The ruthless man sat cross-legged in a quiet room, Liu Mei frowned slightly. For the past seven days, she has been trying to integrate the Star Ten Thousand Swords Map given by Huangquan Sword Saint, intending to improve her strength as much as possible before facing Wu Beginning.

But the result was unsatisfactory. The earth-type sword intent on the Star Ten Thousand Swords map was quickly refined by her, while the other Huangquan sword intent seemed to be wrapped by a powerful will. It was very difficult to refine, also because The existence of this will makes it impossible for her to completely integrate this map of stars and swords.

"What a strong obsession, it seems that if you want to completely integrate this map of stars and swords, you have to understand Huang Quan in the Tongtian Tower."

The ruthless man sighed and gave up the attempt. Fortunately, the earth-type sword intent was refined, and it was not nothing.

So far, there are eight sword souls in her dantian: gold, water, fire, earth, ice, wind, thunder, and destruction. , all of which are rank four or above.

A legendary martial artist possessed a sword soul of eight or four ranks or above. If this matter spreads, it would be enough to shake the ninth mountains and seas. Even in the heyday of ancient swordsmanship, there were few such figures.

After calculating the time, the ruthless man got up and packed his luggage. Just as he stepped out of the door of the wing room, he felt a breath-taking imperial might burst out from a nearby house, accompanied by a huge wave of water. Soaring into the sky, it is as high as ten thousand feet, as if it is going to reverse the Milky Way for nine days.

"This is... the imperial soldier has become?"

The ruthless man showed a touch of excitement, and hurriedly flew to the small courtyard of the Yellow Spring Sword Saint, only to see the Yellow Spring Sword Saint holding a crystal blue Divine Sword in the sky and laughing wildly.

"Haha, I made the Divine Sword of the Emperor! I made the Divine Sword of the Divine! Haha, haha..."

Three times of laughter, Sword Saint Huang Quan's voice stopped abruptly, the divine light in his eyes dimmed, and he had already exhausted the last trace of his potential.

Swish swish!

The escape light of Zhang Tian, ​​Xiang Yu, and Yu Ji flew to them at the same time. Seeing this scene, Xiang Yu was expressionless, but Yu Ji sighed softly.

Zhang Tian raised his hand, and a little green fluorescence floated out of Huang Quan Jiansheng's body and suspended in his hand.

Yu Ji wondered: "What is the senior doing?"

Zhang Tiandao: "Life and death are destiny, and this emperor does not want to intervene too much. Let him be a soul-suppressing general."

Xiang Yu's stern face was a little moved, and doubts flashed in his eyes. Before he could speak, Yu Ji asked first: "Shengyuan Street already has an overlord, does the senior plan to let him be the soul of another world. Will?"

Zhang Tian smiled slightly, glanced at Xiang Yu, and said briskly, "You have been a soul-suppressing general for [-] years, so it's time for your promotion."

"Promotion? Where?" Xiang Yu asked in a muffled voice.

Zhang Tian thought about it for a moment, then smiled: "How about Emperor Yedu?" ,, . . .

Chapter 600 Zhang Family's Daughter Is Too Enchanting

"Emperor Yedu?"

As soon as these words came out, Xiang Yu and Yu Ji were both stunned. Emperor Yedu, this is not an ordinary title of emperor, but a noble position.

This authority is very heavy. It is equivalent to controlling a mountain and sea world, hundreds of great worlds, and tens of millions of small worlds after everyone's death. As long as you move your hands and feet a little, let your strength be monstrous during your lifetime, and you can't pass the gate of hell. Still can't get the chance to reincarnate.

"This... This is an important position personally appointed by the Underworld Emperor, I'm afraid..."

Yu Ji said hesitantly.

Zhang Tian smiled and said casually: "The emperor said he could do it, and he did it. Not to mention the great emperor of Yedu, even the emperor of Mount Tai and the emperor of Yama, there is nothing that can't be done."

Xiang Yu's eyes showed a little excitement. If he could become the Great Emperor of Yedu, with the great luck of the Netherworld, his strength would also skyrocket and he would become the supreme being among the great emperors.Although he lost most of his memories and emotions, his desire for power has not changed at all.

"This breath, is the emperor's soldier born?"

There were rainbow lights all around, but this time, no one dared to snatch it. They just watched enviously. An imperial sword can become a treasure in the world of the world, even for the first As far as the sacred mountains of the nine mountains and seas are concerned, only the top emperors will have them.

"Congratulations to Daoist friends for harvesting an imperial sword, which coincides with today's encirclement and suppression of the demons. You should use this sword to lead you to victory."

Emperor Qingxuan wore a phoenix robe and said with a relaxed expression, apparently thinking that this divine sword was built for him by Zhang Tian.

"Nan, if you don't come forward to take the sword, when will you wait?" Zhang Tian said with a smile.

The ruthless man stepped forward and excitedly grabbed the hilt of the imperial sword.

The emperor level and the emperor level are two completely different concepts. The most obvious difference is that the imperial soldiers contain the power of the emperor, just like the presence of the emperor. This is the magical power that comes with the imperial soldiers. When unsheathed, it can suppress all imperial soldiers and make all spirits surrender.


As soon as they came into contact, a fierce will poured directly into the sea of ​​​​consciousness of the ruthless person, as if to destroy her soul.

Emperor soldiers are psychic and can choose their masters. This is the emperor's sword that tests whether the ruthless person is qualified to be its master.

"Hmph, little sword spirit, suppress me!"

In the sea of ​​​​knowledge of the ruthless, the eight sword souls manifested at the same time, forming a powerful sword domain to suppress the will of the emperor sword.

After all, this sword has just been tempered, and the sword spirit is also in its infancy state. The will is not strong. After a long stalemate, he let go of the struggle, bowed his head obediently, and let the ruthless people refine it smoothly and establish it with this imperial sword. contact.

"From today onwards, you will be called Shuiyun Emperor Sword!"

The ruthless man raised his sword edge, and a fierce and boundless sword intent erupted from her, traversing the sky and the earth, as if to pierce the sky.

All the onlookers were shocked, revealing a thick color of horror.

"What? Is this imperial sword for this junior?"

"It's unbelievable, the mere king of the legendary realm can actually break the emperor's soldiers, this, this is impossible!" Feiku Novel Network

Many great emperors showed surprised expressions, especially the great emperors of the Great Thousand Worlds, with very aggrieved expressions. Some of them did not have emperor soldiers, but a legendary junior took it first, which made them feel very aggrieved.

But compared to before, the fact that the ruthless man was able to subdue the imperial soldiers shocked them even more.What are imperial soldiers?That is a weapon that can only be used by the great emperor. It contains the power of the emperor. Even if one percent of the divine power is released, it can swept across the realm of the emperor, yet surrendered to the hands of a junior with eight changes in the legendary realm?

It was only then that they focused their attention on the ruthless man for the first time, and after a little observation, they showed a shocking expression.

The background of the ruthless man is so powerful that it makes them feel terrified. Whether it is essence, qi or god, it can be called the peak of the same rank, and it has the aura of a peerless hegemon who can overwhelm the great world.

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