing, but Ruthless Man couldn't help but stunned and quickened his pace.

This palace is very big, like a secular palace. The three of them walked for a while and finally stopped in front of a small courtyard.


The courtyard door was opened, and Yu Ji walked in with the two of them directly, only to see an old man with white hair sitting on the ground in the open space in front of the small courtyard. His face was full of criss-crossing wrinkles and his eyes were cloudy. Shouyuan is not much.

Hearing the sound of the door, he turned his head and looked over.

"Juggernaut Huangquan, they are here to find you."

Yu Ji pointed at Zhang Tian and Ruthless.

Ruthless people did not expect to see Sword Saint Huangquan in this way, the first person under the famous emperor of the continent. At this moment, there is no fierceness unique to any swordsman. Gone with the wind, she couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion.

Seeing Sword Saint Huangquan looking over, Ruthless Man immediately told the elder Zhao's request.

"It turned out to be the Marquis of Nanling, the old man is disrespectful."

Sword Saint Huangquan opened his mouth slowly, the wrinkles on his face stretched out like the surface of the water with all the ripples, and finally restored to the face of a middle-aged man, his eyes were full of spirit, as if returning to the light, but it was Sword Saint Huangquan Burning the potential of life for the last bit of brilliance.

"The old man is already dying, but being able to see his fellow practitioners on the mainland before his death is truly a blessing from God. Let me continue to pass on this inheritance."

After Huangquan Jiansheng finished speaking, there was a burst of white light from the dantian position, and a picture appeared, a picture inscribed with the starry sky and sword intent, which was the picture of the sword gate, the most precious star, the Wanjian picture.

Only then did the ruthless know that the little-known great sage of the Zhao family, after entering the world of the dead, obtained a powerful inheritance. Sword illustration.Thousands of troops www.qjwm.com

According to Huangquan Swordsman, the original owner of this Star Ten Thousand Swords map is likely to be a great emperor. The Huangquan sword intent imprinted in the picture is very powerful. He exhausted his life and only digested [-]%, making him invincible. The presence.

"I got this Star Ten Thousand Swords Map, and at the same time, I also carried the will of the Great Emperor. That person's biggest wish is to be able to pass the Yellow Spring Road in Yedu City and climb to the top of the Tongtian Tower. I tried it, but it didn't work for me It's too difficult to say, it's impossible. Now this picture is passed on to you, I hope you can also inherit this wish."

Sword Saint Huang Quan showed a relaxed smile, as if he had put down something.

The ruthless person took the Star Ten Thousand Swords Diagram, only to feel that it contained two sword intents, one was the powerful and vast Huangquan Sword Intent, which made her feel palpitations, and the other was only the fourth-order Earth-based Sword Intent, thinking that it was Huangquan Juggernaut understood it himself.

The Ruthless Man knew the value of this Star Ten Thousand Swords Diagram, which was considered the strongest treasure of the Sword Sect. He felt a little indebted, so he said to the Yellow Spring Sword Saint: "I don't know what seniors have wishes. If the juniors can do what they can, they will definitely help."

Sword Saint Huang Quan said with a smile: "I have lived long enough, and I have no regrets and no regrets in my life. If, if there is any regret, it is that I have not been able to refine an imperial sword by myself, and I will have no chance in the future."

With a ruthless thought, he took out the set of Shuiyun Emperor Sword refining materials that had been prepared for a long time from the storage ring, and said, "Senior, do you think these materials are enough?"

"This, this is Emperor Grade Shuiyun Stone? Enough, enough, these materials are enough to refine an Emperor Grade Divine Sword!"

Sword Saint Huangquan was so excited that he raised his hand and grabbed the crystal clear emperor-grade water marble, but when he was halfway through, he suddenly sighed: "It's too late, this body is already rotten and has no energy. Go to the refiner."


The ruthless had to ask Zhang Tian for help at this time. No matter from which angle, she wanted to fulfill the wish of the Sword Saint of Huangquan.

"Little sister, give it up, his lifespan has dried up, and even if Emperor Yama comes personally, he can't be saved."

Yu Ji said regretfully that the Juggernaut Huangquan had extended his life span for thousands of years before, and he had already exhausted his potential.

"Do not worry."

Zhang Tian smiled and stroked Ruren Ren's hair, took out three drops of the nectar juice, and sprinkled it lightly on the ground, then his eyes narrowed, and he said in a low voice, "Open!"

As if ordered by the god Sichun, countless wood auras swarmed, and the land was immediately covered by a sea of ​​flowers. In the place soaked by the nectar and jade liquid, a vine grew out and spread to a height of seven feet in an instant. In the center of the blade guard, a golden fruit was formed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"This...is this the eternal bitter spirit tree, one of the five ancient divine trees?"

Yu Ji's eyes widened, her face full of disbelief, what did she see, Zhang Tian turned into an ancient-level divine tree?

At the same time, in the life world of the dead, countless soul-suppressing streets shook, and a strong man rose up into the sky, looking at the direction of Shengyuan Street with fiery eyes. , , .

Chapter 594 Aren't You the Little Witch's Father?

"Longevity Bitter Spirit Tree?"

The ruthless man looked at the small tree that was only seven feet high, and there was a gleam of surprise in his eyes. She naturally knew the five ancient divine trees. It was said that the five divine trees were all innate seeds, born from the essence of the sun and the moon, and were very powerful. , the gods and demons are coveted.

"No, that's not right. The real Longevity Bitter Spirit Tree is as high as a million miles. It penetrates the sky and the ground. This tree is only seven feet tall and can only be regarded as a branch. It seems, it seems..."

Yu Ji looked at the golden fruit that was guarded by several pieces, and said with consideration; "It seems that the essence of the entire branch is intended to breed this fruit, the legendary treasure of longevity, the bitter fruit of longevity!"

"Nan, go and pluck this fruit. Although it is far from ripe, it is more than enough to prolong his lifespan."

Zhang Tian put his hand behind him, and the sea of ​​flowers on the ground stopped surging immediately, only swaying slightly against the breeze, the whole world seemed to be surrounded by layers of rich and fragrant fairy energy, which made people fascinated.

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