However, the nine-tailed celestial fox seemed extremely excited, moved his body closer to Zhang Tian, ​​and said with a sigh of relief: "This is all right, there is no need to divide it up and down, everyone joins forces, there are Daoyou Zhang, the palace master of Yaochi, and the emperor Qingxuan. Now, not to mention the mere celestial demons, even if they are true demons, they can fight against one or two."

After he finished speaking, he whispered into Zhang Tian's ear: "Fellow Daoist, don't think that my concubine is an unclean person, my nine-tailed fox clan has always been clean and self-righteous, and my concubine really worships and admires my fellow Daoist's supernatural powers. A strong person. As long as fellow Daoists are willing, it is also willing to serve fellow Daoists with my niece Mei'er."

The Yaochi Palace Master gave Zhang Tian a very complicated look, and said softly, "Fellow Daoist Zhang's cultivation is still beyond the expectations of this palace, as long as there are no problems with Zhoushan and the Pure Land of the Buddha Kingdom, there should be no problems with this attack. Suspense."

"I also ask fellow Daoist Zhang to come with me to expel the demons and the demon army, so as to benefit the sea area of ​​Ninth Mountain."

Emperor Qingxuan also bowed slightly towards Zhang Tian, ​​and his attitude was even more respectful.Second Chinese website

Zhang Tian glanced at the nine-tailed celestial fox in his arms, then looked around the audience, and said with a chuckle: "It is indeed worth doing to encircle the demons, but if this emperor contributes, the future benefits will also be taken by this emperor. part of it."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Emperor Qingxuan and Palace Master Yaochi changed. They didn't expect Zhang Tian's insight to be so amazing that he could detect something with just a few eyes.

Looking at each other, the Yaochi Palace Master sighed softly: "Young Daoist really isn't someone who suffers from a disadvantage, no matter what, there are several benefits. If you have the ability, you can grab one."

Zhang Tian smiled without saying a word, what he wanted was comparable to what Palace Master Yaochi imagined.

After discussing for a while, they agreed to set off in seven days. The coalition forces headed by Buzhoushan forces and the coalition forces headed by the Pure Land of Buddhism will also attack at the same time.

Soon, the teams of the major immortal mountains and mountains left one after another, and only the people from Tianming Shenshan stayed. Nine-tailed Tianhu asked curiously: "How do you know that our trip is beneficial?"

Zhang Tian ridiculed: "Everything in the world is for the benefit. When the alien races were born, the major immortal mountains and mountains did not see such concerted efforts. If there is no great benefit, you will be so mobilized? What's more, if it is really a simple encirclement and suppression of the demon gods, why bother Bring many younger generations with you."

Nine-tailed Tianhu said with admiration, "Fellow Daoist really has bright eyes, but in fact, I was waiting for this shot because I was entrusted by Emperor Pingxin, who promised that if the demons were to be expelled, Tongtian in Yedu City would be taken away. The tower is fully open for one month for the trials of the arrogance of the gods in the various immortal mountains."

"Fully open Babel for a month?"

The ruthless man's eyes widened, she already knew the preciousness of Tongtian Pagoda from Sword Saint Huangquan.

The Tongtian Pagoda is a very famous trial treasure. It contains a very strong power of law, which is equivalent to clearly placing the obscure law in front of you, and it is not known how many times easier to comprehend.

However, the production of the Tongtian Tower is very difficult. Only the kind of power that penetrates the sky and the earth can be refined. Some advanced Tongtian Towers are even worth more than the Immortal King-level treasures. , are basically old antiques left over from the ancient and ancient times.

The Tongtian Pagoda in Yedu City is not high-level, but it is also a very rare cultivation treasure for monks below the realm of the gods. Because every time it is opened, it will consume a lot of resources, so the entry conditions are very harsh. Wan Ye was a ghost coin, and only stayed in it for less than half an hour.

This time, Emperor Pingxin actually promised to open it up for free for all Tianjiao for one month. The resources that this needs to consume are simply incalculable. Even for a behemoth like the Netherworld, it is considered a big hemorrhage.

Zhang Tian smiled lightly, "The one-month trial of the Tongtian Tower is indeed a very attractive reward. But just based on these, I am afraid that it will not be able to impress the transcendental forces like Buzhou Mountain and the Buddhist Pure Land."

A flash of surprise flashed in Jiuwei Tianhu's eyes, his eyes became brighter when he looked at Zhang Tian, ​​and he whispered: "I really don't believe that fellow Daoist is from a small world, with such vision and insight, I am also ashamed of myself. It is reported that Emperor Pingxin Ming did have an agreement with transcendental forces such as the Pure Land of the Buddha Kingdom and Buzhou Mountain, and it seems to be related to the Tongtian Pagoda.

Hu Mei'er stepped forward and complained a little: "How come Mei'er doesn't know about this, auntie, you are hiding it too deeply."

Jiuwei Tianhu grabbed Zhang Tian's arm and placed it in his pair of turbulent straits, and said angrily: "What's the use of telling you, those who can compete for that opportunity are the top of the Ninth Mountains and Seas. The arrogance of Tianjiao, did you not see that the Yaochi Palace Master brought the Emperor Wu Shi? It is the little witch of Zhang Daoyou's family, maybe there is still a fight." , . . .

