There was a hint of worry in the eyes of Emperor Qingxuan. This time, the battle of Tianjiao is extraordinary. The winner will have an unparalleled opportunity to go straight to the road to the world, and the loser will be wiped into dust.

Even the Yaochi Palace Master, who was extremely confident in Wu Beginning, couldn't sit still. There was an immortal rhythm in the aura of a ruthless man. It was obvious that he possessed a peerless immortal body, and his background was no less than Wu Beginning.

Only Qingxuan Ancient Country and Yaochi Xianyu are the only ones who can compete for the highest position. Therefore, the rest of Xianyu Mountain and Daqian World have no sense of crisis. They just praise the strength of Ruthless Man, which is a little bit more towards Zhang Tian. The mind of making friends.

No way, Zhang Tian's daughter is too enchanting, that little witch is already recognized as the emperor star of the demon clan, and has the attitude of an invincible emperor. Now another daughter has emerged, and she is in charge of the emperor sword as a legend. The background is unfathomable. , I want to at least become the emperor of the world.

When they all grow up in the future, with the strength of this family alone, I am afraid that they will be able to push the ancient country horizontally and cover the ninth mountain and sea world.

Hu Mei'er seemed to have thought of something and couldn't help but smile.

Nine-tailed Tianhu asked why.

Hu Mei'er said: "When the little witch participated in the Ten Thousand Demons Conference, she said that there are at least three geniuses in this world who are stronger than Hunyuan Xiaopeng Wang. Her eldest sister counts as one, second sister counts as one, she counts as one, I thought she was one at that time. It was intentional to be angry with that Xiaopeng King, but I didn't expect such a possibility."

When these words spread, some surrounding forces couldn't help but stunned for a while.

That little witch has a second sister?

Can the strength also surpass the Hunyuan Xiaopeng King?

This family also let no one else live.

Jiuwei Tianhu sighed: "Mei'er, you should understand now, there are no noble sons in the poor family, and if they can raise three such excellent daughters, how can Zhang Tian be an ordinary generation."

Zhang Tian carried his hands on his back, his expression was very calm, his eyes crossed the crowd, and he said in a low voice: "Since everyone has arrived, prepare to go."

Between the words, it seems to be in control of everything, but it does not give people the slightest sense of disobedience, but makes people take it for granted.

This kind of charisma made Emperor Qingxuan's beautiful eyes shine a little bit more, staring at Zhang Tian's back, wanting to know more about him.

"Did sister also take a fancy to Senior Zhang?"

The eldest princess of the ancient country of Qingxuan jumped out, her eyes rolled, and she said loudly.

Emperor Qingxuan blushed slightly, and pretended to be Yun Angrily: "Don't talk nonsense, this time the arrogance gathers, you are not ready to go."

"Hee hee, my sister is angry."

The little princess shaved her pink face and ran away with a smile. , , .

Chapter 601 The Two Great Empresses Are Suspicious

The capital city of Ye is located in the center of the living world of the dead. It is the ruling place of this vast space. The undead of various worlds are first extradited to the soul town of this world, and then they will be dispatched in batches from Ye according to the ghosts. The capital has entered the real underworld.

Therefore, after the army of demons invaded the living world of the deceased, the first one was to storm the capital city of Ye, and use it as a base to continuously encroach on the Quartet.

Zhang Tian and the others went all the way, only to see that the earth had turned into a swamp of blood. After smelling the breath of raw meat, they emerged from the swamp one after another, and they were densely surrounded, and fires were burning everywhere.

This kind of little scoundrel naturally does not need the emperors of all ethnic groups to do it himself. Many soul-suppressing generals and younger generation Tianjiao are on the front line, which can be regarded as a kind of experience.

"Swallowing the Devil, Hell Furnace, now!"

In the slaughter, the position of the ruthless man was the most astonishing. I saw a huge black hole split open in the void behind her, and a hell oven was suspended in it. The head is all inhaled into it, and it is madly refined.

These demons are all transformed by the negative emotions of human beings. Although there is no blood essence to refine, they can extract pure soul power, which can be said to be a great supplement to the ruthless.

At this time, the flame in the hell oven was very different from the beginning, from red to white gold, like an eternal platinum flame.This is a vision of quality improvement. The ruthless man has practiced the "Swallowing Devil Art" for such a long time, and finally he has to cultivate the first stage to the realm of great achievement.

A large number of demons turned into black mist and poured into the hell oven, screaming and screaming wildly, trying to get out, but it was all in vain. break free.

Under the calcination of the platinum flame, even the blood swamp on the ground became dry.

Such a terrifying scene not only made the younger generation shun the ruthless people like tigers, but even those great emperors looked sideways, and their eyes were suspicious.

"What a domineering practice, the platinum holy fire gives me a feeling of eternity, but it doesn't look like a way to purify a Buddhist country, but it has the breath of a magic art. The Yaochi fairyland has a profound background, I don't know the palace master of Yaochi. Can you recognize which ancient magical power this is?"

Emperor Qingxuan secretly transmits a voice to the master of Yaochi Palace. She has two quasi-immortal king-level secret techniques and magical powers, one of which is a powerful pupil technique. Can't see through.

On the other side, the palace master of Yaochi also shook his head slightly, and his eyes were quite surprised. Although the establishment of the Yaochi Immortal Domain was not long, the Yaochi had existed since the establishment of the Immortal World Heavenly Court and preserved a large number of immortal scriptures. , She can at least recognize a famous practice in ancient times, but she has no impression of this magical power of Ruth.

The two unparalleled queens looked at each other, and both saw the helplessness in the other's eyes. It is extraordinary for them to have such a reputation. Even the nine-tailed celestial fox knew that Zhang Tian was not from a small world, so they naturally guessed it early. Zhang Tian has an extraordinary history.

Originally, they planned to judge Zhang Tian's background inheritance through the martial arts of the ruthless, but now this idea has been shattered.

How did these two women know that "Devouring the Heavens" was created by Zhang Tian with reference to the supernatural powers of the ancient demons, and was specially created for ruthless people, and it was the only one in the entire universe.

Swish swish!

Just as it was advancing rapidly, the swamp in front suddenly set off a blood wave of thousands of feet, and a blood-colored giant crawled out from the ground, as if it was composed of blood clots. The whole body was dripping with blood, which was very terrifying.

Emperor Qingxuan's expression changed, and he said loudly: "This is the Gorefiend giant, all the juniors will return!"

However, it was too late, these Gorefiend giants were very powerful, and they fell like a rain curtain in the sky, and all the arrogances that were covered would turn into blood in an instant.

"Sword Domain!"

The ruthless man raised his hand, and the eight sword souls came out. The Golden Thunder Sword Soul and the Destruction Sword Soul intertwined together and moved forward, directly blasting the blood fog cover to a broken hole, meeting Xiang Yu and Yu Ji, and facing the Run to the back.Fate

At the same time, the great emperors who had been watching from the back also took action and went to rescue their Tianjiao. Only three people remained motionless, namely Emperor Qingxuan, Palace Master Yaochi and Zhang Tian.




The crackling sound resounded endlessly. This was a battle at the level of an emperor. Although the Gorefiend's combat power was only about two stars, it was extremely difficult to kill. Even if it was cut into dozens of pieces, it could be reunited. The great emperor came together to kill one.

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