In fact, the title of 'Invincible Great Emperor' is not something that has existed since ancient times, but a title unique to the Middle Ages after Zhantian.

Because of the collapse of the immortal cloud, no one can step into the fairyland. As for the countless amazing and arrogant Tianjiao, they are trapped in the emperor's realm, which makes this realm extremely prosperous.

It can be said without hesitation that in these five million years, any invincible emperor can swept all the emperors at that time. Their talents are no longer under those immortal kings. Once the immortal road is restarted , can almost become an immortal on the spot, chasing the immortal king.

Such a character, even with the vastness of the nine mountains and seas, plus three thousand big worlds and hundreds of millions of small worlds, it will take at least [-] years to create one.

Every birth, will traverse the nine mountains and seas, and be invincible!

And Zhang Tian is only a great emperor from a small world, even if he bears the inheritance of Emperor Lin Wu, how can he bear this unparalleled name?

Facing everyone's astonished gazes, Zhang Tian's expression was still very calm, as if he had just done a trivial thing, he flicked his hands, looked at the tower that stood thousands of feet in the distance, and said calmly: "You and Hades Is this the Tongtian Tower that was negotiated?"

The voice of this sentence was very light, but it made no one dare to ignore it. Palace Master Yaochi stepped forward quickly and said softly: "It seems that fellow Daoist already knows something. Before coming here, Emperor Hades indeed promised Fan promised to open the Tongtian Tower unrestrictedly for a month to give the younger generation Tianjiao trials of the major immortal mountains."

"What else?" Zhang Tian said quietly.

The faces of several top powerhouses changed slightly. Finally, Emperor Qingxuan said: "This time, Daoyou Zhang has made the most contributions to the extermination of the demon gods, and this matter does not need to be kept secret. Being taken advantage of by the demons, it was because of a big turmoil that caused a small part of the area to be connected to a certain life forbidden area."

The nine-tailed Tianhu and other great emperors listened carefully, and they obviously didn't know the deeper inside story.

I just heard the emperor Qingxuan say: "This small part of the area is the top of the Tongtian Tower. As we all know, because of the new method established by the Emperor Burial, the power of the heavens in this universe is very strong, and Lunhai cannot pass nine towers. The holy body cannot reach eternity, but if it is beyond the control of this universe, there is a certain chance of condensing the ten round sea, or the eternal holy body."


As soon as these words came out, many great emperors could not help but take a deep breath, because this idea was too bold and too detached.

But after thinking about it carefully, they felt that this matter is very promising. After all, the rules are dead. After all, the rules of heaven can only be limited in this universe. If you leave this universe, there will be no restrictions. 020 Reading

In fact, no one has thought about this idea. There are many restricted areas of life in the nine major mountains and seas, and they are not governed by the heavenly way of this universe, but all those restricted areas of life are hidden by terrifying alien forces, who would dare to throw Tianjiao into cultivation. ?


Emperor Qingxuan changed his voice and sighed softly: "It is very difficult for Shilunhai to cultivate, even in the ancient times, it was a special case only for the top talents, and Emperor Hades only gave an exception for one month of cultivation time, even if he can achieve it. On the top floor, the possibility of directly condensing ten rounds of sea is very small, and it is a blessing to be able to condense half of it."

Zhang Tian chuckled and said, "It turns out to be like this, so let's do it according to our abilities."

The rest of the great emperors of the Immortal Realm Divine Mountain also showed excitement. When they entered the Tongtian Tower, it was the younger generation Tianjiao who could rely on their own abilities. The boost would also be amazing.

Venerable Ananda from the Pure Land of the Buddhist Kingdom stepped forward, his face had returned to normal, and he said slowly: "The opening token of the Tongtian Tower is in Lao Na's hands. After entering, there are a few things that need to be explained clearly—"

"The first thing, each Tongtian Tower contains a different law of power. This Tongtian Tower has [-] floors and [-] law routes, any of which can lead to the top of the tower. But time is limited, So make sure to choose the law you are best at.”

