Looking up at the Gorefiend's feet, which was slammed by the power of thunder, Zhang Tian said lightly: "The mere demons dare to run wild in front of this emperor, and they won't retreat!"

Suddenly, an extremely powerful force erupted from Zhang Tian and swept across the ten directions. From a small and negligible figure before, it became Shenyue Hengtian, and Tianshan broke the ground. Although it was just a random stand, it brought With an invincible power that suppresses the heavens and the world, it is like the incarnation of the ancient sacred mountain, awe-inspiring and unshakable.


No one saw how Zhang Tian made his move, and the Gorefiend flew out, his face full of horror, as if he saw something extremely terrifying, and his body flew halfway, bursting with a bang, leaving no bones.

The audience was horrified in an instant!

Even Emperor Qingxuan and Palace Master Yaochi, who were fighting with the two Gorefiends, stopped their movements in shock. Their martial arts were sky-high, and they could still be calm when facing the Gorefiends, but the resilience of this monster was amazing. If you want to kill it, it will take years or even decades.

"You, who are you?"

The two Gorefiends were also extremely frightened, and a huge feeling of fear rose in their hearts.

"Gore Demon disintegrates, return to the original one!"

The two Gorefiends made the same decision - run!

The tens of thousands of zhang erased and exploded, and hundreds of blood-colored torrents shot in all directions.

Zhang Tian glanced indifferently and said coldly, "Want to run?"

The voice fell, Zhang Tian raised his hand and flicked, and hundreds of divine blades suddenly appeared in the void, whistling and slashing towards all sides.


One after another blood column exploded, and countless shrill shouts resounded in all directions. None of the fleeing blood-colored torrents were lucky, and they were all cut into blood mist, and their souls were destroyed.

"This, this is..."

There was a look of shock in the eyes of the Yaochi Palace Master. Zhang Tian's magical powers this time were somewhat similar to hers. They were both Void Condensing Blades, but the control of the two was vastly different.

Relying on the mysterious immortal method, she has comprehended tens of thousands of years, and she can only control the phantoms of twelve imperial swords at the same time, but Zhang Tian condenses hundreds of paths at will.

The three Gorefiends died, and all the great emperors and Tianjiao's younger generation had a feeling of the rest of their lives, and looked at Zhang Tian with awe in their eyes, as if they were looking at the gods.

Although they had looked at Zhang Tian infinitely before, but deep down, they only equate him with Emperor Qingxuan and Palace Master Yaochi.

Only now can I truly feel his power.

Three Gorefiends comparable to the Unparalleled Emperor were killed by him alone! , , .

Chapter 603 The team headed by Zhang Tian

"It seems that walking with Daoyou Zhang this time is a very wise choice."

Emperor Qingxuan put away his profound arts, and said with a slight sigh, her hair was a little messy, and a few strands of jet-black hair fluttered in the breeze. Obviously, this battle was not so easy for her.

Compared with the Gorefiend, the Demon God is ten times more terrifying. The real devil born in the chaos outside the sky. Judging from the current situation, even if she and Yaochi Palace Master work together, they may not be able to deal with one. Demon God.

"Zhang Daoyou really has unparalleled magical powers, and the concubine is not wrong."

The nine-tailed celestial fox turned into a beautiful woman again, swaying its blood-blowing body and flew to Zhang Tian's side. The sound of the sound was like a moose like a musk, which made all the men present feel a burst of heat, incomparably hot. Looking at Zhang Tian with envy.

Zhang Tian smiled slightly, and was about to say something when his expression suddenly changed.

In the next moment, the sky changed color, a cloud of dark clouds enveloped the entire space and time, as if a space magic formation was activated, the void vibrated violently, and the entire space seemed to be moving rapidly.

This is a kind of earth-shattering method, which makes everyone's heart tremble, and they use their own magical means, but in the face of this power of heaven and earth, they have no effect at all, and they can only go with the flow.

Fortunately, this feeling of star-shifting is not long, and it stopped in the blink of an eye, and then a violent dizziness flooded into everyone's heart.

"This, where is this?"

After regaining consciousness, everyone looked at the surrounding scene and couldn't help but let out a loud cry, only to see that this place seemed like a barren land, like a desolate scene where the world opened up, no life existed, it was dead and solemn, if it was just a People will go crazy in less than half a day when they are here.

"Dad, what is this?"

The ruthless man flew to Zhang Tian's side and asked in confusion. Her intuition told her that it was very dangerous here.

Nine-tailed Tianhu, Hu Mei'er and the others also followed the prestige and looked curious, apparently not knowing where this place was.

Zhang Tian looked around and said with a chuckle: "This is the domain of the demon gods, a unique innate means of extraterrestrial demons, which can be understood as a spiritual world. Here, the demon gods have absolute dominance, and it can even be said that the The creator, can conjure up everything they want."

He still didn't say a word, the ruthless man's "Swallowing Devil Technique" evolved from the technique of the ancient devil god. As long as he can cultivate to the third realm, he can transform into a devil god domain that is ten times stronger than this.

"Everyone, be careful, we have now entered the demon realm of the demon god, and we may encounter the demon god or the demon avatar at any time."

On the other side, the voice of the Yaochi Palace Master's reminder came from a distance.

Everyone has raised their utmost vigilance, especially those great emperors of the Great Thousand Worlds, most of them only have one or two stars in combat power. They know that they are no different from ants in front of the gods and demons. They can be killed by raising their hands. They must be careful. Be careful.

"This is the fountain of life!"

A blue wave suddenly appeared not far in front of the team. It was a lake dozens of feet wide. The lake surface was sparkling. Occasionally, spring water spewed out, exuding an extremely rich breath of life. It is known as the ancient times. The Fountain of Life, one of the top ten divine springs, can greatly enhance the potential of life and even reverse life and death.


Many great emperors had red eyes and rushed towards the lake frantically. This is a divine artifact that can trigger a battle between immortals in ancient times. A cup of it can be compared to an immortal medicine.Especially for some great emperors whose lifespans are about to run out, it is tantamount to drowning in front of them.


"That's an illusion, come back soon!"

Palace Master Yaochi, Emperor Qingxuan and others reminded them loudly from the rear, but they couldn't stop them at all, and they couldn't even slow down their movements.Qiqi Chinese website www.qiqizw.com

"Foolishness." Zhang Tian spit out these two words coldly.

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