"Whoa whoa-"

The water of countless yellow springs poured into the hell oven, and was refined into pure energy into the sea of ​​​​consciousness of the ruthless, and was absorbed by the sword soul of Huangquan.

In this way, after less than half an hour, Ruthless Man's body suddenly flashed with brilliance, but he absorbed all the yellow spring water on the first floor and entered the second floor.

At this level, the ruthless man did not rush to cultivate immediately, but took out Zi Yan's locator to observe it, and said happily: "This distance is just a little bit closer, and the third sister is indeed in the tower, but it is I don't know which route she chose, she wants to meet at the top of the tower."

After observing for a while, the ruthless man put away the locator, shook the void behind him, sacrificed the hell oven, and continued refining.

Half an hour later, the brilliance flickered on the ruthless man's body, but he entered the third floor.

Outside the Tongtian Tower, everyone has been waiting for nearly two months. Although people such as the Yaochi Palace Master, Qingxuan Emperor and others are all involved in a lot of important things, the Tianjiao in the Tongtian Tower is more important, so they are all the same. Staying outside and guarding at every turn.

"Haha, the left and right are also idle, why don't we make a bet?" Lu Zhulin's novel www.lzlxiaoshu.com

Wu Zhoushan's Wudi said loudly, breaking the tranquility.

Venerable Ananda glanced at him and said, "What does the Wudi want to bet on?"

The Wu Emperor touched his bald head and said loudly, "I'll bet on who can climb to the top of the Tongtian Tower this time and win the top martial arts of the Netherworld. As for the bet, the emperor would like to take out three or two tea leaves from the ancient tea tree of enlightenment. Bet my Wu clan Xingtian will win."

As soon as these words came out, everyone couldn't help but take a deep breath. This is definitely a big deal. The ancient tea tree of enlightenment is one of the five ancient divine trees. It is also a treasure for the Immortal King, and only aliens like the Wu clan who do not cultivate the way of heaven will treat it like a piece of chaff.

The corner of Venerable Ananda's eyes jumped, he didn't have strong confidence in Hunyuan Xiaopeng King, but at this time he couldn't lose the face of the Buddha's Pure Land, and he pondered: "Wu Di is heroic, Lao Na will take the lead and take out three pieces. Longevity bitter fruit as a bet."

The Longevity Bitter Spirit Tree is also one of the five ancient sacred trees. There is a mother tree in the Pure Land of the Buddha Kingdom, so it is not too stressful to take out three fruits, but it makes the drooling of the emperors who eat melons envy.

The Yaochi Palace Master smiled slightly, "Since Wu Emperor and Venerable Ananda are so interested, this palace will also mix one or two, and add three million-year-old peach fruit as a bet."

She has a lot of confidence in Wu Shi.

"This time I came from the ancient country of Qingxuan prepared. This emperor would like to bet on three immortal ancient green bodhis. The immortal fruits provided by several fellow Taoists can help the princess of the ancient country to enhance her heritage!"

Emperor Qingxuan said confidently, raised his hand and flicked, three immortal fruits containing majestic energy flew out and landed on the central tray, and the other three bets were already placed on it.

Enlightenment ancient tea, longevity bitter fruit, million-year-old peach, immortal ancient green bodhi.

Looking at the four immortal fruits on the tray, the eyes of all the great emperors turned red. This was the fourth of the five ancient divine trees that gathered. Even in the ancient times, I am afraid that only the Celestial Court can see such a scene.

Not to mention the fiery hearts of the great emperors of the Immortal Domain Divine Mountain, even Venerable Ananda and Yaochi Palace Master, who were the parties, were a little uneasy at this time. It was like this kind of immortal fruit treasure, the value of which was comparable to the elixir of immortality. The top forces rarely communicate with each other, and they are extremely precious things to them.

In this tense atmosphere, Zhang Tian suddenly chuckled and said, "Since there is a betting contract, why not add this Emperor."