"The second thing is that the understanding of the law needs to be done step by step. Only by fully comprehending the laws of the current level can you ascend to a higher level and reach the highest level. Because this Tongtian Tower is originally a tower of trials in the Netherworld, so the tower There is a top-level supernatural power technique in the Netherworld, and whoever reaches it first will get this technique."

"The third thing, the Tower of Babel contains the laws of time and space. The flow of time is different from the outside world. One month inside is roughly equivalent to the outside world's nearly two years."

After some words, all Tianjiao felt a burst of enthusiasm, and they could not wait to throw themselves into the tower immediately.However, there are also those with a calm mind. They are not in a hurry to enter, but carefully read all the laws and routes, and plan to find the one that they are most sure of.


In the immortal chariot of Yaochi Immortal Territory, Wu Beginning stepped out, surrounded by golden emperor flames. Although his cultivation was not high, his aura suppressed many emperors, like an emperor who had risen to nine days, making people dare not dare. neglect.

"Zhang Ruren, the top of Tongtian Tower, I'm waiting for you."

Wu Shi glanced at Ruthless Man, said solemnly, and immediately rushed into a passage with a golden light of escape, and it was vaguely seen that the passage was the 'Power Law Route'.

"Haha, Xingtian likes gambling the most. Zhang Ruren, I hope we can fight at the top of the tower!"

Xing Tian, ​​who was carrying a silver battle axe, also stepped out, with a desolate aura, causing many Tianjiao to avoid it subconsciously.

It is also invincible, the domineering shown by Wu Shi, and the barbaric shown by Xing Tian.

After he said this, he also rushed into the Tongtian Tower, choosing the law of killing!

Under everyone's attention, Ruthless Man bid farewell to Zhang Tianyi, until Zhang Tian leaned over and kissed her on the cheek, she turned around shyly, and rushed into the Tongtian Tower without hesitation.

That is - Huangquan Law! , , .

Chapter 608 Take the Emperor Burial Paper as a Bet!

The stars moved, and when the ruthless man regained his senses, he had already appeared in a golden palace. A vast yellow spring divided the entire hall into two, mighty and mighty, leading straight to the unseen depths.

The ruthless man walked to the edge of the river that seemed to be soaked in yellow sand, raised his hand to hold a ball of water, and was surprised to find that the water was not an entity, but composed of pure law.

"Could this be the legendary Yellow Spring?"

The ruthless man turned his mind and absorbed the water in his palm, and suddenly felt a pure insight pouring into her heart, which shocked her very much. The mysterious and mysterious law in the legend is now in front of her, and it is within reach. !

"Sure enough, it is worthy of being the famous cultivation treasure of the Nine Great Mountains and Seas. The Tongtian Pagoda can be described as an exhaustive study of the mystery of good fortune. Those top powers have learned the law in the Tongtian Pagoda since childhood, and their strength can naturally overwhelm the Quartet."

After sighing for a while, the ruthless man did not delay, and directly sacrificed the hell oven, the platinum holy flame was burning brightly, rolled up a large amount of yellow spring water like a whale sucking a cow, and refined it frantically.

The ruthless man just sat cross-legged by the river, constantly comprehending the Law of Yellow Springs.


After a long while, the ruthless man suddenly raised his eyebrows. It turned out that when she was going to refine those purified principles, the map of stars and swords that Huang Quan Jiansheng gave her suddenly became a masterpiece, the Huangquan Sword Soul that has been in a sealed state It actually flew out of the star aperture by himself.

I saw this Huangquan sword soul swirl around, suddenly generating a suction force, absorbing all the insights in the sea of ​​​​knowledge of the ruthless, and at the same time feeding back a force of affinity, establishing a connection with the ruthless.

"It turns out that this is the real refining method!"

Ruthless was overjoyed. She was unable to refine the Huangquan sword soul before, but because the emperor's will guarded the sword soul and refused to refine her, and this Huangquan insight could just resolve the emperor's obsession.

That is to say, the more Huangquan Law she absorbed, the weaker the emperor's obsession on Huangquan Sword Soul, and the stronger her control over Huangquan Sword Soul.

Figured this out, the ruthless people have no scruples, and wantonly absorb and refine.

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