Chapter 599 Zhang Tianyu promotes Xiang Yu

"Beginning also came?"

The ruthless man showed a concerned look. She had seen Wu Shi in the future images. At that time, Wu Shi was already the Invincible Emperor. He traversed the nine mountains and seas without a single defeat, and the Feixian Star shocked the emperors and was extremely powerful.

Jiuwei Tianhu nodded and said: "It seems that you have also heard the name of the Wushi Emperor, this person is the reincarnation of the Wushi Tiandi, the congenital holy body Taoist, with a profound and terrifying background, he will become the invincible emperor in the future, cover Overwhelming a great world, some people even speculate that he will be the key to restarting the Immortal Road."

Nine-tailed Tianhu's tone was full of emotion, even though she already had the power of a powerful emperor, she didn't dare to give up half the power in the face of a stunning genius like Wushi. This existence is destined to shine in the world and overwhelm everyone. Tianjiao of the same generation, defeated the elders and the strong one by one, and finally ruled forever.


Ruthless Man's eyes were full of fighting intent, and in the future images, she once took a punch without beginning without retreating, won the bet with Wuji, and won his golden beginningless bell, but after all, it was not a head-to-head battle with Wuji. Pass.

If there is a chance this time, she would like to meet the emperor who is famous for the nine mountains and seas for a while in advance.

Hu Mei'er caught a glimpse of the intimate appearance of the nine-tailed demon fox hugging Zhang Tian, ​​and she couldn't help feeling a little sour. She stepped forward and bowed, and said heavily, "Junior Hu Mei'er, say hello to Senior Zhang."

The nine-tailed celestial fox blinked as if with Qiuhong's beautiful eyes, and jokingly said, "You stinky girl, do you even eat your aunt's vinegar?"

Hu Mei'er didn't want her mind to be seen through, her face turned slightly red, and she defended: "You... what are you talking about, I'm not jealous."

Nine-tailed Tianhu said softly: "Silly girl, such as Daoyou Zhang, an unparalleled great emperor with a temperamental temperament, if you really have the heart, even a stunning female emperor like Qingxuan will be convinced. Do you still want to be alone? I am your relative. Auntie, I can’t harm you, our aunts and nephews are united, and it’s not uncommon for several daughters of the Xuehu clan to serve one husband together.”


Hu Mei'er's face turned even redder. She was very calm and charming in front of an icy girl like Chan Yurou, but she was obviously weaker than the old-fashioned Nine-Tailed Tianhu, so embarrassed that she couldn't lift her head up.

"Dad, let's go too, Sword Saint Huangquan just took the bitter fruit of longevity and needs to rest."

At the critical moment, the Ruthless Man couldn't stand it any longer, so he directly pulled Zhang Tian and walked out. Yu Ji smiled slightly, held the broken horn of the Devil God in one hand, and flew into the distance.

Hu Mei'er was relieved at this moment, she glanced at Jiuwei Tianhu resentfully, and said, "Auntie, you are too much joking, how can I face Senior Zhang in the future, if this matter is known to the little witch , make sure she's going to make a fuss again."

"Just kidding? I'm not kidding, you've been with me for a long time, how have you ever seen me so close to a man?"

The nine-tailed celestial fox's face was still slightly charming, but his tone was very calm, and his demeanor was invisibly dignified, giving people a feeling of coldness.

Hu Mei'er thought about it and found that she had never seen her aunt take the initiative like today. Although the fox clan is known as the fox and dissolute among the people, the snow fox clan is a noble breed, especially the nine-tailed snow fox. It is the honor of the fox, and there may be a few words in the mouth, but it is absolutely impossible to really want to take advantage of it.

"Could it be that Auntie really likes Senior Zhang? But it's the first time you two have met." Hu Mei'er said in a lost voice.

Nine-tailed Tianhu sighed softly: "I have practiced for ten thousand years, and I have never been tempted, but this person is indeed different, and I still have the ability to know people. Unfortunately, such a person is definitely not something I can conquer. So I thought about borrowing your strength. Alas, I didn't succeed this time, and I'm afraid it will be even more difficult in the future."

Hu Mei'er was shocked to hear it, and said inexplicably, "Auntie is already a powerful emperor, the pinnacle of the nine great mountains and seas, even if Senior Zhang really has the ability to be unparalleled in the world, why do you need to attach people's tail wings."

"Peak powerhouse? Meier, you are too naive. You have seen what happened today. Did the Emperor Qingxuan take me seriously, and how did she treat fellow Daoist Zhang? Great emperors also have different levels, and more Not to mention that the immortal road will open in the future, those amazing people will become immortals one after another, and the emperor is no different from an ant, alas..." Weizun Academy

The nine-tailed celestial fox sighed and walked towards his team.

Hu Mei'er followed behind, looked back, and suddenly realized that she seemed to have missed something, and she felt lost.

Seven days passed quickly.

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