Emperor Qingxuan also heard the meaning of the words of the Yaochi Palace Master, and looked at Zhang Tian after re-examination. Only then did he find that the other party's breath was very weak, and he seemed to have entered the profound realm of returning to nature. Even with her powerful soul power, she also found that Not the slightest clue.

Seemingly out of vindictiveness, the divine light bloomed in the beautiful eyes of Emperor Qingxuan, which inspired a powerful secret technique. He wanted to see Zhang Tian's reality, but the result was still ineffective. Zhang Tian was like a banished person. The Sword Immortal, although his blood is not strong, but his attitude is calm and unrestrained, and the more he looks, the more extraordinary he is.

Suddenly, Emperor Qingxuan's face flushed. It was the first time she observed a man so carefully, but she found that she was faintly attracted by the other's temperament. suppressed.

At this moment, a dexterous and lovely girl suddenly appeared in the team of Qingxuan Ancient Country. She was about sixteen or seventeen years old. She was somewhat similar to the Emperor Qingxuan, but she was less mature and stable, and more playful. innocence.

I saw that she first looked at Zhang Tian curiously, and then moved her mouth slightly, using a secret language technique to transmit the voice to Emperor Qingxuan.

After listening to the girl's words, Emperor Qingxuan seemed to understand something and said, "It turns out that Your Excellency is Daoyou Zhang from Tiangu Xiancheng, I am disrespectful."

In this world, strength is respected. When the emperor Qingxuan faced the nine-tailed fox, he could overbearingly deter him, but after learning Zhang Tian's identity, his attitude changed [-] degrees, and he took out the same level of respect.

"I heard elder sister Yurou mentioned you, saying that you are amazing in Tiangu Xiancheng, you have shocked the large group of great emperors, and even robbed the immortal paper of the emperor!"

The little girl cat was behind the emperor Qingxuan, showing half of her body, staring at Zhang Tian and said briskly, her eyes were full of curiosity and scrutiny.

At the party that day, Chan Yurou boasted Zhang Tian to the sky and described several battles vividly. The admiration in her eyes made many girls of the same generation curious, and this little girl was no exception.

"Tiangu Xiancheng? Could it be that he is the mysterious man who made Yaochi Palace Master and Batian Empress serve as one husband?"

"This person is actually holding an immortal paper. It's terrible. Fortunately, he didn't provoke him."

"It is said that this person entered the ancient land of the corpse on a ghost ship, and was killed alive, with blood all over his body, like a god of death!"

Many immortal mountain emperors in the ninth mountains and seas whispered, looking at Zhang Tian with awe-filled eyes. The story of Tiangu Xiancheng spread very quickly, especially after Zhang Tian walked out of the ancient corpse alive, he was even in the fairyland circle. Crazy inside.

Although Zhang Tian's deeds have already changed their taste after several broadcasts, they have added a lot of personal guesses and brain supplements, and they have become somewhat unrecognizable.

But one thing remains the same, that is, Zhang Tian is very strong, at least possessing the power of an unparalleled emperor, and at the same time holding the souls of seven powerful emperors, he is an extremely domineering and ruthless character.Tower novel www.taxiaoshuo.com

But no one could have imagined that such an existence came from a small world, incredible!

Seeing the mystery unraveled, Palace Master Yaochi couldn't help but smile slightly, knowing that Qingxuan Tianzi's favor was unresolved, and immediately turned to look at Zhang Tian, ​​wondering: "Daoist friend came to the world of the dead this time, is it also for the sake of To encircle and suppress the Demon God?"

Zhang Tian stabilized the nine-tailed celestial fox, then put his hands behind his back, and said in a low voice, "One of the emperor's daughters came here, this time to find her. Strange existence."

Palace Master Yaochi smiled and said, "That's just the right time. This palace has done some research on the life of the deceased. If there is a locator, I believe that Lingyuan's location can be determined."

The ruthless man was happy when he heard the words, and quickly took out Zi Yan's locator.

Just as he was about to hand it over, the nine-tailed celestial fox smiled and snatched it from the side, "Why bother Palace Master Yaochi for such trivial matters, just come and take a look."

After speaking, the nine-tailed celestial fox leaned against Zhang Tian again, the large piece of warm and fragrant nephrite, as if snuggling in Zhang Tian's arms, made Yaochi Palace Master's face turn slightly red, and his heart secretly spit out debauchery.

