"Then you can go with this emperor!"

Zhang Tian spoke in a low voice, the void around Soul Qinghou suddenly collapsed layer by layer, revealing a vast star field, endless starlight spread out, connecting nine mountains and seas, in this star sea, Shengyuan Continent is as small as a mayfly .

Hun Qinghou only glanced at it, and his scalp felt numb, because the end point of the star road connection under his feet was not the Nanhuang Soul Palace, but the old lair of the soul clan: the soul world!

As a super family handed down from ancient times, the soul clan's background is terrifying and unimaginable, especially in this soul world, it is the ancestor of the soul clan, the existence that is close to the immortal king, and it is a space of its own.

Even if a true immortal-level powerhouse wants to enter the soul realm, he must first go to the Tiangang Hall at the headquarters of the soul temple, and then use the blood soul order as a guide to open the door to the soul realm.

It is precisely because of the existence of this soul realm that the soul clan has been hit hard for millions of years, but it has always stood for a long time. Until today, it has become one of the hidden forces at the top of the continent, and only one soul temple under its jurisdiction is. It can stir up bloodshed on the mainland.

However, this mysterious man in front of him actually opened a door in the Soul Realm with just a simple stroke!

What kind of cultivation is this?

Horrible, so scary.

Zhang Tian ignored Hun Qinghou's shock and threw him in directly, then stepped out and descended directly into the Soul Realm!

A vast imperial power emanated from him and enveloped the entire soul realm.

At this moment, Zhang Tian is no longer half ordinary. He stands tall and straight in the void, like an immortal monument, representing eternity and the way of heaven.

The entire soul world, the endless towering buildings, all collapsed at the same time as this vast imperial might swept in!

Countless soul clan disciples, trembling with fear, knelt down on the ground, like subjects welcoming the return of the emperor.

"I don't know where my soul clan has offended my seniors, and I ask my seniors to forgive me."

The Lord of the Soul Clan, Nanhuang's true peerless powerhouse Soul Heaven Emperor, was kneeling on the ground at this moment, making a trembling voice.

Chapter 73 Kill the Immortal with a Flick of Your Fingers!

"Li Qing!"

Zhang Tian spoke in a low voice, the void in front of Emperor Soul Heaven burst with a bang, and a man with a strange appearance fell directly from the crack in the void, his body was blurred and his eyes were full of horror. It was he who took the initiative to chat with Yu Xin before. interracial man.

The Soul Heaven Emperor was even more frightened. He knew very well that Li Qing's strength was close to that of the Immortal Emperor. He was caught directly from the air and severely injured. What kind of terrifying cultivation was this.

Li Qing was suddenly severely injured, feeling Zhang Tian's powerful spiritual pressure, and his heart was also extremely horrified. He hurriedly lay on the ground like a soul emperor, and said in horror: "Senior, forgive me, senior forgive me, I don't know where the junior offended the senior."

Zhang Tian raised his hand in the void, and transformed into Yu Xin's charming smile, and said coldly, "Donghuang, Yu Xin, do you still remember?"

Li Qing looked seriously and whispered: "Remember, remember. At that time, when I was inspecting the world, I happened to meet this little girl. Seeing her extraordinary physique, I gave birth to a love for talent and guided her to worship in the Soul Palace. …”

"She is the daughter of this emperor, you planted the other side flower on her, do you think this emperor can't see it?" Zhang Tian's tone was cold.

"What!" Li Qing was horrified and said in horror: "I... I don't know her relationship with the senior. Please forgive the senior. I am willing to unlock the other side of the flower for your daughter."

"Dare to deceive, looking for death!" Zhang Tian's face sank, and he raised his hand and blasted out a golden beam. Suddenly, a big hole was blasted out of Li Qing's heart, and countless green blood spurted out. The body is lost, the petals wither, and they are dying.

"The other side flower has already bloomed in three colors, and the will is connected with the soul of this emperor's daughter. Only one side devours the other. Even the peerless fairy king or the eight-color other side flower can't separate them. What are you!"

"Senior Mingjian, junior's meaning, try your best to help your daughter suppress the will of the other side flower in her body, and there is no deception."

Under the bombardment of Jin Mang, Li Qing's foundation was almost destroyed, but he did not dare to hate Zhang Tiansheng, but he had to show a submissive appearance.This is absolute strength, which makes people unable to resist at all!

