Zhang Tian was naturally the focus of the discussion for those in the path of the Yaochi Palace Master, and soon, all of Zhang Tian's identities were revealed.

The father of the little witch of the demon clan emperor star who is famous for the nine mountains and seas.

Tiangu Xiancheng crushed eight powerful emperors, and the unparalleled emperor who captured the soul of the emperor.

Let the Yaochi Palace Master and the Batian Empress be willing to serve together with you.

The peerless killing god who killed the ancient corpse alive.The latest novel www.zuixiaoshuo.net

Killing the terrifying existence of the Demon God with one's own power.

Every exposure of his identity will cause a lot of amazement, and more and more eyes are looking at Zhang Tian, ​​and they are more and more in awe.

At the same time, the ruthless man who was inseparable with Zhang Tian also became the focus of discussion. It was a very amazing achievement to conquer the Divine Sword with the legendary eight-transformation cultivation.

Someone took out the rhetoric that Zi Yan released at the Ten Thousand Demons Conference before, and vowed to say that the ruthless man is an invincible arrogance comparable to the Beginning Emperor and the Wuzu Xingtian, even the Hunyuan Xiaopeng King is far worse.

These words naturally reached the ears of King Hunyuan Xiaopeng, causing him to be furious!

This can be regarded as adding fuel to the fire. Since he left the ancient land of Tianfeng, the rumor that King Hunyuan Xiaopeng was defeated by a small world aboriginal has spread at an unimaginable speed in nine mountains and seas, making him lose face.

The key is that he was not convinced that he lost, thinking that he only lost to the little witch because of his carelessness.

Moreover, the little witch is a different species. She has ten round seas. She is a bit stronger than him in terms of background. It is reasonable to say that she is better than him, but the little witch's sister has to climb on his head now, which makes him unable to endured.

"Zhang Ruren, the battle between this king and the little witch has not yet ended. Since you are her sister, let me try your weight first."

As soon as the voice fell, King Hunyuan Xiaopeng turned into a blood-colored hurricane and flew out, heading straight for the ruthless man.

He is the descendant of the Primordial Mopeng, and his talent is speed. At this time, he suddenly burst out, so many great emperors could not react.

Venerable Ananda glanced at Zhang Tian, ​​and seeing that the other party didn't respond, he immediately acted as if the old god was there, and watched the changes.

At this moment of lightning and flint, King Hunyuan Xiaopeng had already rushed to the ruthless man. He did not leave the slightest energy, and directly transformed the body of the thousand-zhang Mopeng.

The giant wings roared, and a golden-colored Peng claw fiercely grabbed the ruthless man. This power was extremely terrifying. Even if there was a mountain in front of him, it would be instantly shattered.

"Good come!"

The ruthless man let out a long roar, and the power of a flying fairy erupted from her body, and her black hair danced wildly in the wind. She did not use the imperial soldiers such as the Suppressing Devil Tower and the Shuiyun Emperor Sword, but raised her palm and brazenly greeted him. up.

In an instant, a huge ancient hand pierced the void, crushed the layers of the void all the way, and slammed into the Peng claws of King Hunyuan Xiaopeng.



An earth-shattering loud noise shook the world, and then the shrill roar of King Hunyuan Xiaopeng sounded. A Peng claw with a size of several dozen feet was crushed by the ancient big hand, and the blood of the Peng was soaring!

"The Great Desolate Prisoner!"

"This is the unique skill of the Immortal Emperor!"

"Emperor Lin Wu's Great Desolate Prisoner!"

At the same time, countless exclamations sounded from all directions, and the magical powers displayed by the ruthless were instantly recognized.

There is an Immortal Emperor behind the ruthless man!

Such thoughts flashed across many people's minds.

Venerable Ananda's eyes flashed brightly, and an invisible Buddha's might was pressed towards the ruthless man.


In the next instant, a ten-fold terrifying Emperor's might rose into the sky from Zhang Tian and swept the audience. , , .

Chapter 605 Zhang Tian shocked the Buddha's Pure Land!


As if something was shattered, everyone felt that the surrounding void was completely controlled by Zhang Tian, ​​like an aloof emperor who could judge the life and death of others in one sentence.

Venerable Ananda let out a sullen snort, and took a few steps backwards in succession as if he had been hit hard.

"Suppress me!"

On the other side, the ruthless force like a rainbow urged the Great Wilderness Prisoner Tianshou to fight with the Hunyuan Xiaopeng King, crushing them all the way, killing the opponent's successive defeats without any strength to fight back.


With a huge roar, Hunyuan Xiaopeng Wang Hua came out of a thousand zhang Mopeng and was directly blown out, a terrifying hole with a diameter of hundreds of zhang was shattered in his chest, a wing was broken, and it hit the ground fiercely, blasting a terrifying big hole. pothole.

Totally crushed!

The arrogance of the gods in the sacred mountains of the various immortal realms was shaken and speechless by the scene in front of him. King Hunyuan Xiaopeng, who was in the pure land of the Buddha, and the invincible arrogance who fought over the invincible hands of the nine great mountains and seas, was madly crushed by the ruthless people. Unable to fight back.

The ruthless man at this moment is unparalleled in style, and the world is all over the place!

In the first battle of the Ninth Mountains and Seas, she won it with a dazzling attitude, and she was so hearty that everyone remembered the name 'Zhang Ruren' from their hearts, not the little witch's sister.

On the chariot in the Immortal Realm of Yaochi, Wu Shi slowly opened his eyes, as if he saw the scene outside through the curtain, his eyes were boiling with fighting intent.

Under the influence of the Buzhoushan Wu clan, Xing Tian held a giant axe and shouted loudly, as if to compete with the ruthless, but was stopped by an old man who kept persuading him.

"The arrogance of the Buddha's Pure Land, that's all."

The ruthless man put away his magical powers, and seemed a little surprised that Xiaopeng King Hunyuan was so vulnerable, he smiled slightly, and turned back to Zhang Tian.

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