"This, isn't this Ye Capital City?"

After the Nine-Tailed Tianhu watched it, she couldn't help covering her almond lips, revealing a look of surprise.

The ruthless man said worriedly: "Yeducheng? Isn't that the place where the demon army gathers? Could it be that the little sister was captured by the demons?"

The nine-tailed celestial fox hurriedly said: "The demons are cruel by nature, and they are even more merciless to the arrogance of the human and demon. If the little witch is really caught, she will never give her a life. If the concubine's body is good, the little witch should be there. Inside the Tongtian Tower, that place cannot even be damaged by the Demon God, it is very safe, but this time fellow Daoist is going to act with us."

Emperor Qingxuan said: "It's just right, this time, the demons sent four demon gods to come here, each of them has the ability to penetrate the sky and the earth, and the extraordinary emperor can parry. A powerful witch emperor can break all the way, and there is an ancient Buddha clone in the Buddha's Pure Land, and it can break all the way. The remaining two demon gods are handed over to me and Yaochi Palace Master. It will be a lot easier.”

In these remarks, the nine-tailed Tianhu and other great emperors were not taken into account at all, because in the battle of the unparalleled emperor level, the role of the lower emperors was very small, and it was used to deal with the remaining masters of the demon race.

The Yaochi Palace Master nodded and said, "Daoyou Zhang has unparalleled magical powers. I'm afraid that it is not under the cooperation of Ben Gong and Emperor Qingxuan. Let's divide it into two teams. Daoyou Zhang leads the first team, and Ben Gong and Emperor Qingxuan lead the other team. We don't need to cooperate with The demons and gods are fighting to the death, just hold them and wait for the Wu people and the Buddha's Pure Land to rescue them."

The surrounding great emperors saw that the Yaochi Palace Master highly praised Zhang Tian, ​​and they all disagreed, and even a monster emperor said: "This emperor can't trust this person, and I would like to follow the emperor Qingxuan."

As soon as these words came out, all the emperors echoed loudly. Everyone knew that the demon god was cruel, and it was a matter of life and family.

Palace Master Yaochi frowned slightly and was about to say something when a beautiful and charming voice suddenly exploded in the void:

"Why do we need to divide into two ways, one of the demon gods has been suppressed by Senior Zhang!"

Yu Ji's voice came from a distance, but she didn't know when she left. At this time, she dragged the remnant body of the demon god that day and flew to the center of the street.

In an instant, the whole place was dead silent. , , .

Chapter 598


Looking at the dead body of the Demon God that day, everyone's eyes were dull.

There are only four demon gods in total, so one died?

It was still suppressed by Zhang Tian with his own strength!

What kind of terrifying cultivation is this?

Just now, the demon emperor who said 'I can't trust Zhang Tian', his face was red at this time, and he wanted to find a crack to get in. This was really a slap in the face on the spot, and his face was swollen.

This can't blame him for his poor eyesight. No matter how powerful the rumors are, everyone still tends to see it with their own eyes. The divine power of Emperor Qingxuan and Palace Master Yaochi is built on the prestige accumulated over countless years, while Zhang Tian is the most powerful. Kong was born, his origin is unknown, his name is unknown, his strength is unknown, and it is naturally difficult to convince the public.

But now it is different. The corpse of a demon god is placed here, which has more impact than any rumors.

"Not long ago, this demon god led a large number of demons who wanted to storm my Shengyuan Street. Fortunately, Senior Zhang came and suppressed it with one hand. When it comes to benefiting the common people, my Shengyuan world is no worse than the queen!"

Yu Ji stood on the corpse of the demon god that day, looking at a great emperor with a broken arm, and said in a cold tone.

It was the Great Emperor of the Great Thousand World who wanted to snatch the bitter fruit of longevity, and he said something like 'Small Thousand World and enjoy it', and then Zhang Tian cut off one of his arms. At this moment, his face was still pale and did not recover.

When the emperor met Yu Ji's eyes, he immediately felt extremely ashamed, and even more intensely feared, he lowered his head and did not dare to look at her.

The Emperor Qingxuan and the Palace Master of Yaochi were also shocked. As the unparalleled emperors, they knew the horror of the gods and gods. It was an existence between the emperor and the real immortals, even the Wudi Emperor and the ancient Buddha of Buzhou Mountain. The clone also has to resort to some special means to expel it, and it is even more difficult to say that it is completely killed.

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