Zhang Tian said lightly: "No need. You planted the other side flower in the body of this emperor's daughter, just because you wanted to wait until she was swallowed by the other side flower, and then you would absorb the essence of the other side flower and completely break through to the six-color immortal realm. In this case, Bendi will use your essence to nourish the other side flower in Bendi's daughter."

"No... No, Soul Master, save me!" Li Qing roared wildly, his unwilling consciousness penetrated the world.Qiandu Chinese website www.qianduzw.com

The Soul Heavenly Emperor glanced at Li Qing and said indifferently: "Li Qing, you are just a master worshipped by my Soul Clan, since you have done such a bad thing, you must have the consciousness to take it on your own, and don't even think of dragging my Soul Clan together. into the water."

"Ah... Soul Heaven Emperor, you are so cruel!" Li Qing screamed and tried to break through the space to escape, but was instantly enveloped in the flames that Zhang Tian gently pointed out, but in the blink of an eye, it was burned. The soul flew away, leaving only a drop of green tiger-like liquid the size of a fingertip, which was crystal clear. It was the essence of his vegetation and was collected by Zhang Tian.

Killing an existence that was close to immortality with a flick of a finger, these ruthless means shocked and horrified the Soul Heaven Emperor, and quickly said respectfully: "Senior, this matter is entirely done by Li Qing alone, it has nothing to do with the Soul Palace, and it has nothing to do with my Soul Clan. It has nothing to do with it. However, I sincerely apologize for the harm you caused to your daughter, and I am willing to pay one million holy spirit stones as compensation, and I also ask the seniors to raise your hand."

Soul Tiandi is worthy of being a hero of a generation, and he immediately exploded a sky-high price.One million holy spirit stones, such a huge amount, is enough to make countless ancient sect holy places bankrupt. Even if it is a soul clan, if they take out such a large amount of spirit stones, their vitality will be greatly damaged, and they will not be able to recover within a thousand years.

Zhang Tian said in a low voice: "There is no need for compensation. This emperor's daughter had a good time in the Soul Palace and will not leave in a short time. You can have someone take care of it, but don't be too obvious."

"Yes, yes, the junior understands the meaning of the senior and must be considerate."

Soul Tiandi couldn't help showing ecstasy. He had planned to break the bank and eliminate disasters, but he didn't expect that in the end, it would turn around and get a great opportunity. As long as there was a bond of Yuxin, he could continue to draw closer to Zhang Tian. This Xeon exists.

"Well, I hope you don't disappoint Ben Emperor."

Zhang Tian left one last sentence and left directly.

The reason why he dispatched himself was because he was worried that the matter had something to do with the nine-colored other side flower millions of years ago. After discovering that it was just a remnant of the other side's flower family, he naturally had no interest in staying any longer.

Back in Yuxin's room, Zhang Tian showed a soothing look, gently caressed his daughter's silky cheeks, pushed away the hair on her forehead, and a flower on the other side floated out in the light of the night. , The branches and leaves are stretched, and the flowers bloom in three colors, which are extremely gorgeous.

On Zhang Tian's eyebrows, a blood-colored eyeball appeared, and he only glanced at the other side flower. The other side flower was struck by lightning suddenly, and a faint light smoke was emitted. And become a treasure similar to the incarnation outside the body.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Tian couldn't help nodding his head with satisfaction. With a little fingertip, he sent out the essence of the six-colored flower.

I saw that after Yuxin's head was nourished, the stems and leaves became more and more crystal green, and a bud formed below, as if a fourth petal would bloom at any time.

Chapter 74 The first place in the five prisons list!

Early the next morning, the morning sun rose, and a wisp of purple air swept across the ground.

Yu Xin slowly opened her beautiful eyes, revealing a sweet smile, as if she had a good dream, and even the corners of her eyes were curved like crescent moons.

After having breakfast, she went out as usual. The moment she walked out of the small courtyard, her eyes suddenly became cold, and a wave of wood turbulent came out. She rode the light and ran out of the city of freedom at a very high speed, and then came to the top. The grove of times to change clothes.

Sitting cross-legged in the forest, Yuxin was a little between her eyebrows, and the other side flower stretched out, swallowing the surrounding vegetation aura.

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