The Yaochi Palace Master sighed softly: "I didn't expect Daoyou Zhang to get the inheritance of Emperor Lin Wu. It is really a great blessing. No wonder there is such an achievement."

All the great emperors of the Immortal Realm Divine Mountain looked at Zhang Tian with burning eyes, and seemed to think that they had finally seen through his background.

The inheritance of the quasi-immortal emperor is a huge treasure. Even if it is just a quasi-immortal emperor-level martial arts magical power, it is enough to make all the powers of the immortal mountains go crazy. You must know the Yaochi Palace Master, who is now famous for the ninth mountain and sea.Emperor Qingxuan only has mastered the quasi-immortal king-level supernatural powers.

However, in those greedy eyes, there is also a strong reverence. Zhang Tian's strength is obviously still higher than that of the Yaochi Palace Master. I am afraid that it is an eight-star or even nine-star existence. It's not something they can handle.

"Pfft, puff..."

King Hunyuan Xiaopeng was rescued from the deep pit and returned to his human form. He was already devastated. There was no intact part of his body. His flesh was blurred. He was still coughing up blood.

The corner of Venerable Ananda's eyes twitched. It was the first time he had seen someone who dared to beat a person in the Pure Land of Buddhism so miserably, and it was still under his eyes. This was undoubtedly a huge humiliation.


The expected revenge did not happen. Venerable Ananda just announced the Buddha's name, and lowered pieces of golden lotus into King Hunyuan Xiaopeng's body to heal his wounds.

However, Emperor Qingxuan and others knew that Venerable Ananda was not afraid of Zhang Tian, ​​and it would not be difficult to awaken one or two real ancient Buddhas to forcibly kill the enemy in the lower realm with the background of the Pure Land of the Buddha Kingdom.What he is really afraid of is the immortal decree paper held in Zhang Tian's hand, which is the immortal decree paper of the Emperor Burying!Zero Book

It can be said that as long as this immortal decree is still there, even if Zhang Tian is alone and without any power, it is enough to deter the Buddha's Pure Land and dare not tear his face easily.

"Jie - Jie - Jie -"

At this moment, a cloudy voice suddenly recalled in the surrounding void, as if countless Specters were roaring, making the scalp tingle.

"Little devil god, dare to pretend to be a ghost in front of this emperor?"

The Wu Emperor of Buzhou Mountain strode forward, and a bronze halberd in his hand slashed towards the void, directly breaking through a thousand-zhang abyss, and there was a shrill cry, which seemed to have injured the demon god.

The Wu Emperor laughed, carrying a bronze halberd and said boldly: "This god of the devil, let me, Bu Zhoushan, also deal with it!"

After finishing speaking, the Wu Emperor directly took his footsteps that seemed to be lofty mountains and stepped out towards the void abyss.

This is pure power, and there is no doubt that he has the strength to crush the star field. Many great emperors are all refreshed, and they follow Wudi into the void abyss.

The Yaochi Palace Master flew to Zhang Tian's side, walked alongside him, and said with a chuckle, "I've heard for a long time that the Wu clan is fighting the sky and the earth. In terms of physical strength, it is not even inferior to the god clan, but this time I saw it with my own eyes, which is amazing."

Emperor Qingxuan flew to the other side of Zhang Tian as if he was unwilling to be weak, and said, "It's a pity that the Wu people do not cultivate their souls, do not obey the destiny, do not form alliances, and are arrogant and arrogant. Sooner or later, they will be defeated by the Northern Demon Court."

They came all the way with Zhang Tian, ​​and at this time they also acted like allies, advancing and retreating together.

Zhang Tian knew all of this well, and he didn't point out their deliberate friendship. It was as if from the outside world, he took the two queens and stepped into the abyss of the void together.

The stars moved, and when everyone woke up again, they had been teleported to a huge and wild hall.

This hall seems to be inhabited by giants. The top beam is tens of thousands of feet high. The whole body is made of solid black-patterned divine gold, shining with a deep metallic luster.

"You can come here, it means that those wastes are already dead, Jie Jie, there are still some characters in Ninth Mountain and Sea. Now, are you ready for death?"

In the deepest part of the hall, there is an altar of several thousand meters long, with a dark golden throne standing in the center. A charming woman is half leaning on it, speaking in a gloomy tone.

This woman looks very young, wearing a black gauze, holding a snake-shaped black scepter in her right hand, and her aura is like a prison. Just a casual smile makes many emperors feel huge oppression, like To be suffocated, even the thoughts are frozen.

"Hmph, it turned out to be the incarnation of a spiritual sense of the true demon god. If you were the real demon god, this emperor might still be in awe of three points, but now, obey your orders!"

The Wudi Emperor of Buzhoushan looked arrogant, and he turned into a gust of wind and rushed up, and the bronze halberd turned into a radiant brilliance.

"Namo Amitabha--"

Venerable Ananda of the Pure Land of the Buddhist Kingdom also sang, and countless Buddha lights rose up behind him. There was an ancient Buddha sitting in the Buddha light, with his hands in seals, and slammed towards the enchanting woman on the dark golden throne.

In an instant, it seemed that there were thousands of Buddhas attacking, and the Buddha's mighty roar was deafening.


Zhang Tian looked at everything lightly and made an assertion. , , .

Chapter 606 The words of this emperor will not be repeated a second time


The voice of the woman on the dark golden throne sounded almost at the same time as Zhang Tian, ​​and the black-patterned scepter in her hand pointed downward.

For a time, the color of the world changed, and it seemed that even the sun, moon, and stars were dimmed. The entire dark golden palace was twisted and turned into a monstrous beast. Countless demonic energy emerged, turned into thousands of demon chains, and danced in the sky.

"No, this is a heavenly beast!"

The expressions of Emperor Qingxuan and the others changed dramatically. I didn't expect that this enchanting woman would hide such a powerful means.




A series of explosions sounded, and the Buddha's light in the sky was directly annihilated by the demonic energy, and the phantoms of the Buddha were pierced by the powerful magic chain.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Hundreds of magic chains surrounded Venerable Ananda, constantly bombarding the Buddha's light shield outside his body, creating terrifying cracks at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally shattered.

A column of blood spewed out of Venerable Ananda's mouth, and his body flew upside down.

At the same time, the enchanting woman sitting on the dark golden throne also turned into a magic light and flew down.

A splendid demonic hand firmly took down Wudi's bronze halberd, and a charming smile escaped from the corner of his mouth.

"The famous Wu clan, that's all."

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