
Just when the great emperors were about to approach the lake, the lake containing the fountain of life suddenly changed its appearance.

But in the blink of an eye, the entire lake turned blood-colored, with turbulent waves, pulled up from the ground, and transformed into a thousand feet in size. Where is the lake, it is clearly the bloody mouth of a demon.


There was a sound of chewing, and the several great emperors who ran over were all swallowed up, and there was no time to even let out a scream.



It was only at this time that the shadow of the Emperor Sword transformed by the palace master of Yaochi flew to it and exploded. However, the devil had disappeared into the ground without a trace.

Fear spreads in everyone's heart.

A demon just devoured several great emperors in front of their eyes, and then walked away, and they could only watch it all happen.

"How could this be?"

The ruthless man murmured softly, she really couldn't understand, in such a dangerous environment, how could those great emperors rush to that obviously problematic fountain of life unprepared.

Zhang Tian said in a low voice: "The demons are transformed by the negative emotions of all living beings, and they also have the talent to manipulate negative emotions. The few great emperors just now have little life left, and they are very eager for the fountain of life. And the demons magnified their desire, simply put, at that moment, their minds were already controlled by the demons."

Hearing these words, Jiuwei Tianhu and others all have lingering fears in their hearts. People have seven emotions and six desires. Even if they are promoted to the emperor, how can they not have desires, and as long as there are desires, the demons will have an opportunity, and it is impossible to prevent them.

"But it's too whimsical to want to escape in front of this emperor."

Zhang Tian said calmly, raised his hand and grabbed towards the void, and the place where the water of life had flowed suddenly exploded with a sandstorm several thousand feet high, and countless demon blood spurted out.


The demon just now let out a terrifying scream, but it was actually caught by Zhang Tiansheng from the ground. A hand of God grabbed its demon body and squeezed it directly!

The audience was deadly silent, terrified by Zhang Tian's terrifying power.

At this moment, Emperor Qingxuan suddenly raised his eyebrows and said quickly: "There are two powerful breaths approaching us!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone couldn't be surprised, and they were all on guard. Many emperors approached Zhang Tian without a trace, and a team with Zhang Tian as the core was implicitly formed.

Including the demon emperor who had previously threatened to distrust Zhang Tian, ​​he also ran to Zhang Tian's side in despair.

Now there is no doubt that Zhang Tiancai is the strongest existence in this team.

In the face of the safety of life, what is the face.

Those breaths are getting closer and closer, powerful and fierce, and the tense atmosphere permeates the audience, and even the ruthless man clenched Zhang Tian's arm unconsciously. , , .

Chapter 604 There is an Immortal Emperor behind the Ruthless Man!




One after another fierce breath broke through the void and instantly filled the audience.

The emperors of the Ninth Mountains and Seas, such as Emperor Qingxuan and Palace Master Yaochi, have slowed down their expressions, because they sensed that these auras did not belong to the Demon Race.

"Palace Master Yaochi? So it's you."

The two teams of hundreds of people arrived almost at the same time. It was the encirclement and suppression team led by the Pure Land of the Buddha Kingdom and Buzhou Shanshuo. The leaders were an old monk in a bronze cassock and a witch emperor who was several thousand feet tall. Teng Teng, obviously also experienced bloody battles.

"It turned out to be Venerable Ananda, but I thought it was the demons again, so I was nervous for a while."

The Yaochi Palace Master showed a relaxed look on his face, and bowed slightly towards the old monk. This man is extraordinary. He is one of the most prestigious sages in the Pure Land of Buddhism today, and the Dharma is boundless.

Most importantly, he is not an independent 'person', but an incarnation of a powerful ancient Buddha.

The ancient Buddha was asleep thousands of years ago, but he transformed three thousand incarnations into the heavens and myriad worlds with the supreme Buddhist supernatural powers, and let them grow. After thousands of years of reincarnation, you can step into the realm of ancient Buddhas in one fell swoop.

Venerable Ananda was the most accomplished person among the three thousand incarnations. He learned the Buddhadharma little by little from an unnamed small temple in a large thousand worlds, and finally cultivated to the highest level. He was extradited back to the Buddhist Pure Land.

I saw that Venerable Ananda nodded slightly and said slowly: "I just killed a demon god and sensed the presence of a demon avatar here, so I hurried over here. It seems that this is superfluous."

The Wudi on the other side also said coldly: "This emperor has just killed the gods and demons. I planned to go out to meet you, but I didn't expect that you have already entered the realm of gods and demons, but luckily, I didn't encounter the gods and gods."

His tone was very arrogant, and he obviously did not believe that the Yaochi Palace Master and others would be the opponents of the demon gods. The original plan was to let them hold the attention of the remaining two demon gods as much as possible.

Emperor Qingxuan knew that the people of the Wu clan had rough characters and didn't like to use their brains when they spoke, but when he heard these words, he couldn't help but feel a burst of anger, and immediately replied coldly: "I just follow the original plan and strictly follow the plan. It's just execution, as for the demon god, I killed one."

After speaking, she couldn't help but her face was a little rosy. After all, in essence, the Heavenly Demon God was killed by Zhang Tian independently, and it had nothing to do with them.

"What? You also killed a demon god?"

The Witch Emperor's eyes widened, obviously not believing.

Venerable Ananda also showed a look of surprise on his face, but he quickly pulled it away and said slowly: "Yaochi Xianyu inherits the immortal world, and the ancient Qingxuan country is also the ear of the Dajiang immortal country. ."

Yaochi Palace Master said quickly: "Your Excellency misunderstood, it was not Ben Gong and Qingxuan Tianzi who killed the Heavenly Demon God, but fellow Daoist Zhang in our team. He has something else to do when he entered the world of the dead this time, but after listening to me. After the plan of destroying the demons, I am also happy to go to it. If it were not for Daoyou Zhang to support him all the way, I would not be able to get to this step."

"Oh? So that celestial demon was also beheaded by Fellow Daoist Zhang?" Venerable Ananda asked.

"Your Excellency is wise." Yaochi Palace Master bowed slightly again and said.

At this time, the three-party team has been integrated together. Everyone is from the Ninth Mountain Sea Area. Usually, it is inevitable that they will meet each other. Most of them know each other.

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