The witch laughed lightly, her voice was sharp and ear-piercing, and a magic power poured into her palm, and she squeezed the bronze halberd into two halves.


There was a roar of gold and iron, and the Wu Emperor's face showed an unbelievable look of horror, and his body was directly bent into a shrimp shape and flew backwards.

"Jie Jie, I have taken away the souls of you people, this deity is enough to go back for business this time."

The witch flew up, and her black hair danced wildly in the wind. Her body exuded a terrifying aura far beyond that of the gods. Endless demonic energy emerged from her body and merged into the chain of magic, with a might that would destroy the sky and destroy the earth. Boom to everyone.

"Whoosh whoosh—"

The magic chain flew all over the sky, and everyone was included in the attack range. The void trembled, and the space cracks expanded, which was extremely terrifying.

"Ah--" The screams went up and down, and a great emperor was pierced by the magic chain. The emperor's body, which can be called the indestructible King Kong, was not able to resist in front of the magic chain.

"Crack--" A great emperor who was in control of the raging fire was shouting and fighting. Suddenly, a bucket-thick magic chain fell from the sky, as fierce as a divine thunder, directly piercing his body. The descendants who come will be killed together.

"Hey—" Dozens of magic chains were coiled together, like a huge magic snake, trapping several great emperors in it, and then strangling them.

Including the emperor Qingxuan who ordered a powerful ancient country, he was also forced to be embarrassed by dozens of magic chains. He held the little princess in one hand, and the other hand kept waving sapphire palm prints, breaking the attacking magic chain, but It's just slowing down the attack.

However, if you look closely, you can see that she is different from those great emperors who fled like headless flies. Her expression is very serious, and she seems to be dodging in embarrassment.

She is not the only one who has this idea. The Yaochi Palace Master also thought of Zhang Tian at the first time, moved to the vicinity with the mysterious escape technique, and said in a clear voice: "This place is very fierce, please think of a way, Zhang Daoyou."

Such a move is not because they really trust Zhang Tian's strength, but they hope that the immortal paper in Zhang Tian's hands, as long as this thing is used, whether it is to escape from here or kill the witch, there will be no problem.

And they firmly believe that at this moment of life and death, Zhang Tian can't keep anything.Wu Jiu Literature


The ruthless man also whispered, such a terrifying scene, she couldn't help but feel a little nervous with her will.

"Now surrender, dismantle the devil's body, and be the tower spirit of the Tongtian Tower. This is your only way of life. Otherwise, this emperor will let you be wiped out."

Facing the threat of the enchanting witch and the heavenly beast, all the great emperors were uneasy, only Zhang Tiantian calmly talked to the witch, and all the magic chains that blasted at him were all wiped out within a few hundred meters.

Many great emperors were dumbfounded. The power of the real demon god in front of him has exceeded the scope of ordinary demon gods. Even the ancient Buddha clones of the Pure Land of Buddhism and the Wuzhou Mountain Witch Emperor dared to kill. This person actually wants to negotiate with the other party?

No, this is negotiation, it is simply ordering the other party to surrender!

The enchanting witch was stunned for a moment, then showed an extremely cruel look, screamed, and rushed straight to Zhang Tian, ​​the endless demonic energy swept through, and thousands of demonic chains flew like a heavy rain.

Even the huge and boundless heavenly beast roared loudly and stepped towards Zhang Tian.

"court death."

Zhang Tian opened his mouth softly, seemingly without any emotion, but like the decree of the Emperor of Heaven, it resonated with the whole world.

Suddenly, the magic chains woven into iron chains and prisons were all stopped in the void, unable to move at all, as if time and space had stopped.

The enchanting witch suddenly showed a look of horror, and the demonic energy on her body tumbled violently. She suddenly felt a heart of fear, and madly retreated to the rear.

"I want to run now, it's too late."

Zhang Tian snorted coldly, raised his hand to the sky, interlaced his thumb with his middle finger and index finger, and then suddenly separated.


A crisp sound sounded, and the entire space solidified like a mirror, and then burst.

The magic chain is gone.

The heavenly beast that was nearly [-] zhang tall also shattered and died.

The dark red scene on the surrounding side also changed drastically, and buildings with different heights appeared.

It was only then that everyone discovered that they had already left the realm of gods and demons, and were now on a street in Yedu City.

"Heaven, God of Heaven!"

A great emperor suddenly screamed, making the people who were already in shock again tense again, looked at the sound, but couldn't help but take a breath.

I saw that the enchanting witch who had killed the Quartet, was actually hanged in the air by Zhang Tian's throat with one hand, and her expression was full of fear.

"Please... please forgive me, please forgive my life. I am willing to do it, be a tower spirit..."

The witch kept shaking, her figure was very good, the perfect golden ratio, the looming black veil further outlines the figure that is bulging forward and backward, and she looks like a beautiful girl with a pleading expression.

"This emperor's words will not be repeated a second time."

Zhang Tian glanced at her indifferently, and then threw her out.

"Ah, ah-"

Suddenly getting out of trouble, the witch hurriedly fled towards the void, but just as she moved, her body trembled uncontrollably, shattered, and her soul was destroyed! , , .

Chapter 607 Is Zhang Tian the Invincible Emperor?

The Wudi who flew out, Venerable Ananda in ragged cassocks, Emperor Qingxuan who embraced the little princess... Wait, everyone couldn't help but look shocked when they watched this scene.

A true demon god who is comparable to a true immortal, was so ruthlessly killed!

Suddenly, the eyes of many people looking at Zhang Tian changed again, becoming extremely solemn. In less than a day, Zhang Tian's weight in their hearts continued to rise, from the initial inferior Yaochi Palace Master to the one with the other. Emperor Qingxuan and Palace Master Yaochi are side by side, and then they are comparable to ancient Buddha clones, so that now, no one can tell how strong Zhang Tian is.

The invincible emperor!

These four words flashed in the minds of many people, but they were quickly rejected, because the weight of this title is too heavy, and every era can only accommodate such a character.

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