Wu Diweng said: "It's easy to enter the betting contract, but you must first place a bet of equivalent value."

Venerable Ananda smiled indifferently and shook his head, obviously not thinking that Zhang Tian, ​​who came from a small world, would be able to come up with a treasure at the level of an immortal medicine.

The expression on Zhang Tian's face remained unchanged, he thought for a moment, raised his hand and grabbed it towards the void, a flash of light flashed, and a thin piece of white paper had appeared in the palm of his hand.


The moment the white paper appeared, Venerable Ananda, Wudi and other powerful emperors suddenly felt a huge terror in their hearts, and they all retreated.

Yaochi Palace Master even said in one sentence: "This is the immortal paper that buried the Emperor of Heaven. What do fellow Daoists plan to do?"

Zhang Tian smiled casually and threw the Immortal Order paper on the tray, "Let's take this Immortal Order paper as a bet, what do you think?"

As soon as these words came out, the audience instantly fell into an ice cave. , , .

Chapter 609 Ruthless man is cheating!

Make a bet with the immortal paper of the Emperor Burying?

This is such a big deal, I am afraid that in ancient times, it will cause waves of nine mountains and seas, enough to make those immortal kings and even quasi-immortal emperors crazy.

Wu Emperor's eyes like Huang Zhong Dalu widened, and his giant mountain-like hand moved, as if he couldn't help but want to snatch it directly, but remembering Zhang Tian's terrifying strength, he suppressed it. I felt the excitement in my heart, but looked at the tray with eyes that were so hot that they were about to burst into flames.

Even if the Wu clan's head is not bright, they are very aware of and yearn for the power of the immortal decree, especially since this is the immortal decree of the first emperor of the ancient times, even if it is a quasi-immortal emperor, it must be avoided.

The corners of Venerable Ananda's eyes twitched wildly, and he kept reciting Buddhist scriptures. This was really a major challenge to test his Buddhist cultivation. For his tens of thousands of years of cultivation, he almost lost control in front of such a treasure.

Not to mention Palace Master Yaochi and Emperor Qingxuan, their hearts were beating wildly, and their faces were extremely rosy.

To a certain extent, the two of them needed this immortal decree paper more than the Buddhist Pure Land and Buzhou Mountain.

The same treasure can play different roles in the hands of different people.

Buddhist Pure Land and Buzhou Mountain are already the pinnacles of the Nine Great Mountains and Seas. An extra piece of immortal paper can only be said to be the icing on the cake, but if it falls into the hands of Yaochi Xianyu and Qingxuan Ancient Country, it will be a nuclear weapon. The strong background, although they can't make them a force comparable to the Buddha's Pure Land, but at least it can make the Buddha's Pure Land not dare to provoke them easily.

Such a heaven-defying opportunity is right in front of us, who can't be mad at it.

"Zhang Daoyou is sure that you will use this immortal paper as a bet?" Yaochi Palace Master barely calmed down and asked again carefully.

Jiuwei Tianhu was in a hurry and said quickly: "Xianling paper is too precious, why should Daoyou Zhang take such a risk? I, Tianming Shenshan, would like to take a pool of Tianming Wugen Water to pay the bet on behalf of Daoist friend."

Venerable Ananda hurriedly proclaimed the Buddha's name and said, "All bets must be paid on the spot, and no credit will be given."

"That's right, unless you take out a pool of Tianming WuRoot Water now."

The Witch Emperor also shouted loudly.

Zhang Tian smiled slightly, held down the shoulders of the nine-tailed celestial fox, and said in a low voice: "Let's take this immortal decree paper as a bet, if Nannan can't win the top-level exercises in the Netherworld, this immortal decree paper will be at your disposal. "


This kind of generosity shocked everyone, looking at Zhang Tian with very complicated eyes, I don't know if he was too stupid or too confident.

Seeing that all the dust had settled, Emperor Qingxuan couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief. He raised his eyes to look at the Tongtian Tower. The bet was done, and it just depends on who will win the trial champion.

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